Help me find a document?


Registered Member
Hello everybody...

I'm writing a book on science, religion, and the paranormal, and am desperately seeking a reference for an article I once read in my local library in West Wales, but which has since disappeared. The staff can't even remember the book, never mind the article!
I wonder of one of you good people 'out there' might know the article I'm referring to, or where I might find a copy, or even where I might best try looking for it?

The only clues I have, from a memory that wasn't expecting to have to remember, are;

1 The book was a hardback of large-average format, and on the chunky side, kept in the 'Reference' section of the library.

2 It was some sort of year book, or collection of essays and articles, possibly published by some sort of learned society, possibly a biological society.

3 The pages were in two columns.

4 I have a suspicion it might be an American publication.

5 It was published sometime in the 1970's.

6 The article was by AV Oparin.

7 The article suggested that after 50(?) years of failing to prove the hypothesis of abiogenesis by experiment, perhaps it was time to call a halt.

Any and all assistance will be most gratefully received!

Best wishes to all chas
Thanks for this, Walter....
I checked a couple of times, but I don't think the article is there.
Best wishes chas
If not, these are his four major works (according to Wikipedia):
* "The External Factors in Enzyme Interactions Within a Plant Cell"
* "The Origin of Life on Earth"
* "Life, Its Nature, Origin and Evolution"
* "The History of the Theory of Genesis and Evolution of Life"
Thanks to everyone for your comments and efforts. I'll need a bit of time to sift through this lot, and will let you know how it turns out.
Thanks again to everyone for your kindness chas
Hello again..

No.. 'fraid not. Interesting stuff, but not the right one. I'm looking for something from the 1970's, in which Oparin specifically says it's time to stop the test-tube abiogenesis experiments.
Any ideas where I might find the book it's in (see my original explanation)?
Thanks again.