hey im new and uhh hmmm any advice?


Destiny Is What You Make Of It
Registered Senior Member
hello every one my name is eddy im 17 and im uhh new to these forums i think there are some very intresting topics on these forums and i just want to get some advice from some of the ppl on this site since alot of you seem to be very intelligent more so then most of the ppl today.... well any ways im very intrested in astral projection, phycic abilitys personal growth and what not. but yes ive been trying astral projection for about id say uhh 5 months now havnt acually had my first projection but have came very close tho... uhh some tips would be great ive got all the vibrations and all that stuff its jsut im having trouble changing my conchisness into my astral body... and i dont have a fear of the unkown.. and latly ive been getting these very strange vibrations throught my spine and all over diffrent parts of my body during the day almost every day i dont really know what these are but u find them very intresting... also ive had a few intrestings things happen to myself over the last tille while since ive been doing meditation and astral projection practise.. ill go into more deital with those after i start to get to know more the theppl on this website tho i dont like it when ppl think im joking around or take me as bs... :mad: uhh im basically saying i want to get to know certina people....

im also apologizing for any spelling errors i make im not to great with english and what not.. thanks for lisening and posting advice if you do ;)
good luck and hope some of the older ppl on here with to much time on their hands dont tear u a new one, i havent heard of any of the stuff u r talking about but im not big into that stuff i guess but if u have any questions or whatnot for me just PM me
Vibrations through your spine? Sounds fairly normal. Like a shiver? Everyone gets that.

Oh, and diabetk, the reason some people didn't believe you is because they are scientific, and tend to want proof of things before they think that they are real.
no not liek a shiver much diffrent acually like i dont know its a very strange feeling and ive only been getting them since ive begian to meditate and practise astral projection.... a try of strong energy or something to that effect its somewhgat liek the energy surges or vibrations that run throught your hole body while getting to the point of astral projection but its like only in my spine and back and they are not as stong well most of the time any ways...
Yes I know what you are talking about. I would suggest you visit www.astralpulse.com/forums or www.astraldynamics.com

There is tons of information on techniques and what-not but in my opinion its best to just get into it and practice yourself because you may get bogged down with techniques and when you are laying there you will be thinking "Ok now I need to do this" when you should be just going with the flow.

There are a bunch of things you will start noticing, have fun with it!
My knowledge on this subject is pretty limited, but the energy surges in your spine might be the unleashing of the Kundalini force located in your crutch (no kidding--there's a proper word for it).

From previous research I've done on AP, I am aware that you 'mustn't jump the gun', that is, you should master and understand the different levels of meditation Before attempting something like AP, which requires a pretty advanced level and could be dangerous to your health if you don't know what you're dealing with. The Kundalini force I mentioned earlier is reputed to be the most powerful one we possess!

I suggest you google 'meditation astral projection' or 'kundalini' and try and learn from the specialists!
It may be true that Kundalini is a powerful force but I don't think you have to worry about unleashing it (hahah you should be so lucky). I beleive it takes years of practice to unleash the Kundalini force and there is absolutely no damage you can do by trying to project. Goto those forums and see how many people out there are doing it without harm!
Love your pioneering spirit!
altho warnings are welcome. too much and they inhibit self-experimentation. TRUST YOURSELF
i had a MAJOR 'OBE' whilst i had been reading Robert MOnroe's Journeys Out of the Body...in it he gives experiments to do when in between sleeping and going to sleep or waking up......
My experience involved feeling coming out...walkin out--not being aware i was out till i returned to my room and sayw my body lying on the bed....i see two humanoid figurees, a mand and women kneeling on either side of my body....then they telephatically assure me not to be afriad.......then they escort me down the stiars. later in te experience i meet two people i ASSMUME are a close family mmber and a family friend. later they take those 'masks' off and underneath tey look like Satyrs!

