

I have problems in the sleep department and have been hesitate to see a doctor because I don't think they can help me. Perhaps someone here might know what I'm about ready to try and explain. First I need to know what are nightmares? nightares? I might be having one of these I'm not sure. I do know this .....One night I proclaimed that I never had a nightmare and that night was hell. I don't recall going to sleep or waking up I just remeber fighting something powerful which I could not see and eventually I had to pray my way out of it's clutches before taking off running. I have since had many other terrifying experieces in which I'm neither sleep or awoke and sometimes while in that state my surroundings are altered and I hear unusual sounds(usually frighten) and much static. Most of the time I exscape through prayer but that overwhelming strong force lingers and seems to wait for the moment I give in. I'm just so tired and it's hard to wait it off but through fear I'll do anything to wait it off. I hope I don't sound crazy but I need some help or advice and most of all normal sleep.
Well, there are a few things I would recommend.

Hawaii has alot of cultural history behind it, dating back to when the islands were first discovered, and even supposedly people living there before the 1400's when the islands were more volcanic.

You may want to try speaking to some of the older locals there that have family history and background. I once saw a movie on Discovery about sharks. They had people claiming that the ancient Hawaiins once thought of Tiger sharks as "Amukua" I think it was the term (spelled), which in Hawaiin means god.

Some real people there aside from the tourists and beach clubs might have some info. I know they have different shamans and people that are related to those real islanders that still dress up in war paint and eat coconuts all of the time, in some parts of Hawaii

Another thing, does this usually occur during times of sleep? Or has it happened to you in the middle of broad daylight in public places? If it is only happening at night, maybe you should try spending the night at a cheap local motel to see if it goes away (you can proly even afford an expensive place if that is all that is available, if it is only for one night, that is only one night's bill). That way you may be able to rule out if the problems are coming from the location you are currently living at.

Who knows, you could be living at a haunted location and may just need to move, even if only temporarily.

Have you been experiencing any stress recently? People under alot of pressure can go through this. You may want to go to a Dr. and just tell them you are under a ton of stress (and not mention these specific incidents you feel uncomfortable revealing), and ask for a small prescription for Xanax or Ambein. Dr's usually aren't reluctant if you are a first time patient and don't ask for a big amount (don't go in there and demand a 100 bottle supply with 3 refills).

If you are truly convinced this is a super natural experience, you may want to forget the doctor, but I some relaxing pills might help you anyway.

Do you have a boyfriend you could spend time with? If so maybe his presence can help relieve your fears. Ask for his comfort. Or if you don't, maybe stay at a girlfriend's house for a little while? Someone you can trust?

Also, I myself would not recommend following christianity of any sort. The Wyrick family found no solution from their location pastor who claimed to cast out devils and help them with their problem.

If you could give us some more details, we might be able to help better.
Originally posted by Lady
I have problems in the sleep department and have been hesitate to see a doctor because I don't think they can help me. Perhaps someone here might know what I'm about ready to try and explain. First I need to know what are nightmares?

Here is the dictionary definition of a nightmare:

nightmare n.

1. A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror,
and distress.

2. An event or experience that is intensely distressing.

3. A demon or spirit once thought to plague sleeping
A nightmare is generally referred to as just another term for a bad dream. Some people might dream of fields filled with flowers, some people might dream of aliens in space; when you dream of something frightening, like seeing your friend murdered, that is a nightmare. A bad dream that scares you.
Lady, you are experiencing this because you said that you never have nightmares. Try declaring out loud that you do have them. It sound like you have alienated the fear that nightmares arouses from so that it has taken on a form recognizable for you to see, feel and fight.
A battle with the rejected fear.
Ask for enough love to embrace the beast in your prayers.

The old saying. You don't want to tempt spirits. So don't go look into the mirror and say "Candyman" 5 times; you're just asking for trouble.

Maybe you have been fortunate enough in your 25 years of life to have never had a nightmare. Alot of kids when they are younger and watch a horror film, they get a nightmare that night. Some people don't dream much at all. It varies from person to person.

But Bebelina I don't think she told whoever she did in a boastful way. I think she was just being factual by stating she has never experienced one. I don't think she meant "O look at me, I am holy, and special because my body is immune to nightmares"

I just think she meant she had never had one before. But this hasn't been a one time thing I guess.
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"One night I proclaimed that I never had a nightmare and that night was hell."
She said that she proclaimed it, so I based my idea on that. Maybe she didn't do it in a boastful way, but still.

