
dana artzer

Registered Member
Yesterday afternoon my husband walked into our garage where we have our to Dune Buggies as well as four helmets that are on a metal rack about 8 inches off the floor up against the wall. When my husband walked in the first time his helmet was laying on the floor on its side like it had fallen off so he picked it up and put it back. About two hours later we walked into the garage and that helmet was sitting in the middle of the floor. Our garage door was closed my husband asked me if I had moved it. I said no , so we picked it up and placed it back on the rack. Later that evening we walked out into the garage again and the helmet was back on the floor in the exact same spot. Now that we are totally freaked out we decided to set up surveillance to see what's going on. I setup my camera positioned just right so we could see the helmets. Unfortunately I forgot to put the night vision on ....bummer. Woke up at 12:30 turned on the light for the video camera only to see the helmet had been moved again and it is now back in the same spot on the floor! What the hell is going on?
Yesterday afternoon my husband walked into our garage where we have our to Dune Buggies as well as four helmets that are on a metal rack about 8 inches off the floor up against the wall. When my husband walked in the first time his helmet was laying on the floor on its side like it had fallen off so he picked it up and put it back. About two hours later we walked into the garage and that helmet was sitting in the middle of the floor. Our garage door was closed my husband asked me if I had moved it. I said no , so we picked it up and placed it back on the rack. Later that evening we walked out into the garage again and the helmet was back on the floor in the exact same spot. Now that we are totally freaked out we decided to set up surveillance to see what's going on. I setup my camera positioned just right so we could see the helmets. Unfortunately I forgot to put the night vision on ....bummer. Woke up at 12:30 turned on the light for the video camera only to see the helmet had been moved again and it is now back in the same spot on the floor! What the hell is going on?

How do you know it "had been moved"? Could it not have fallen or rolled?
How do you know it "had been moved"? Could it not have fallen or rolled?

No. There is NO way it rolled or fell off the stand. It was 4 ft away from the stand it was on sitting upright each time. I have gone back and checked several times moving and trying to shake the stands so the helmets might fall off. But nothing fell off. This morning I went in and switched the helmets around and put them in different positions on the stand. We'll see what happens next !
Until you photograph / video the occurrence you can't say for certain what is going on. I'm certain there is a reasonable explanation for this and the video should show what it was. Let us know what you find.
Yesterday afternoon my husband walked into our garage where we have our to Dune Buggies as well as four helmets that are on a metal rack about 8 inches off the floor up against the wall. When my husband walked in the first time his helmet was laying on the floor on its side like it had fallen off so he picked it up and put it back. About two hours later we walked into the garage and that helmet was sitting in the middle of the floor. Our garage door was closed my husband asked me if I had moved it. I said no , so we picked it up and placed it back on the rack. Later that evening we walked out into the garage again and the helmet was back on the floor in the exact same spot. Now that we are totally freaked out we decided to set up surveillance to see what's going on. I setup my camera positioned just right so we could see the helmets. Unfortunately I forgot to put the night vision on ....bummer. Woke up at 12:30 turned on the light for the video camera only to see the helmet had been moved again and it is now back in the same spot on the floor! What the hell is going on?

You may have a poltergeist. I suggest burning sage and sprinkling holy water. ;) Is there by chance a limestone deposit or a stream near your house?

Note: even if you DO catch the helmut being moved on video or by seeing it, noone here will believe you. They will call you a fake and a liar and dismiss it out of hand. There is only a pretense here of wanting to know what happens in cases like these, of which there are very many. In reality, it is never accepted for what it is. People here are more interested in defending their presuppositions about reality than finding out the real truth of the matter.
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You may have a poltergeist. I suggest burning sage and sprinkling holy water. ;) Is there by chance a limestone deposit or a stream near your house?

Note: even if you DO catch the helmut being moved on video or by seeing it, noone here will believe you. They will call you a fake and a liar and dismiss it out of hand. There is only a pretense here of wanting to know what happens in cases like these, of which there are very many. In reality, it is never accepted for what it is. People here are more interested in defending their presuppositions about reality than finding out the real truth of the matter.
Stop trolling.
Really? I'm a troll because I acknowledge that there's no actual proof to suggest that alien spaceships, ghosts, or bigfoot are real?

Or that I understand that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and that blurry photos, YouTube videos, or anecdotes from people who "want to believe" just aren't good enough because they could potentially be faked?
Really? I'm a troll because I acknowledge that there's no actual proof to suggest that alien spaceships, ghosts, or bigfoot are real?

Or that I understand that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and that blurry photos, YouTube videos, or anecdotes from people who "want to believe" just aren't good enough because they could potentially be faked?

That's right. You're a troll when I provide eyewitness testimony, video, audio, and photo evidence of a phenomena that occurs worldwide in all cultures and to all classes of people which you then deny as evidence. IOW, you ask for evidence, and when I do, you change the definition of evidence. Same old troll game of moving the goal posts.

FYI..that these things exist is only an extraordinary claim if you believe they don't exist. If they DO exist, it isn't an extraordinary claim at all. It's rather a statement of the obvious, and rather mundane to boot.
Really? So where's your Nobel prize for proving the existence of all these things?
Really? So where's your Nobel prize for proving the existence of all these things?

Scientists won't touch the paranormal with a ten foot pole because it is only mocked and ridiculed by their peers. Just as you and your troll buddies do here. Being a good scientist is all about conformity and jumping thru the hoops. Toe the line or get your funding revoked.
Oh sure, of course it's some vast anti-paranormal conspiracy that absolutely every scientist everywhere is a part of, as opposed to it just being unfounded BS. :rolleyes:
Oh sure, of course it's some vast anti-paranormal conspiracy that absolutely every scientist everywhere is a part of, as opposed to it just being unfounded BS. :rolleyes:

Right..scientists regularly spend time in haunted locations debunking every allegation of paranormal activity. Papers on the paranormal are regularly published in peer reviewed journals. Bullshit. The only people doing research in this field are paranormal investigators who happen to be finding compelling evidence all the time. That scientists are ignorant of this and choose to remain so is proof that it is taboo to even look into this phenomenon. It's a sure career killer.
It's only "compelling" to gullible idiots who don't have the capacity to think critically about anything.
It's only "compelling" to gullible idiots who don't have the capacity to think critically about anything.

This is laughable. You and several others seem to be under the delusion we dont understand your 'logic' which is easy. Just dismiss what cant be proven yet as bs. Yes, pictures can be faked. People can lie. People can imagine. People can misinterpret. There could be other explanations for paranormal events blah blah etc. Of course it can but we are just not ruling it all out as impossible. You seem to think its some intellectual problem.

Do you think thats hard? Thats easy and very convenient.