HELP!!! Is it incurable?


Okay. The symptoms are frequent bloody noses, pain in the knees and the legs. A medical sidenote to be made is the fact that the patient has necrosis in the foot, it might cause complications but it's not tied to the other things.

Anyone know what symptoms this might be of? Anyone have ideas on what might be causing this?
Necrosis...... do you mean that flesh eating disease? That could being responsible for the pain in the legs

I have no clue on the bloody noses, that could be related to any number of things, such as the air in the room being too dry.

I would be wary about the pain in the legs. Leg pain can be a symptom of blood clots, which can be fatal. I believe the specific symptoms of a blood clot can include feeling heat and cramps in the legs.

If the patient does have that flesh eating bacteria disease, the infected area needs to be removed immediately (as in, within the next 24 hours, drive him or her to the hospital, and get a surgeon to find a scapal and some morphine), or the foot may have to be amputated, or worse.......... as if I recall correctly, the disease spreads very quickly.
Basically: See a doctor.

Do not, repeat not, seek to be diagnosed by strangers on the internet. Some of us are insane.

Hans :eek:

She's got muscular legs, muscular and big enough to make her hate skirts and shorts. She's not overweight, however.

How might that change things?

Any help is appreciated; I am getting frantic and worried. This is a friend I know ...
what exactly is necrosis?

you realy shouldnt be asking a question like this to a forum full of pot heads, geek wannabes, and crack pots.

go find a doctor, dood. and if youve got some sorta net fetish goin on then go find a medical board.

but seriusly, we cant help you...
Necrosis or necrotic tissue is dead tissue. This might suggest a circulatory problem but you said that it's unrelated (are you sure?) Simply put, Zero, there's not really enough to give a diagnosis here. Diabetes might be a possibility. The bloody noses might indicate anemia, leukemia, or some sort of clotting disorder. Joint pain might indicate arthritis or something more serious like lupus. Is she a vegetarian or a vegan? The problem could simply be one of nutrition. Most of all she should see a doctor ASAP.

Aah. I have gotten straight answers from her.

She suspects her mother's smoking during pregnancy affected her health. She's resistant to nearly every drug or antibiotic known to man ... she is getting treatment, but in a sort of halfhearted way. She doesn't trust doctors; she's had too many with too little results.

Now she is of age, and she has decided to discontinue treatments for her various ailments ...

... and she lives all the way in Nebraska. I can't do a single farking thing.

I shall fervently hope against reality, that her pain will go away and she becomes cured. Who cares if she's an online friend? If she needs any organs ... I shall be there to be a donor for her. Though whether she will accept that or not is another question. Fuck my parents' opinions on whether I should do things or not ... I've never even given a drop of blood in my life, but if there is a time to start giving, a time when she is crisis would certainly be it.

Thank you all for your comments.

Fuck the person who thinks there can be no feeling over an internet connection.
You cannot be resistant to antibiotics (and other drugs). Some bacteria are resistant, but that's an entirely different story.

Smoking during pregnancy is far from advisable, but it is not that harmful.

Given her attitude to doctors and medicine, how would you expect any treatment to be other than half-hearted?

I know this hurts but: She is either a hypocondriac or a seriously ill person, and either case, since she will not seek (or trust) profesional help, there is really nothing you can do :(.

You can take a horse to the water, but you can't force it to drink....

Necrosis? Do you mean necrotising faciosis? necrosis simply means death (tissue death) and is a symtom e.g. could be caused by frostbite, burns or any number of diseases. necrotising faciosis is an organism, similar to gangarine, that slowly creeps death through out your body. It is only curable by removal of ythe tissue, in early stages this may include treatments with maggots or some such method, in the more advanced stages amputation is the only option.

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