I think it's also pretty impossible to live for 25 years and not have a single nightmare, so she may have repressed the memory of them. Maybe she was not ready to experience them consciously until now. Which may cause a strong reaction and can be experienced as very frightening.

Originally posted by Clarentavious

Another thing, does this usually occur during times of sleep? Or has it happened to you in the middle of broad daylight in public places? If it is only happening at night, maybe you should try spending the night at a cheap local motel to see if it goes away (you can proly even afford an expensive place if that is all that is available, if it is only for one night, that is only one night's bill). That way you may be able to rule out if the problems are coming from the location you are currently living at.

Who knows, you could be living at a haunted location and may just need to move, even if only temporarily.

** Once it happened while reading a book......couldn't move .....couldn't speak but most of the time when I try to sleep. I have since moved and I have had approx. 3 occurencess.

Have you been experiencing any stress recently? People under alot of pressure can go through this. You may want to go to a Dr. and just tell them you are under a ton of stress (and not mention these specific incidents you feel uncomfortable revealing), and ask for a small prescription for Xanax or Ambein. Dr's usually aren't reluctant if you are a first time patient and don't ask for a big amount (don't go in there and demand a 100 bottle supply with 3 refills).

** I have had some stress recently but this really started when I was about 12

If you are truly convinced this is a super natural experience, you may want to forget the doctor, but I some relaxing pills might help you anyway.

Do you have a boyfriend you could spend time with? If so maybe his presence can help relieve your fears. Ask for his comfort. Or if you don't, maybe stay at a girlfriend's house for a little while? Someone you can trust?

** I don't know for sure if it's supernatural however I scare all the boys away. (he he)

If you could give us some more details, we might be able to help better. [/B]

Let me give you some examples, I lay down and I'm in a light sleep where I can hear my family members, T.V., radio blasting, the typical noises of a 7 family house hold. And I slowly seem to drift away. While the noises of my family become dimmer static and other sounds become clearer. Sometimes I can open my eye's and see my mother or family member but I can't call out or move. And as I drift further fear overtakes me. I don't want to sound crazy. But there are other times as I mentioned before that I lay and my room is altered, for example, I always close my door yet it's wide open. And the sounds of my family are gone. I dare not go out the door. There was something on my bed that I have never seen before but I was scared to touch it.(It looked alive) But the scariest part is when I begin to hear voices(most of the time foreign touges) however frighten. Sometimes that force is not as strong or perhaps I'm not in as deep and I can pull myself out, however other times I have to pray myself out. Perhaps I can get a crazy check.(what you think)

P.S If I should ever get bold I'll try to take my camera with me.

Perhaps you should get a "crazy check" then. You could see a psychologists maybe. But I would make my first priority to find one that is open minded before you see him/her

You don't want to go in and see a shrink that is going to dismiss your experiences as being from stress or an overactive imagination before you have even spoken to them for 5 minutes - then try and load you with pills or send you off to a mental hospital.

Try and look in the phone book or ask around to find someone who is empathetic.

If you find a Dr., and they give you some meds that help, then maybe you've found the solution to your problem. If this has been going on since you were 12, you should really get this taken care of.

However, if the doc gives you something to relax (say Xanax for example), and it does not help, then you might be able to rule out this is due to mental stress or just a rough time in your life. In that case you should probably seek some other type of help (not a doctor, maybe talk to some local people, see what they think).

I'm really not expert in experiences like these. Though, the movie I was just debating with Pollux around here had some interesting theories as to how you environment can cause some of this. Supposedly positively charged ions can effect your personality in a negative way. It effects the right frontal lobe of your brian I think, and can cause hallucinations.

If you have alot of these floating around in the atmosphere of your house, that could be the trouble.

Also if you are exposed to an exceptionally high amount of EMFs (electromagnetic fields), that can cause harm. Though it is puzzling if the rest of your 7 family members don't experience any probs (unless these conditions are isolated to your room specifically).

Moving plates under the ground (the type that can cause earth quakes, and I would reckon there is quite a many of those under Hawaii) can cause great changes in invisible waves coming up to the surface.

Consult some other people maybe. Banshee should know more about this.

