Hey, im new here and....


Registered Member
I was wondering if there is any way to awaken these abilties? I once read in a book that every humen has a ability, and was wondering if there was a way to awaken them. I just remember i one saw in 4th grade a blue outline of my gym teacher. Does that mean something? and can i do anything else for any other abilitys, and how can i find out if i have them. Do they just pop up one day?
The path to awaken parapsychological abilities goes through meditation and a general spiritual evolution of yourself.
There are numerous techniques and many out there to tell you what is right and wrong. So just trust your instincts and seek out your own method that is most suitable for you.
What you saw was most likely your teachers aura.
PyroLover said:
I was wondering if there is any way to awaken these abilties? I once read in a book that every humen has a ability, and was wondering if there was a way to awaken them. I just remember i one saw in 4th grade a blue outline of my gym teacher. Does that mean something? and can i do anything else for any other abilitys, and how can i find out if i have them. Do they just pop up one day?

I once read a book that says there are no such abilities. Does that make it so? Not really, but the fact that there's no concrete evidence for such things makes it at least under suspicion. What you saw in fourth grade is most easily explained as your imagination, as boring as it sounds.
Are your current abilities not enough?
"I once read in a book that every humen has a ability"
Yes, this is true. You are able to do lots of things! Why not develop and hone the skills you already have?
You are asking for a very significant thing.

Universities charge mucho buckeroos for much lesser info/technology.
Should someone openly post info worth more than money?

Such benevolence is found among those with faith and is intentionally
witheld from the faithless.

Not many would give weaponry to a young child but would give small amounts
laced with virtuos teachings to insure when technology is understood that
virtues are also in tact.

Such info is in the vedic teachings, koran, torah, bible, most mythologies,
egyption writings etc. It takes a while to consume but is worth it.
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I've said this once and I'll repeat again: go to your local library and browse the psych-witchcraft section. In those books, there are sand grains of valuable info and if you're lucky (go there often enough), you'll stalk out just the right method for many things.

But remember, your mind works by means of association. If you train it to do one thing after a stimulating event, that event can serve as a power button. The method you find in a book may not be the only way.
PyroLover said:
I once read in a book that every humen has a ability, and was wondering if there was a way to awaken them.

Let me suggest another book for you: A Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan (1996). You'll find it at your local library or at a used book store for about $6.