Heres a thought!


Registered Senior Member
A lot of people say that evolution disproves God, right!? They beleive in evolution and say that it took thousands/millions (whatever) of years to happen and so this disproves the bible. However! I have heard that the closer to the speed of light u travel then the slower time exists for that person e.g. take 2 identical twins. Send one off into space at the speed of light and leave the other on earth and when they meet the one that had been in space would be 20 yrs (whatever) younger than the other one. Evolution took milions of years? At what speed do u think the earth would have been travelling when the universe was first created? very fast i would think. So couldnt evolution have happened in say 10,000 yrs or something of our time. I think it probably could have. Also, the big bang theory does not disprove God. God could have created the universe any way he liked. Maybe he used the big bang. Anyway. At the beggining of the universe i bet the earth was travelling at terriffic speeds. In fact, it still is! How fast does it rotate!? So we could be aging quicker than we used to. I could go on but im not going to. I think ive made my point. i hope u can understand what im trying to say.

At what speed do u think the earth would have been travelling when the universe was first created?

At that time, the Earth did not exist.

How fast does it rotate!?

Sidereal time: 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
Originally posted by p_ete2001
I have heard that the closer to the speed of light u travel then the slower time exists for that person
Time runs slower for the person moving at relativistic speeds relative to the person who is not in motion. Local time always moves at the same speed. Thus, no matter it’s speed Earth still would have had to go through approximately 5 Billion years of time. Your hypothesis might mean that Earth is closer to the age of the Universe than is apparent (5 Billion for Earth, 15 Billion for the Universe) but it would not support your conclusion that the Earth might be 10,000 years old.

At what speed do u think the earth would have been travelling when the universe was first created?
Earth was not formed until long after the Universe originated… about 10 Billion years later.

So we could be aging quicker than we used to.
Once again, the variance is relative. Time still moves the same for the individual(s) moving at speed.

Here’s a site that explains how fast the Earth is moving:


A lot of people say that evolution disproves God, right!?
That depends which god you are talking about. Deists would say that a creator god is not incompatible with evolution. I.e. such a god might have used evolution as his mechanism for starting life.

They beleive in evolution and say that it took thousands/millions (whatever) of years to happen and so this disproves the bible.
Almost. The facts show that evolution DID take millions of years, so the bible claims ARE wrong.

At what speed do u think the earth would have been travelling when the universe was first created? very fast i would think.
The Earth could not have existed at the time the universe might have been created.

So couldnt evolution have happened in say 10,000 yrs or something of our time.
There is no such thing as absolute time. Time is entirely relative to the observer. Our observations have shown that millions of years have elapsed, that cannot be changed.

Also, the big bang theory does not disprove God.
Many, erroneously, attempt to claim that it proves a god. But you are assuming that the big bang was the beginning of the universe. You’d need to show that there aren’t other big bangs or that there haven’t been others. If big bangs have been occurring for an infinite time then that rules out a creation event or the need for a creator.

God could have created the universe any way he liked.
That depends on the capabilities of the god in question. Who are you to say what such a being could or couldn’t do?

At the beggining of the universe i bet the earth was travelling at terriffic speeds.
Except that it couldn’t have existed at such a time.

So we could be aging quicker than we used to.
No, as far you are concerned time is a constant. Time only appears to be different for others when you observe those others traveling at vastly different speeds relative to you.