I guess your first step should try and be to find out whether these problems are of a natural and scientific matter, or if you think you are dealing with something super natural, evil spirits for example.

Then your route for help should be a little bit more clear (you don't see a medical doctor for super natural trouble, and don't go to a Witch Doctor for physical aliments).

To me personally it sounds more like hallucinations due to mental stress maybe, than a super natural matter. In cases of hauntings and the like, I have heard of far greater incidents than mere alterations in your environment (not to criticize the severity of your problem).

We at sciforums can only do so much since we don't live in Hawaii. Though other members more versed in this type of thing may be able to recommend other things to you. Banshee seems to know more about this, maybe you should ask her.
No no no. No need for a doctor. That what you described Lady, is not dangerous and you are not crazy at all. You are just altering another state of consciousness common before astral projections for example or in meditations. Next time this happens, try to get out of bed and explore the reality you have entered. This is not a nightmare, this is something much much better. The "thing" next to you in your bed is just a manifestation of your own projected fears and can't hurt you in any way. You are scaring yourself. Try not to be afraid, because there is nothing to fear.
Don't pray for it to go away, by doing that you are reinforcing your fear, which will not make it go away. Try to be thankful and curious about this experience and have the courage to explore it.
This happens to many people , it is not an illness, it's a blessing.

Yes walker; not everyone here is a bible totting nutcase :p Why do you think this place is called "Sciforums" ? Not everyone on earth believes the norm of "agree having sex before marriage is ok and refuse to bow down and worship me, and I'll incinerate you in an inferno"
Originally posted by Clarentavious

Perhaps you should get a "crazy check" then. You could see a psychologists maybe. But I would make my first priority to find one that is open minded before you see him/her

You don't want to go in and see a shrink that is going to dismiss your experiences as being from stress or an overactive imagination before you have even spoken to them for 5 minutes - then try and load you with pills or send you off to a mental hospital.

Try and look in the phone book or ask around to find someone who is empathetic.

If you find a Dr., and they give you some meds that help, then maybe you've found the solution to your problem. If this has been going on since you were 12, you should really get this taken care of.

However, if the doc gives you something to relax (say Xanax for example), and it does not help, then you might be able to rule out this is due to mental stress or just a rough time in your life. In that case you should probably seek some other type of help (not a doctor, maybe talk to some local people, see what they think).

I'm really not expert in experiences like these. Though, the movie I was just debating with Pollux around here had some interesting theories as to how you environment can cause some of this. Supposedly positively charged ions can effect your personality in a negative way. It effects the right frontal lobe of your brian I think, and can cause hallucinations.

If you have alot of these floating around in the atmosphere of your house, that could be the trouble.

Also if you are exposed to an exceptionally high amount of EMFs (electromagnetic fields), that can cause harm. Though it is puzzling if the rest of your 7 family members don't experience any probs (unless these conditions are isolated to your room specifically).

Moving plates under the ground (the type that can cause earth quakes, and I would reckon there is quite a many of those under Hawaii) can cause great changes in invisible waves coming up to the surface.

Consult some other people maybe. Banshee should know more about this.

I guess your first step should try and be to find out whether these problems are of a natural and scientific matter, or if you think you are dealing with something super natural, evil spirits for example.

Then your route for help should be a little bit more clear (you don't see a medical doctor for super natural trouble, and don't go to a Witch Doctor for physical aliments).

To me personally it sounds more like hallucinations due to mental stress maybe, than a super natural matter. In cases of hauntings and the like, I have heard of far greater incidents than mere alterations in your environment (not to criticize the severity of your problem).

We at sciforums can only do so much since we don't live in Hawaii. Though other members more versed in this type of thing may be able to recommend other things to you. Banshee seems to know more about this, maybe you should ask her.

I notice you keep making refrences to Hawaii so I checked my profile and noticed I did put hawaii. The closest I've ever been to Hawaii is when my screen saver pops up (he-he) I'll change it anyway thanks for the info perhaps I'll go apply for that crazy check.
Originally posted by Bebelina
No no no. No need for a doctor. That what you described Lady, is not dangerous and you are not crazy at all. You are just altering another state of consciousness common before astral projections for example or in meditations. Next time this happens, try to get out of bed and explore the reality you have entered. This is not a nightmare, this is something much much better. The "thing" next to you in your bed is just a manifestation of your own projected fears and can't hurt you in any way. You are scaring yourself. Try not to be afraid, because there is nothing to fear.
Don't pray for it to go away, by doing that you are reinforcing your fear, which will not make it go away. Try to be thankful and curious about this experience and have the courage to explore it.
This happens to many people , it is not an illness, it's a blessing.


