help me who am i...


Registered Member
hi guys...
i'm a freshman here...
and i wonder who am i...christian, protestant, or who???

so the way i consider the belief in god comes in this way...

*i believe in the existence of god, because i can't prove without mentioning god, if how the fire comes out of a stone...(if i'll prove it, then i wont believe in his existence)
*and i'll say that god is just something people invented, because they need to believe in something, that someone non-human will help them, cause they are too weak to trus only in theirselves...
*so i'll be an atheist.
*nowadays, i believe in his existence, cause i need him to describe some facts, but i dont trust in god...i believe in existence, but dont believe in him :)
i believe only in for me god is dead...and i'm a god of myself...a make up my own life, and noone except me can do anything, i i don't want it.

so who am i? is that religion? that believes in existence but doesn't trust? or some phylosophy???
please help me...and can someone prove me, in atheistical perspective, how can fire raise out of the stone every year?

Ookami said:
how the fire comes out of a stone
I don't know what that means.

As for the rest of it...

Take a look at what Deists believe, maybe you will find something for you there.
so each year, on the day of ressurection of christ or something the fire comes out of the stone in palestine or somethin, and millions of christians then take candles with that fire and deliver it to their countries.

bu tstill who am i?
if i believe in existence but dont trust.
Ookami said:
so each year, on the day of ressurection of christ or something the fire comes out of the stone in palestine or somethin, and millions of christians then take candles with that fire and deliver it to their countries.

bu tstill who am i?
if i believe in existence but dont trust.

"help me who am i... ????"

I think your a bullshitting sock puppet, who is trying to take the piss out of christians.

If you really want to know who you are, try looking in the mirror if you have a round hat on, your a muslim.

My guess is you are a muslim........
*hi guys...
i'm a freshman here...
and i wonder who am i...christian, protestant, or who???

First of all what are you Male or Female? That helps determine your views on things.

***i believe in the existence of god, because i can't prove without mentioning god, if how the fire comes out of a stone...(if i'll prove it, then i wont believe in his existence)
*and i'll say that god is just something people invented, because they need to believe in something, that someone non-human will help them, cause they are too weak to trus only in theirselves...
*so i'll be an atheist.
*nowadays, i believe in his existence, cause i need him to describe some facts, but i dont trust in god...i believe in existence, but dont believe in him

This sounds like your confused. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, just live your life the best way it suits you, start self analysing, study psychology, self help books, take it easy, your are very young and your mind is barely developing to accept these concepts of gods, religion, atheism, without study you can't make a wise desicion of what you would feel confortable in believing, being religious in any variation, or deist, or even atheist.

so each year, on the day of ressurection of christ or something the fire comes out of the stone in palestine or somethin, and millions of christians then take candles with that fire and deliver it to their countries.

Have you seen the fire? Or are you just going by hearsay? If you haven't witnessed, perhaps this is totally bull. Eh? Tis the first time I've ever heard of this.

But hey, a little gun powder, some well excecuted trixter, can fool many a thousand idiots to believe that a stone produced fire!

BTW David Coperfield walks through walls, made the Statue of liberty disapear in front of an audiece of thousands. Made an airplane disapear from radar in mid air. Do you think it's really hard to make fire come out of a freaking rock?!

Ookami said:
*i believe in the existence of god

*nowadays, i believe in his existence

First, you must ask yourself why you believe in gods and then ask yourself why you believe in fairies, ghosts, leprechauns, pink dragons and plaid unicorns.

how can fire raise out of the stone every year?

What stone produces fire?

Please take care.
Be careful whose input or advice you take on board.
Keep in mind that other people might be experiencing the same troubles as you.
GOD.. is the god of all men...

and it is only men... in their egos.. and ignorance.. who think they have all the answers and have developed religions... none of which are provable.

it is my view... that we need not follow the religions themselves......

but we should listen to moses... we should follow and obey JESUS... and when we are faced with oppression.. MOHAMMED is the man to hear from...

alll religions offer different levels of intangeble religious benefit...

there for... in study... we should not limit ourselves..

in faith... is where we must deside... which book to follow...

i follow them all... but i give JESUS priority.. because JESUS, MAKES THE MOST SENSE... and his arguements are the most clear... the most simple and direct.

love each other.....
you can join my church.... a church based on the sciences.

i have given up recuiting online... no one cares... but i always appreciate comments....

Ookami said:
hi guys...
i'm a freshman here...
and i wonder who am i...christian, protestant, or who???

Only you can figure out who you are and clearly at present you don't know yourself. My suggestion would be to use your time to not only study but to also discover your own desires, needs, limits, etc.
Ookami said:
please help me...and can someone prove me, in atheistical perspective, how can fire raise out of the stone every year?
maybe youre thinking about the fire that burns endlesly on top of some mountain in Greece I think,must be some natural gas escaping and something set it on fire and now it keeps on burning,its NOT the stone burning though. :bugeye:
ON the day of ressurection of christ, each year, in jerusalem, the fire comes out of the stone, where a priest prays...