Hell's Climatology: Cold as hell... or boiling indeed


Registered Member
Many religions depict hell as a hot and steamy place... eternal fires, flames and burns for the sinners and infidels.

"You will burn in hell young man!!! I tell ya!!!"

sounds familiar, right?

But some religions think that your ass will freeze when you come to visit shaitan.
Like Muslims. They think that Jahannum is cold and freezing place... well not whole Jahannum... only its 9th circle Zamhareer... where those who commited the worst crime against god reside.

Does geography has something with that belief?

No dates, palms and sand... just endless bloody ice.


I told ya Jenny... we should bring more sun lotion with us... Hell is not Seattle.
Many religions depict hell as a hot and steamy place... eternal fires, flames and burns for the sinners and infidels.

"You will burn in hell young man!!! I tell ya!!!"

sounds familiar, right?

But some religions think that your ass will freeze when you come to visit shaitan.
Like Muslims. They think that Jahannum is cold and freezing place... well not whole Jahannum... only its 9th circle Zamhareer... where those who commited the worst crime against god reside.

Does geography has something with that belief?

No dates, palms and sand... just endless bloody ice.


I told ya Jenny... we should bring more sun lotion with us... Hell is not Seattle.

Put very simply, there's no accounting for the twists that various religions place on anything. Many just make it up as they go along.:shrug:
Dante's Inferno depicts Satan as living in a frozen wasteland:

"Inferno" comes from the Latin infernus which literally means "the lower (world)" (or sometimes "underground" or "the underneath") and so was associated with "Hell." The word doesn't by itself suggest fire or heat save that we associate Hell with fire, and hence we associate "Inferno" with fire. (And that popular connection may have arisen only after Dante wrote, for all I know.)

If Dante had written the poem in English,he probably would have called it "Hell" and then there may then have been less of a direct connection the mind's eye to "fire."
Does geography has something with that belief?

Not at all. Those myths are dreamed up by people. Not because of location but because they are great writers of myths.
its quite interesting to think that the whole of the christians belief of Hell temperature comes from a slightly suggestive mis-translation... lol its happened again.
its quite interesting to think that the whole of the christians belief of Hell temperature comes from a slightly suggestive mis-translation... lol its happened again.

There are also the Biblcal references to the "Lake of Fire" and to the "fires of Gehenna" to which Jesus likened Hell.
sorry i worded that wrong - the temperature of the lowest "rung" of hell, Satans palace if you will, I might just ask the local vicar what its like down there and see his reaction.
There are also the Biblcal references to the "Lake of Fire" and to the "fires of Gehenna" to which Jesus likened Hell.

I once read that Gehenna was a large waste dump area for a Large Jewish city. This suggests that the original intent was more to dispose of dead "evil" people as trash.

It would also seem that "Dante's Inferno" should be incorporated into the Bible as the last book in it.

I once read that Gehenna was a large waste dump area for a Large Jewish city. This suggests that the original intent was more to dispose of dead "evil" people as trash.

It would also seem that "Dante's Inferno" should be incorporated into the Bible as the last book in it.


Gehenna is an actual valley in the real world, and it was used as place to burn garbage (and also the corpses of criminals or other "evil" people). So it's use as a reference to Hell was likely figurative, but there are passages like Mark 9:43-44, which say:

And if thy hand may cause thee to stumble, cut it off; it is better for thee maimed to enter into the life, than having the two hands, to go away to the gehenna, to the fire -- the unquenchable -- where there worm is not dying, and the fire is not being quenched.

Once people unfamiliar with Jerusalem started reading the Bible, it's easy to see why they assumed that Hell was literally a place of fire. Even assuming a figurative use of "gehenna" it is a still a fair reading that Hell is a place of unquenchable fire.
My reference to them viewing "lost souls" as "trash" is of course, the Old Testament reference. The New Testament Christian view developed it into a "place of eternal torture." You refer to it as something real! Does that mean it is something even good people are consigned to forever just because they don't believe in the Christian God/Christ thing? I am not bringing in religion to this discussion that you have not now already brought in . . .

charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com
Make up your mind. Heaven or Hell. Just don't leave me hanging here in Limbo....too many lost soul Zombies bumming on the street.

"No, you can't bite me. Get a job!"
Probably, too, Muslims (generally) seem most populous in places warm and dry, so an arctic locale would be far more intolerable to them than a hot one.


prepares for barrage of rocks for making the assumption that Islam is a desert religion
Hell must be miserable, right? That's why it's called "hell" and no one wants to go. The weather can't be pleasant, sunny and seventy-five degrees.

It's either too hot or too cold. lmao.
i did a 15 page paper on hell for jew school
basically there are three opinions
hell is 1. seeing what you could have been in regards to who you are now on a spiritual level/closeness to G-d
2. the whole fire brimstone thing
3. cold - i forgot details, the paper was 13 years ago
hell is only supposed to last for 12 months tops, if you are too evil for hell you get obliterated and turned to dust on the feet of the righteous