Help me: I'm turning EVIL!


curious cat
Registered Senior Member
The force is strong in me. I once was a Jedi, but now I am becoming Dooku.
Just as Saruman (see any resemblance in the face?) I turned to the side of Evil and started an alliance with the SITH. Even Yoda (now available as dairy product) doesn't know this.
It all started when I doubted the objective nature of Good and Evil. If they are not objective, why not persue other goals than power? I mean, life isn't a good-will-overcome-happy-ending movie.
Am I on the right track after all, or must I be saved from the Dark Side?
I would guess the dark side would just be falling for vengence and hatred, through giving into dispare. Rather than just pure evil that would encourage it to occur in others.

Try to lighten up, be a fair player and try anger management.

(Mean while I'll keep cheating at Video games)
Merlijn, embrace thee the power of the Dark Side.

Nothing is more rewarding than the moment you realise your lightsabre has turned red- (sexual innuendo not intended)

To become truly 'one' with the forces of evil, join me in my quest, begin wearing a black bathrobe EVERYWHERE you go.

If you can, try to commit a cardinal sin within the next 24 hours, oh, and get yourself a bionic limb.
(If a bionic limb is unattainable, which I found was the case- you can use a tea towel, two elastic bands and an orange felt tip to achieve the desired affect.)
thanks all...

Sublime trigger, I know I should, but the forces of good are so strong and hard to resist. It's too tempting to make others happy and with that dumb:

Joy leads to laughter, laughter to bliss, bliss leads to ignorance.
Hahaha and you turn out to be Megatron (sublime trigger's avatar suddenly transforms into a gun)!

What an evil bunch we are! :D

I think I'll take off theose strange sun-glasses. :cool:
And what flavours is this Yoda Yoghurt comprised of, exactly? A pinch of plastic puppet, a dash of a gruff voice, a truckload of sentence fragments and quotable phrases, and a bit of nosiness for flavour? :D

As for the "your fate is balanced on the edge of a knife and if you should fall..." stuff, go for the good. I mean, the world could use another joyful soul to spread the love, disintegrate the darkness, and embrace the ecstacy. By the way, I like your Joy leads to laughter, laughter to bliss, bliss leads to ignorance philosophy.

Merlijn, your avatar is just freakin' awesome! You had me laughing for quite some time.