Help at any cost - the ethics of psychological abuse


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
While reading an unrelated column on America's War on Terror in the Huffington post, I came across this astonishing statement:

I've noticed two distinct reactions to my accounts of teens who are taken from their beds at three in the morning, shouted at, beaten, deprived of food and sleep, kept in stress positions for weeks, sexually humiliated (girls made to dress as prostitutes; boys dressed in drag) and completely isolated from media and other contact with the outside world -- all in an attempt to end their drug and/or behavior problems.

The link given leads to a book reference but seriously, wtf?

Does anyone know more about this?

I found a bit more on this:

The trouble with tough love is twofold. First, the underlying philosophy -- that pain produces growth -- lends itself to abuse of power. Second, and more important, toughness doesn't begin to address the real problem. Troubled teenagers aren't usually "spoiled brats" who "just need to be taught respect." Like me, they most often go wrong because they hurt, not because they don't want to do the right thing. That became all the more evident to me when I took a look at who goes to these schools.

A surprisingly large number are sent away in the midst of a parental divorce; others are enrolled for depression or other serious mental illnesses. Many have lengthy histories of trauma and abuse. The last thing such kids need is another experience of powerlessness, humiliation and pain.

Sadly, tough love often looks as if it works: For one thing, longitudinal studies find that most kids, even amongst the most troubled, eventually grow out of bad behavior, so the magic of time can be mistaken for the magic of treatment. Second, the experience of being emotionally terrorized can produce compliance that looks like real change, at least initially.

The bigger picture suggests that tough love tends to backfire.

Anyone know anything about this?
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How is it even legal to treat adolescents [legal minors] like this?
How is it even legal to treat adolescents [legal minors] like this?

I wonder if it is even closely monitored enough to be noticed by legal authorities.

More to the point: If you're one of the junkies who's life was turned around by "tough love" you'll be little likely to bitch about it. If you're one of the one's who didn't, you're either too screwed up to care or not credible enough to be believed. Chances are, you might be dead from OD before anything would be found out.

Just a hunch.

The treatment described in the OP is abuse of children, and abuse of the term "tough love". I would never categorize such treatment as "tough love". To me, tough love means not coddling, not enabling, and being able and willing to say "No" at appropriate times and setting reasonable limits and expectations.

The last part of the article is totally false and totally overboard.
Unfortunately, in the world of teen behavioral programs, there are no specific educational or professional requirements. Anyone can claim to be an expert.
Wasn't there a child who was beaten to death by the minders in one of these tough love camps or something similar?

How is it even legal to treat adolescents [legal minors] like this?
Unfortunately, the parents consent.

After all, they can't bring themselves to abuse their children themselves, so it's much better to have someone do it for them.

They even have reality shows based on these tough love camps and apparently curing teenagers of bad behaviour/ depression/drug addiction.

It is horrific. And here is what used to be scarier (I am not sure if the laws have changed now, but as of a few years ago, this was the norm):

Youth residential programs are typically loosely regulated by states. Almost anyone can open a youth program with little or no staff requirements or accreditation.

Wow, that is terrible. Reading stuff like this makes me realise how privileged my life has been.
funny this
i d/l a movie called boot camp a few days ago

from the first review in the imdb link....

If anyone would like to know more about this very real issue of kids being brainwashed, tortured and killed in teen programs, Google FORNITS (a forum for those who were victims of these programs), Human Earth Animal Liberation (HEAL), International Survivors Action Committee (ISAC), Teen Advocates USA.

Find the Youtube video of "Martin Lee Anderson" being killed by staff in a boot camp caught on surveillance video (the staff were not convicted of the murder but were all acquitted!).
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And then of course there is the abuse of the psychiatric/pharmaceutical approach to children, who are medicated more and more at lower and lower ages.

They are a market who cannot say no.
And then of course there is the abuse of the psychiatric/pharmaceutical approach to children, who are medicated more and more at lower and lower ages.

They are a market who cannot say no.

Pretty much.

There are a minute few children who may need to be medicated for an actual mental illness. But the greater majority.. It seems that nowdays if a child behaves badly, then there is something wrong with that child. I don't know if it stems from today's society where we expect perfection at all times in that children must never ever missbehave so as to not inconvenience us due to a lack of time.. It doesn't make sense.

I've known of some parents who request for medication because their children are too rowdy and run off in shopping malls. They are children. That is what they do.

What was surprising is that in one of the links I gave above, there is a video discussing these bootcamps or these tough love camps. One specialist was quite adamant that parents should not be denied access to these camps, but thought that what was needed was regulation so that children did not die.

This has become an industry and one that has even had parents sending their children off to these camps for and having it as reality TV shows. So not only are the children being humiliated in the camps, but also humiliated on national TV.

This, coupled with drugging them.. One has to wonder how much more we can stuff up the next generation.
Don't psychologists have internal review? External accountability?

Umm half the time I believe it is GP's prescribing them. Many times, at the request of the parents.

As for these bootcamps and tough love camps. In some areas of US at least, you don't need to be qualified to run one, in that you don't need to have a psychologist on staff or on hand. This may have changed now, I am not sure, but I can't find anything to say that it has. Just a lot of talk saying that it should be, due to the number of deaths and injury to children that have arisen.
Pretty much.

There are a minute few children who may need to be medicated for an actual mental illness. But the greater majority.. It seems that nowdays if a child behaves badly, then there is something wrong with that child. I don't know if it stems from today's society where we expect perfection at all times in that children must never ever missbehave so as to not inconvenience us due to a lack of time.. It doesn't make sense.
A parallel I have often drawn is to the rather huge medication of the late 50s earlly 60s white middle class housewife - both self-medication and psychiatric medication. Of course these women with all their devices lack of material want and nice aprons should be happy, so if they are not, then they are pathological to some degree. That there might be cultural factors or potential problems with the American dream - and who was really dreaming it - was so inconceivable, drugs were dolled out in large amounts.

That children today, especially given the incredible bombardment of stimulation they and their parents underdo, might quite healthily be agitated sitting still, facing forward, on the receiving end of outmoded, let's make them passive pedagogical techniques also seems not to be considered possible. So if they don't just love this mode of existence, they also suffer from some kind of disorder.

Adults should take notice of the fact that these a good number of these housewives hauled themselves out of the barbituate daze and became feminists, many on the very, very bristly end of the spectrum - not that I judge them for that.

Hopefully the children we drug now will also be able to haul themselves out and realize they are not the problem and further can deal with this realization in a mainly non-violent manner.

I've known of some parents who request for medication because their children are too rowdy and run off in shopping malls. They are children. That is what they do.
See that's the great thing about medication. It may well be the equivalent of a beating, but the bearing is invisible. It certainly is the equivalent of a leash, and most of these medicating parents would be embarrassed to leash their children.

What was surprising is that in one of the links I gave above, there is a video discussing these bootcamps or these tough love camps. One specialist was quite adamant that parents should not be denied access to these camps, but thought that what was needed was regulation so that children did not die.

This has become an industry and one that has even had parents sending their children off to these camps for and having it as reality TV shows. So not only are the children being humiliated in the camps, but also humiliated on national TV.
A humiliation that is permanently available. Talk about lack of consent.

This, coupled with drugging them.. One has to wonder how much more we can stuff up the next generation.
First we overstimulate them - each with their own computer, cellphone, ipod, TV, etc. They we overstimulate ourselves with the same, so the whole of life is bristling constantly with information and minievents and no silence is tolerated.

They we drug them because they are not as calm and obedient as we would like.

And yet we demonize drug pushers,
basically I suppose because they don't have the proper permits and liscences.