hey i'm new...hi


Registered Member
Hey i just thought i should say hi to everyone cuz i'm new here. Acer told me about this forum and so far it seems cool. i'm 15 and live in Cinci Ohio, but am completely homesick and wish to move back to my homeland...Canada. I say hi to all u proud canadians out there. Well thats about it....
lol ultra your homeland:D i have to say this!

WELCOME TO SCIFORUMS.COM even though im the one that told you about it:p
I got nothing against the americans and I understand where they come from, to need protection, but they could educate the world and feed it ten times over with the yearly income for their military. I dont know, it just saddens me.

Anyway, the US is cool too, so welcome to sciforums ultramarine.
By the way, do you like hockey? (flames rock!)
Elbaz it's not our fault that our politicians are idiots, it's the fault of the masses.

Glory to the homeland!
Welcome to Sciforums, Ultramarine. I hope you enjoy it here as well as in Cinci. Of course, there is no place like home, no place like home...hey, where'd all that wind come from?????????
I guess you can say all politicians are idiots but they do what the masses tell them to, like you said, and thats how they make a living.

But I'm reminded of this other quote asking
If the politicians are so stupid then why arent the smart people running the government. We're stupid to tell them, we make the decisions. I hate our feds. They claim to be liberals yet they run the country like communists.

A country needs balance between taxes, governmental control, and social programs. They drive our country into the ground cause they tax too much and spend stupidly.

Chretien is an asshole. The guy has a single digit IQ with little to no dignity. How do guys like that get into power? the smart people are to stupid to do it themselves.

BTW whats with 15 year olds a sciforums? There must be like 10 of us constantly posting?
hey elbaz, we all know chretien is one dumb shit, but the problem is, we don't have an english guy dumb enough to want the job, so i guess hes still in for a bit. Just damn well wait, i'm gonna be the best prime minister ever...i'm gonna start by cutting down the sales tax and taking away that piece of bull shit GSP (government screw tax) cuz there is no need for it anymore...hasn't for about..uhmm...seven years!

Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome guys!
The GST was introduced by the Conservatives. I'm not sure the Liberals have enacted any new taxes yet. And they've eliminated the deficit the Conservatives accumulated which was crippling the country.
Welcome Ultramarine,

I suppose someone should mention the responsibility of a Prime Minister or spokesperson for a government, They have to suffer the torment of knowing that what ever their party or group does (like raise taxes, or privatise some service) that their name throughout history will be remembered for F-ups.

This means that the only people that end up running a country are pawns pushed by their parties, they smile, they wave, they read an autocue but above all they are just a face that is there to quench the publics first for someone to blame during linchings.

Of course the government is truly like a secret society, where persons that make Military decisions don't change with the votes because those sorts of things are actually kept from being known by the Premiere.
(Afterall he or she might eventually be voted out, and the whole system ends up rewired all over again)
yeah the defecit has been down for years, yet y do we still have the GST? Anyways, whatever goes on, whatever happens to Canada through any kind of possible destruction that could occur through Chretien's shitty dumbassedness, i'm still, and always will be proud to be Canadian. I AM CANADIAN(hehe molson commericials) :)
Isn't it so Canadian to have an almost incomprehensible PM with a French accent who jokes about serious national issues all the while being swept into power thrice because there's no one else appears to be more competent.

Hell, John A Macdonald was a drunk.

At least I think that's Canadian.
the potential is there for Canada to become a great nation. Well, at least it was there after World War II. It just really pisses me off that people keep voting for chretien. My opinion is simple...put someone in there other than chretien...hell and see what happens.
no place like home

Originally posted by wet1 [/there is no place like home, no place like home...

Hey wet1 so your the one who droped a house on my wifes sister thanks but next time try for the wife.

:D :D
Welcome Ultramarine

That we may assist you as reality unfolds with the passage of time.....

Ssssh! I got so many requests now I can't keep up with them all...
Look at Alberta,

Klein was a high school dropout. He became premier by running around to all the bars and getting drunk with em. He did what the people want.

Which is why Alberta is smoking. Very little sales tax, no pst, and all this other shit has made us better and gained the government more than taxes could ever make.

I'd like to point out 1980 and the NEP when pierre truduea stole todays equivelant of 100 billion dollars from Alberta. He probably spent it on his toilet paper too.

So we have klein, and lets now add Macdonald to the list. He made his best speeches drunk, he got kicked out of office for a few years from bribery. I love that old speech of his too.

Macdonald standing on pile of horse shit.

Macdonald - I now stand on the platform of the liberals!...that one line probably won him the election.

Anyway. they do what we want by doing what we need. It might not appear shiny like all those cuts in the early 90's but we're now reaping the rewards. In two years alberta;s debt will be eliminated. The feds should take example from us.

that probably had no relevance but I just had the urge to blurt it out. Happy posting.
Which is why Alberta is smoking. Very little sales tax, no pst, and all this other shit has made us better and gained the government more than taxes could ever make.

You don't suppose it has something to do with the massive amount of oil we're sitting atop? I suspect a monkey could run Alberta successfully. And so could Klein.