help me understand my throat?


The Bug Lady
Valued Senior Member
I dont know if this is where I should post this, but I've been having an ivoluntary movement in my throat that is driving me nuts

It first started when my boyfriend had to get surgery for acute apendicitis... it was very sudden and it made me nervous and scared and I cried a lot... you know how after crying a lot you get a sort of a hiccup in your throat? well, after I stopped crying, it didn't go away. I've been having constant movement in my epiglotis (sp?) since then, almost 2 months... sometimes less and sometimes all day long.... it makes me very tired and I just can't help it from happening

I just want to know if anyone know of someone who has it similar and if there is a way to make it stop
If it's that serious you should have seen a doctor about it a long time ago.

If it's anything at all like a hiccup, which is sort of a cross between a muscle spasm and a reflex, you might find relief in one of the many Oriental relaxation techinques.
well, I've had trouble with anxiety before, but I kind of learned to control nervous stuff after a while... now this is completely involuntary and out of my control... I dont even know what kind of doctor should I see about this
It almost sounds like either a stress reaction or myoclonus..........
A neurologist might come handy .........
You can look up myoclonus on the internet .....
Good luck with your recovery .....:)
I dont know if this is where I should post this, but I've been having an ivoluntary movement in my throat that is driving me nuts

It first started when my boyfriend had to get surgery for acute apendicitis... it was very sudden and it made me nervous and scared and I cried a lot... you know how after crying a lot you get a sort of a hiccup in your throat? well, after I stopped crying, it didn't go away. I've been having constant movement in my epiglotis (sp?) since then, almost 2 months... sometimes less and sometimes all day long.... it makes me very tired and I just can't help it from happening

I just want to know if anyone know of someone who has it similar and if there is a way to make it stop

4 things you need to do.

* Eat a lot of iodine containing products, eat sushi! eat the sea weed.
* drink milk
* also try blowing balloons...this will train your lungs and possibly help with the throat
* massage your throat from outside with oils.