Help me Pleaze


Registered Member
hey like im getting freaked out because of this. Man i like focuse energy to my hands to try to do that dragon ball Z thing and all i see is like a clearish-white little flame like thing around my hands. Can you help me out our explain whats going on or what to do with it.
hrmmm could be too much DBZ or you could have something =)
I havent gotten to white fire, damn that would rock...
How long do you need to focus, where are you drawing your energy, from within or an external source...if external from what, Are you on any hallucenogens or other drugs...

:eek: :cool:
Hey i have the same thing to with you dude. Is what you do is you focus your energy with in and you just focus in on your hands and it will feel really warm its a kool saight the most i've ever done is broke a mirror just by touching it. So try it it's hard but fun and kool
Hey i did a study on DBz and found that it is a form of mind control. No joke, and not exaggerating. It is a drug, just in a subliminal form.
LAY OFF THE DBZ. It's bad for you. I can tell you think about DBz alot. Am I right? Do you have posters? watch the show everyday? Get upset if you don't watch it? Write any fanfics? Think about it more than social things at school? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to lay off of it, atleast until the summer.
If DBZ was your motivation for studying psi, then well, buddy, I'm with ya on that one. It happens to alot of us. But let me tell you this to answer your question.

What you are seeing is your aura, becuz your not focusing enough. It's obvious that you were born with the "third eye" ability. My sister has it too, no big thing. You are seing your aura. That's all. Just focus more. white flame huh? I'd say that it's either an aura illusion or you have an unusually powerful aura.
Yeah, there is definitely something addictive about that show. I watched it a few years ago and I probably saw every episode that they showed. My sister was into it too. And it was terrible--basically this one guy running around while everyone else fought in perpetual combat. I stopped a long time ago and I'll never go back.
I used to watch DBZ a lot back in 2001. Every day at 5pm, new episode and the re-run from the day before. Man, could not get enough of it.

Loved to see the tremendous Energy levels they reached and the change to a higher level.

It was funny too.

Some months ago, I saw it for the first time again since 2001. It did not have the same attraction.

I guess going cold turkey took out all DBZ chemicals.
Well, I wouldn't deem it a fault of watching to much DBZ.

It seems a lot of psychics deem DBZ watchers as idiots...
Maybe there is really something going on there...
To be sure of it, get your mind of DBZ alot, and try it again from time to time...

I watched the show too...
Just look around for excersizes for psychic powers, and practise them...
If you can use your psychic powers, you would probably know for sertain if that event was imagination or a real psychic event...

It could be that you have a sensitive 3rd eye as it's called...
You could've focused energy to your hands and seen the energy...
Energy is said to be invisible, and can only be seen by some similar ability to aura-viewing...

I just hope you'll find out what it'll be...
Dragon ball Z? They haven't showed that in Sweden yet, but are you saying this is something more than just a cartoon?
If so, in what way?
nice point it made me LOL

funny how alot of people think they must "flood"
to gain clarity!

more junk food anyone?

groove on all :)
DBZ: what it did to me.

DBZ is not only a cartoon show, it's CRAPPY cartoon show!

Now that i've said that, I'll say what happened to me.

April 12th 1996: I sat down to watch my first episode of DBZ. I was in third grade. I saw a half naked guy on TV (Nappa) with big musles screaming at the top of his bloddy lungs. I turned the channel after a few minutes.
Five minutes later: I turned back to the channel, and saw a short guy with pointy hair, and a taller guy with an orange gi on. Then I saw a bald guy, and a little kid, and a green guy. They were in a desert. I wastched the show. Then it got over.
One minute later: I found out it was DBZ20XL marothon. That's what the called it one that day, cuz DBZ, and twenty extra large episodes.
I watched twenty straight episodes of it.

Two weeks later: I watched it again. I began to know the characters.

A year later: I stopped watching DBZ and got on with my life.

Two years after that. I had a dream about Piccolo and watched it one more time, and I was hooked for three solid years. I was so completely obsessed, it was all I talked about, all I thought about, and I'm telling the damn truth when I say i dreamed about it every goddamn night until i was fifteen years old. Every night.
I wrote like, a hundred fanfictions. That's all i drew for three years straight. (holy #$%@!) and I talked about it all day long, everywhere i went. I soon, had no friends. Even in my sleep, I thoght about the characters. There was no moment I didn't think about it.

Then, it was Christmas morning, 2002. I woke up to find a Treasure Planet PS2 game under the tree. For me. I screamed out of joy and played the game. I saw the character Jim Hawkins. I compared him to DBZ.

Goodbye DBZ...

Four months later, I was semi-happy child, not obsessed with anything but boys (normal) and I liked a bunch of different things. Luckily, DBZ wasn't one of them.

Yesterday: I watched the show. And laughed by goddamn F**kin brains out.

so now you know how religouse fundamentalism works on
pre softened minds through... stuff.

did you spend much money on merchandising stuff?

congratulations on your achivement of free will :)
in the face of certain types of T.V programs.

its not like there all bad..
its just that some are made too well to achive a goal non condusive to life experiance.

groove on :)
ps #note... lucky "boys" :D
Oh yes. My will power has prevailed!!!! Now I must RULE shroomland with Jason!!! And be his QUEEN!

Heh, did I just say that????
And be his QUEEN
and accept second place to sit on my arse and get all things for nothing and never think or have to make decisions or take responsiblility for anything, even myself?
(sound like that)!

kinda how it sounds!

if you try and rule shroomland you will loose!
only the shrooms rule shroomland!

what is a "jason"?

groove on :)
Maybe I should reconsider being the queen of shroomland. btw, shrromland is one of my comic stories. It's just a parody on a couple of Disney movies. Fricken hilarious.
And hun, "a jason" is a NAME for a BOY at my school ! K?:D
what is rare is intent to do good with knoledge of such powers
but most are just greedy and selfish.
how much is enough is a question that very few can answer!

how honest are you with your self?

third eye
sixth sence
blah blah blah

it all doesnt realy mesure up to a hill of crap until you start trying to use it for unselfish purpose.

and all you have to do to find out what level of sickness is arround is ask this question.

and im sure that most people would lie several times in thier answer and change subject very quickly.

sad ol world!

groove on all :)
Hmmmm.... I've been trying to say something about the 3rd eye... and tried 3 times and each time whenever I'm done writing the message my comp froze LOL!!:confused:
I dont want to say it just incase....