No....Monroe advises being aware of a vibratory feeling you feel all over when you are in between consciousness and the unconscios--
When you look at prepatriarchal mythology, it is very au fe with Serpents (s) ...and as you know, there is the belief of Kundalini....imaged as a serpent that lies at the base of the spine......

patriarchal mythology demonizes the Serpent, in their interpretaion of their myth, The Garden of Eden....Positivist materialistic science ridicules and/or dismisses fromintelligenct scientfic debate, all about thoseancient insights, as communist hamster illustrates!
see this is exactly what i was looking for thanks alot you guys uhh wicked, also i already know diffrent stages of meditation i read up on astral projection and stages of metataion basically every day but i find it easy for me to learn if i get like how do you say this uhh advice from other people who do the same type of stuff hmm this Kundalini enegry sounds intresting ive never heard of it befor well i think im going to google it later tonigh but can any oneon these forums fill me in alittle bit more..... so i should be lucky to be getting these Kundalini energy surges? eh thats very interetresting im so glad i found these forums hahaha well im out for the day ill talk to you dudes later :p
I would say the most important thing is to think very critically about your posts, before you post.
well i dont really thing about my post befor i post i kinda go with the flow and type down what ever comes to my mind at the time or else i will forget to post certian things... sry if some of it might be confusing or if there are spelling errors not to good with the whole english and grammer stuff ill try to be more critical from now on tho
your posts are fine for me mate.
Really i feel serpent energy is a metaphor for the opening up of the organism as to its natrual interelation with environment

have yo ver listeed to a piece of music and felt a electrical surgew shoot throug you in reponse to the power of te music?....thats also Kundalini

some researchers say that OBE's are experienced by poeple who are suffering stress. well stress is realy deep emootional discharge isn't it?.....so emotionsare a key to opening up
hmm really yes i have had the surges whiole lienisng to music, i lisen to heavey metal hahaha a band call trivium their msuci is quiet diffrent well some of it..... emotional discharges...... hmmmm that could make some sence :p what exactly do you mena by opening up the organism as to its natureal interrelation wiht the envoirment?
Ember-To-Inferno said:
hmm really yes i have had the surges whiole lienisng to music, i lisen to heavey metal hahaha a band call trivium their msuci is quiet diffrent well some of it..... emotional discharges...... hmmmm that could make some sence :p what exactly do you mena by opening up the organism as to its natureal interrelation wiht the envoirment?
wel the organism is deeply connected with te environment. here is no way you can have an organism witout the environment as it wouldn't survive. i fact organisms grow OUT of the environment
Awareness of this interconnection can be dulled through cultural oppressive 'education' which includes orthodox religion--which indoctrinates a psychological separation between body and 'spirit', and materialistic science which also creates a psychological division between mind and body/environment......
so, there are ways to bypass this conditioning which has been known about primevally.Psychedelics, Dancing, chanting, sex of course, and combined etc.....the emotional release and spiritual expression --includng eroticism opens up the organism to a much deeper sense of Nature in its dynamic dimension
Ember-To-Inferno said:
hello every one my name is eddy im 17 and im uhh new to these forums i think there are some very intresting topics on these forums and i just want to get some advice from some of the ppl on this site since alot of you seem to be very intelligent more so then most of the ppl today.... well any ways im very intrested in astral projection, phycic abilitys personal growth and what not. but yes ive been trying astral projection for about id say uhh 5 months now havnt acually had my first projection but have came very close tho... uhh some tips would be great ive got all the vibrations and all that stuff its jsut im having trouble changing my conchisness into my astral body... and i dont have a fear of the unkown.. and latly ive been getting these very strange vibrations throught my spine and all over diffrent parts of my body during the day almost every day i dont really know what these are but u find them very intresting... also ive had a few intrestings things happen to myself over the last tille while since ive been doing meditation and astral projection practise.. ill go into more deital with those after i start to get to know more the theppl on this website tho i dont like it when ppl think im joking around or take me as bs... :mad: uhh im basically saying i want to get to know certina people....

im also apologizing for any spelling errors i make im not to great with english and what not.. thanks for lisening and posting advice if you do ;)

See if you can get hold of any of Sylvan Muldoon's books on astral projection--Google his name and see what you come up with--he was around in the 1920's-30's, I think.
Sylvan Muldoon's books i have no clue where to find one of these books by him... i live in vancover any one know where one might find abook like this...

also im trying to get a trivium ticket for the concert on the 22.... so yah hopefully im going mgah i take it u live in vancover eh eh eh
oh and i got that book from the library once...its pretty old school but still good stuff
do you know like where about or what libary you got it from....? hey mhat have u been around the amsterdam cafe? there is this book store i say it an egpytion eye over a book and supposablythey have books on like phylosifies uhh mystic stuff astral projectrion acually ithink i jsut anwserd my question im going to have to go in there sme time :p