

SF's Incontestable Pimp
Valued Senior Member

Okay so we can assume a non-localized wave to go onward forever untill it is defined. Non-localized waves have no location, they are boundless and we can assume it is everything and anything untill it is defined as being apart of something but this still wouldent make it exclusively so as its not an ultimate fixed state.

A localized wave.

We accept that consciousness is merely the end-result of a biological system in a perfect balanced state to sustain this as localized consciousness.

The figure above "localized wave" help to demonstrate the concept that the energy of localized energy is still non localized at any given point and extends forever. The localized wave only has its energy concentrated around a point giving it a particle shape. Nevertheless it has a component extending to infinity which will eventually become localized again after it becomes unlocalized.

Given the correct conditions mass can be energy and vise versa because they both have a wave particle nature.
Energy and matter have both a wave nature and a partciel nature. The energy can be expereinced as a wave in
a undefined and unbounded non localized form extneding to infinity or as an experience a particle localized with a defined shape.

Can god be unlocalized energy consciousness etc. that makes things appear as they are after a frame of locality?

Like...... the big bang......couldent this just be the beggining of locality and not the fundamental premise of matter?

I suspect that consciousness is the energy that permeates every process of creation. Non-localized consciousness (god) and localized consciousness that we can identify with because of the perspective consciousness creates for us as beings that are apart of a biological system (which is necessitated to create a localized position) (god assigning meaning which would otherwise be negated) almost like different interactions of matter fostering different properties resulting in a creation of either localized matter or localized/unlocalized energy even though we can say they materialize from the same fundamental constituent of matter.

So could consciousness itself be god?? Like the matter god would be made from if he existed as an entity?

Does consciousness itself have a particle wave duality nature?
This reality by default is illusionary in experience because our senses are trying to interpretate this "data" by creating what appears to be constant frames in reality independant of matter and energiess true nature. Its just a fixed position looking at a fixed locality, a possibility, a interpretation provided by our hardwired cogntive structure birthing consciousness in every possible state but fixed in the perspective we have.

All matter has energy who is to say that there isnt a little level of consciousness as well in EVERY form of matter.

How else can we logcally reduce what exactly permeates the energy? There has to be another foundation, god, at work............

fabric of consciousness that permeates even physical matter that appears to be independant of consciousness
There has to be another foundation, god, at work............

OK, so now you have enlarged the smaller question to a much bigger question: God. That is not progress, but begging the question. A common mistake, and a myth-take.
OK, so now you have enlarged the smaller question to a much bigger question: God. That is not progress, but begging the question. A common mistake, and a myth-take.

You propose the alternative, "nothing" which is exactly like my theory but you dont personify the enveloping intellgence reality is based upon?

You prefer to say its random or sequential as if this is not attributed in the concept of god. Your nothing is almost as unprovable than god is. God atleast has some evidence versus the notion of nothing.
You propose the alternative, "nothing" which is exactly like my theory but you dont personify the enveloping intellgence reality is based upon?

You prefer to say its random or sequential as if this is not attributed in the concept of god. Your nothing is almost as unprovable than god is. God atleast has some evidence versus the notion of nothing.

Nothing has no intelligence or any other option but to jiggle into loose change as a balance of positive and negative. We see 'nothing' doing this in the Casimir effect and when we make a vacuum that then turns into something. Particles pairs and photons are emitted.
Oh my god SciWriter.
So this enveloping intelligence is "nothing jiggling into loose change as a balance of positive or negative"

That is the premise of your belief. Even if we accept this very broad and innacurate term namely 'nothing' how is this "balance" not considered intelligence when you consider the implications of what is u state.

Nothing and infinity is one........

This indicates intelligence when we have taken account that this construct of "nothing and infinity" are abituary measurements of a scale that doesent exist. How can nothing and infinite states be........

without experience? Conscious experience?

Than we have to account that experience itself exists. Thus, god. Experience permeates all we see. That is the only reality my friend.
Oh my god SciWriter.
So this enveloping intelligence is "nothing jiggling into loose change as a balance of positive or negative"

Yes, remember that simpler and simpler states lie beneath, with nothing being the simplest.

That is the premise of your belief. Even if we accept this very broad and innacurate term namely 'nothing' how is this "balance" not considered intelligence when you consider the implications of what is u state.

It can be no other way but a balance, which is also the basis for energy conservation. There is no mind/brain there having intelligence. Beings with brains come later on up the chain.

That is the only reality my friend (meaning consciousness).

Nope, for our senses take stuff in from out there, but it is true that consciousness is our only portal to what's out there, after it is translated by the brain and with an even more usable face painted upon it, such as qualia for colors, sounds (from air vibrations), tastes (from molecule vectors for sweet, slat, bitter, and sweet), odors (nasal molecule receptors), and much more.
We can agree that matter in its most fundamental levels is not the way we would have initially concieved it. Substantial mass of objects is much different on an energetic levels. Our "consciousness", our "reality" is the associated operation in the brain that functions on this energetic plain. We enter a perception, an experience based on this neuron processing and we experience creation in frequencies we can understand via our senses.

We see relative objects obeying what we call netonian laws of the physical and the particle nature of energy consciousness dominates

However, at the atomic level, which structures the world we inhabit and in the realm of the brain synapsis and atomic and molecular interactions in the brain, quantum mechanics, probability and the wave nature of energy consciousness dominates.

What this means is that as a being our energy is only currently localized in existance in our physical body. Just like any physical object we have both a physical form (particle form) and wave form. Similarly our consciousness has both particle form which we experience and a wave form. Most of our attention and awareness is directed in our physical experience as a human being However do you think that it might be possible that our wave particle nature of energy , consciousness permeates unseen creation that happens simataneously, alas, our imagination. Creation from what can be infered.

We have been conditioned to experience this plain of physical form of the wave particle duality of both energy and consciousness in this level due to our hardware configurations one of possible infinite reality systems I suspect down to atomic and up to macro system levels.

Our focus, our ego leads us to beleive we are seperate. But I suspect we are one. Experience has to feel seperate and unconnected but I feel it has to have meaning if it exists and the universe conditions it to maintain as long as requirements are met.....we will survive, die out, get created again how can everything be nothing and seperate, hopefully when you analyze your theory youll know that your nothing and seperate is my everything and one and that are arguing simple semnatics.

What better label is there than god for the concepts we know about the premise of physical reality and us being a fixed position? I am not exclusive to this label but "nothing" doesent suffice to me. Its relative like all else im sure.

I feel like god is the nonlocal wave and Im the implicative particle trying to define a state ;) maybe our consciousness is neurons for some better creature. Maybe even god.
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