HELP!!!:research study


Registered Member
:( umm... hi! im your newst member here... i just want to ask some help.. you see i need to pass this research proposal in our bio class.. its about the fesibility of eucalyptus leaf extract as an insecticide... can anybody help me?? is this thing gonna work..?? er, i kinda have the feeling it wont.. i need the methodology as soon as possible and im afraid i am lost!! lol.. im not good at this kind of stuff and i REALLY REALLY need some help from the pros.. im just 15 by the way... and im not at Research.. lol.. thanks.. im really hoping somebody would help me... please!!!!
it appears that the chemical used is: "monoterpene, 1, 8-cineole". it seems to repel insects rather than kill them, but there is a serious lack of information on it.
kharmeel (sciencefreak :) )

What you are taught in high-school about planning science experiments is actually a valuable tool that all real scientists use at all levels. You should remember it! You should plan your proposal with a number of sections......

<blockquote><B>Hypothesis</B> – make a short statement that the experiment is designed to confirm or refute. For example: “I hypothesize that eucalyptus oil can act as an insecticide.”

<B>Background/Introduction</B> – put some info here about already known insecticides and how they work. Speculate as to why you think eucalyptus oil might act as an insecticide. What is in it that you think may kill insects?

<B>Methods</B> – how you are going to perform your experiments, including positive and negative controls. List the materials you will use and where you got them.

<B>Results</B> – use pictures, tables, figures, statistics, graphs where possible. Limit the text to descriptions of what happened, and leave the speculation as to why these things happened to the next section.

<B>Discussion</B> – discuss why you think the results occurred. Can the results be trusted on the basis of the controls? Did the experiment actually support your hypothetical statement?

<B>Conclusion</B> – make a short statement as to whether your experiment confirms or denies the original hypothesis.</blockquote>
Obviously, if you are merely presenting a proposal to your teacher, then you can only present the first three sections.

The methodology is the tricky part. You will need a source of insects that you can attempt to kill. How are you going to contain them? How are you going to expose them to the oil? A known commercial insecticide can be used as a positive control, water for a negative control.<P>