Hey what's up....i'm new


Registered Member
Hey all i am the newbie here what's up? tell me a little about this place and yourselvs.
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I think "they" get friendlier if you start, tell them about yourself and stuff...

actually, "they" are rather nice.:rolleyes:
Oh Welcome, Welcome! Hope you find lots of amusement and knowledge on these here pages:D

Groove on


Interesting name. Decimator = killer of every tenth man.

Yes we do tend to react to something you might say. Join in, get your feet wet, be controversial and you’ll find support and enemies. There are scientists here, and dreamers, and jokers, and philosophers, and kids, and idealists.

But mostly everyone is here to express themselves, and maybe to learn, but usually, I think, to enjoy themselves.

Callatya That’s very nice of you.

Welcome to sciforums, Decimator.

Sometimes it takes a bit before members actually see your post. The format of the boards allows members to come here at different intervals, so your post may be seen at different times by different members. Call it the luck of the draw or whatever. The more you post the more responce you get eventually. Most members here are friendly once you get to know them.

I echo Cris's thoughts on the subject, Callatya. That was a nice observation from you.
Hello and welcome.

tell me a little about this place and yourselvs

28, male, ex-navy, now computer engineering student (a beginner), and currently obsessed with the grooviest girl on Earth. Also I work on that wold domination thing in my spare time. One day you will all refer to me as El Presidente.
Hi Decimator. :) Welcome to Sciforums. As you will find out for yourself when you post a little so here and there, the people here are friendly and always in for a good discussion or giving information if you ask for it.

That you may post here long and happy in our own community. It is a good place to hang around.

Enjoy and have fun...:cool:
ahhh, ok, see! i told you they were nice!:D

I am 18, studying veterinary nursing, keep siamese fighting fish, breed guppies, ride horses, addicted to the net...no.... very addicted to the net.:rolleyes:

I havent posted much, i am a lurker, most of the time i am way out o my depth, but the conversations fascinate me, and one day i will get up the guts to yell and scream at the best of them! :p

anyways, nice meeting ya, i hope when you find this you smile
Wotcha Decimator.
You'll have a good time here if you like strong conversation.
I'm 36, work in sexual health, have two cats and a huge drugs bill!:D

See ya round..
How you doing

i am a 19 year old bum (actually i am hoping to do a chiefs aprentiship). I have one cat (named tipsy) and i love arguing.
ok i suck at spelling (ive said it in every thread ive subscribed to)

Chief Apprenticeship

you know learn to be a cook
Darn, I was hoping I could learn to be a chief. I think I'd be good at it. Good luck with your culinary odyssey (for the record, I'm also planning on chef training as a means to rescue me from the inevitable despair that I'll be feeling in a few months).
in 1995 my dad was the third best chef in maine. For all of you that say 'yeah, well maine's a really small state with no one in it,' I reply, 'yeah well he was still the third best of all of em!'

Welcome to sciforums, btw.
Thankyou all

thanx well i do really injoy it here and i am glad to be a part of this great comunity as for me I am a beginner C++ programmer *with bad spelling that makes me LOOK ignorent* and i like to play a little sports and hang out with my friends I am 16 and I live in california.
Re: Thankyou all

Originally posted by Decimator
*with bad spelling that makes me LOOK ignorent*

Thed's first law of net use. Never correct typos as youll make one yourself. :)

Welcome to the party.

For the record I'm a 38 yr old male from good old Blighty. Works, when forced, with computers and tries to make sense of an increasingly complex world. I've got a degree in Astrophysics, he says if that is a sign of some intelligence. Big on Sci-Fi (dead tree format) and music.
Chef, Chief what the hey as long as you're a chum...
Who cares?
