

Registered Member

I just joined. Looks like a very interesting forum from what I've seen so far. I'm a reporter and mom. My youngest is five. He's autistic, considered a savant and loves to draw maps and clocks.

I'm posting this in this particular sig because he sometimes draws pictures of things that are coincidently similar to major world events. Check out the coincidence page if you get a chance:

heyya nitetrax...


welcome aboard the train of psychosis :D
oooppss i mean the chocolate train of love :)

beware the trolls if they find this post they will
try to confuse and undermine you!!!

and that is the sole job of a normal 5 yearold! :D
and the continuing effect of all sons on thier mothers :D
at least you have some art to patch the holes in the walls that
"most" have to pay to repair :D

peace and light
love and sight
Welcome to Sciforums Nitetrax. :)

It's very interesting to see what your son creates. In my opinion, coincidence does not exist. Then again, there are a whole bunch of people here at Sciforums who think I am not making sense. :)

So, it's up to you to draw your own conclusions about every poster here.

Light and Insight to you. And love to your son...;)
Welcome, nitetrax;

Really, really interesting & great pictures. Most assuredly.

My Significant Other's 2nd of 3 daughters also is autistic. She won't talk to anyone outside of the family, but she designs web sites for some of our clients, having majored in biochemistry in college.

Still, she's unemployable. Still, she's making a good living buying and selling on eBay, and investing in the stock market.

It appears to me that your son will do quite well for himself in the arts, especially if you point him toward activities that will build his business acumen.

....a whole bunch of people here at Sciforums who think I am not making sense.
The thread was not about you. ;)

....coincidence does not exist
Nope. It occurs.
Welcome Nitetrax. :)
Your son is exceptional. Very fascinating drawings. He seems to have a gift of clairvoyance, hope it will stay with him.
But one thing that struck me was that he only( or that you interpret his drawings this way) makes drawings about disasters, except for the Canada gold then. :)
A lot of positive things happen in the world too. Maybe he is influenced by your job as a reporter and therefore gets focused on the negative events?
heyya all :)

rellavent thought bebelina...
finding the relavant "perspective"
to view the data" as such reduced"
would lend great influence, ...
which is soo great about the pictuires being posted for "all"
to interpret... as such...
a difficult , almost juncster position on an artistic pretext.
we are all so heavily influenced :/
as im sure you are aware, as a concept.. :/ :(

peace light
truth love
the path of which we "view as" 'from above'.
a little step every day
to build a path
that can not stray
to build a path
as we all should
of elite in nature
'soo exists' in good
as that we choose to buck with ego
as we try to dictate eb and flow
all we are
is as we do
a little hint from me to you.
( a poem for boone from ripleofdeath)
(intelectualy copywriten for the express ownership and right to copy(for nitetrax/boone/and or family)

groove on :)
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.


You seem to have an understanding of "outsider-type" personalities.

Mr. G,

Unfortunately, your stepdaughter's situation isn't unusual. In spite of high intelligence found in many cases of autism, most people with significant levels of autism find it impossible to function outside of a safe environment. As I'm sure you know, autism is a spectrum disorder with many degrees of severity.

Boone is severely autistic. I am grateful that he has his art. It's his way of communicating with us.


Not all of Boone's pictures are of disasters, however those are the drawings that tend to stick out the most.

For example, he drew some pictures of space shuttles and the word "ball" -- I was worried something would happen to the space shuttle, but nothing did. The word "ball" -- as it turns out --was related to the space shuttle in this way. All the parts for the Hubble Telescope are made by the Ball Company -- the same company that makes home canning products. I didn't know this until he drew the pictures, but somehow Boone knew.

The shuttle was transporting parts to expand the telescope when he drew the pictures.


Have you seen the movie "Rainman?" It's about an autistic savant.

Boone began reading and identifying numbers with no instruction at age two. He taught himself to tell time by age three. He can name the capitol and currency of every country in the world at age five. At the same time, he can't tell you his home address and he speaks very little. He's considered functionally non-verbal since he really can't communicate as you and I do. We mostly communicate with picture symbols and written words. He has a great deal of difficulty functioning outside his comfort zone.

Here's some info for you on savants:

Autistic Savant

Written by Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D.
Center for the Study of Autism, Salem, Oregon
The autistic savant is one of the most fascinating cognitive phenomena in psychology. "Autistic savant" refers to individuals with autism who have extraordinary skills not exhibited by most persons.

The estimated prevalence of savant abilities in autism is 10%, whereas the prevalence in the non-autistic population, including those with mental retardation, is less than 1%.

The reason why some autistic individuals have savant abilities is not known. There are many theories, but there is no evidence to support any of them. For example, Dr. Rimland speculates that these individuals have incredible concentration abilities and can focus their complete attention to a specific area of interest. Admittedly, researchers in psychology feel that we will never truly understand memory and cognition until we understand the autistic savant.

Thanks again for the welcomes.

hiyya nitetrax...
Admittedly, researchers in psychology feel that we will never truly understand memory and cognition until we understand the autistic savant.

this is because the bassis of psychology is flawed!
and they like to place an unrealistic option to be the reason they cant solve most of the "main" issues.

i am sure that given a small fraction of the funding that has been channeled into huge wage and salarys for the elitist "buddy" network...
and the rmoval of the perversive thought traps...
it would role off the researchers like a "channel"artists paint-to-canvas!

im not sure if the world is ready for looking in the mirror yet :(

*look to the nature of 2 major things with boones communication...
Reception channels
communication channels

the "uni mind" requires great navigational requirements which just cant be taught to unbalanced identities!
boone does not carry the baggage that most "normal"( ? )
people do.
this removes allot of the brainwashing that most people have
which is only added to by the baggage of disfunctionality of the comunity they interact with.

*# all true knoledge is freely given!
only the sickly perverse attempt to gain goals of greed through such interaction!
thus an underpinning of the psyche disruption of going to see a "normal" psychologist and paying those HUGE prices for consultations, (which i imagine will fuel the 'middle men', sitting on thier bums doing nothing to help and taking part of the profits to inflate the prices)
sad :(
but reality! :/
it is not single dimension as you know!
so look for the combination and draw on the familiarities!
... as you are doing... :)
emotion CAN be taught!
it is just very difficult around "other" (disfunctional) people.
and requires great energy and staying power!
i guess thats why you are the best for that job :D
"no rest for the good" :)
(the reality of the saying before it was perverted by the greed/power mongers)

try looking into egyptian and other pictorial type languages!
you may find some correlating data,
to help build your own key to the code :)
You seem to have an understanding of "outsider-type" personalities
i am talking to you from the inside!
its just that MOST people are on the outside so call it such :D
if you know what i mean :D
boone does not have a mental illnes as most of the bulk of the population do!
he just comunicates in a different way! (and he cant absord bad emotion[this is a good thing in a way because it kills most people little by little every day](genralising to make a point))

peace light truth love
the path to that which we hold above
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