

Registered Member
Ehy guys im new here and i thought this might be the place to post my topic. I am incredibly skeptic of ghosts, aliens ,etc. But i really wish to believe that it could be true. I hear things at this forum, about people seeing aliens people being aliens people being abducted and some guy is supposedly a prophet wich i wont believe ( definately ). And any ways wish to know whatsup.

So unskeptisize me
- Alex
A warm welcome to ya, Arsonist. I really hope ya enjoy yer stay here. I don't know if SciForums can unskepticize ya, but I know ya'll really like it here.

I would personally suggest ya look around in Religion and EM&J (Ethics, Morality, and Justice). There're some good topics there.

See ya 'round!

- Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all! Âðelwulf.
Dear Arsonist,

There are 4 Viewpoints that you need first understand,

The Skeptics-- Those who automatically try to devise ways to explain the unverifiable by utilizing information that makes sense/ correlate with previous theory and understanding.
The Religious -- Allow their religious convictions to limit them and their cognitions. While I would lie within this distinction, I am also lie in the thinker catagory... Although, my relgious convictions are quite stronger. I am one of the rare religious followers that are convinced that everything has truth and validity to it.. Its a matter of deciphering the real from the fake, and unfortuantely that is some instances is impossible in this mortal form.
The Scientists -- Those that are true and unbiased, researching topics and theory pre-thought before them.
And the Thinkers -- Those who develop theorys which have never been devised before... A great one, Erich Von Daniken... REGARDLESS if his statements are truths, or half-truths, he is a pioneer and a quite interesting read.

The most important thing is to rationalize your opinions yourself, and let no one tell you what to think.. Think for yourself and listen to your soul for guidance.
Hi Arsonist, terpinators four categories can be further simplified.

There are scientists, and ex-scientists, who are skeptics.

There are woowoos, who will believe anything, and can barely spell, let alone comprehend physics.

That's it. Simple. Educated folks, and badly educate folks, who are superstitious. Same as it ever was.
phlogistician said:
Hi Arsonist, terpinators four categories can be further simplified.

There are scientists, and ex-scientists, who are skeptics.

There are woowoos, who will believe anything, and can barely spell, let alone comprehend physics.

That's it. Simple. Educated folks, and badly educate folks, who are superstitious. Same as it ever was.

I dislike your scheme.. I disagree that people lie within 2 distinct levels.... Certaintly, within all society/nature hiearchial elements are more Vertical than horizontal.
Does this mean I am considered A woowoo?

I may have bad spelling, but I don't belive everything.
I am not here to impress poeple with proper grammer and spelling, but that doesn't mean my input is not worthless.

And I hate when poeple bring physics into question. A UFO can move like a dragon fly or humming bird at times. Does that mean any UFO that can be able fly like that just not possible? Just an example.

... and Skeptics don't have to be just scientists or ex-scientists... it can be an everyday joe too ya' know.

terpinator72 really said it best. Hard to simplify that.

Welcome to the forums Arsonist. Don't be afraid to speak up. :)

Everything here is nicely catagorized into seperate forums, so feel free to check each one out.
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And no matter what.... Expect ridicule because someone else is always more well read in a specific viewpoint that you.. :)