The first experiece I had when I was grown seem to be of a nightmare in which something was holding me down (very strong) while the other incidents I have experiece since about the age of 12 sounds kinda like what you described, some altered state. However, althought you recommend not to be frighten it's hard. I fear that I will see something that I don't want to see or perhaps I can't pull myself out of this state. So if I can get out I do immediately if possible while other times I can't pull myself out.(This is when I pray) However I must be crazy for saying this but I will attempt to stay in this altered reality with the comfort of knowing God is omnipresent. However is it common to hear abnormal voices in a screeching manner? If it's not I'M NOT STAYING
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Lady, it was Bebelina who helped you out here, not me. :) She gives very good advise. And she is right with every word.

Nothing to add to it.

However, I am curious at the screeching, abnormal voices. Tell some more on that please, if you want... :)
Originally posted by Banshee
Lady, it was Bebelina who helped you out here, not me. :) She gives very good advise. And she is right with every word.

Nothing to add to it.

However, I am curious at the screeching, abnormal voices. Tell some more on that please, if you want... :)

Sorry about the name thing...however as far as the screeching goes I usually don't see what the noise is comming from. I admitt that I'm far to terrified to hang around and investigate so as I mentioned many times I promise God anything for help he has always came through.
You are a completely normal person as normal as any other person can be.
In response to some of the replies you received:
It has been my experience that seeing a "therapist" can only accomplish one thing. You get to meet someone who needs therapy and became a therapist in the process of self education for self therapy that is now officially qualified by paper to evaluate you. If you feel that these people can help you I would recommend visiting the ones that do not have the power to prescribe drugs. Drugs are bad unless you think drueling in the corner is an improvement to your psychic state.
In response to religion:
Go with what you believe, it is a free country.

As far as your question goes, it could be that you have always had bad dreams and simply blocked them until you made such a "proclaim" which then made you become aware of them, or that afterward you excited some fear regarding having them that now causes them.
The content you refer to makes me wonder about abuse. I suffered from similiar things when I was a child and was not free of them until I 25 and had a family of my own that was a loving functional family.
It is hard to answer the question of "have I been abused?" unless you have something to compare it to. I suffered from pysical brutality for 15 years and other forms of abuse for much longer and would have sworn that I was never abused and actually believed that everyone's life was like mine. Violence was an everyday occurance as was many forms of abuse. It was only when I was out of the environment that I realized things weren't normal. That may sound hard to believe but it is true. A child that grows up with violence as the norm accepts it as the norm until it is unlearned.

Some of the replies regarded spirits or hauntings. I have too many opinions and theories on those to make a reply stating what I actually believe. I will just say I do not have a difinite opinion on the matter.

If praying works for you, continue. Religion is obviously your power source.

Back to what I was saying, it is quite possible to be in an environment that you do not feel is abusive, especially if religion is a part of it and love, by your own definition, is something that is often felt or mentioned. It is better to ask more detailed questions and see if any of them can be answered in a way that bothers you or if they are unanswerable. My best advice would be to confide in a trusted friend. Instruct the friend to watch for rapid shifting of the eyes during the conversation. This is something that happens with all people when they think about something that heavily bothers them especially a tramatic event that is blocked. It is your natural defense to the thoughts.

Good luck and get some good sleep.

Ignore my spelling, I refuse to backspace.
Sounds like the bulk of your bad experiences are hypnogogic
hallucinations. If you don't experience sleep paralysis when it
happens, just move around alot and the 'audio' and 'video' will
just disappear. If you get sleep paralysis then try wiggling your
fingers/toes and it may break you out of it.

As far as 'solving' the problem, I have an idea... but no guarntees
for success. Try watching alot of movies (non-scary) that can
elicit strong feelings of happiness and sadness in you. Do this
for an entire day and then go to sleep. I hypothesize that you
will be emotionally burned out and this change in state may
throw off this hypnogogic rut you're in. Like I said... just an idea.