hello again


Registered Senior Member
Ufos and aliens for the most part are probably a manifistation of the imaginations of the media fed masses. For if we truly have had contact with extraterrestrials their only interest in us would be met by a few scientific surveys and abductions to classify and study us and our planet. And maybe they'll jsut decide to overcome us in a vast and devastating invasion which will undoubtably end with our helpless planet being terraformed to meet their needs and our doomed populace becoming slaves and cloned warrior drones.

"Where knowledge ends Religion begins"
If aliens actually visited earth, and they had hostiloe intentions, they would just attack us. If an alien race had the ability to master intergalactic travel, they certainly would figure out pretty quickly that:
a) we dont have intergalactic travel
b) our technology would be far inferior to ours, same with our battle startegy, and we would be easily overtaken.

If E.T.'s came with benevolent intentions, wouldnt they just reveal themselves?
All visitors to this planet must follow very specific rules governed by a higher power. Visitors are not allowed to do anything that would create anxiety or fear in the general public. Thus, any 'bad' visitors don't bomb us, and 'good' visitors don't land on the White House front lawn.
Dave, are you referring to the Washington, D.C. flap of '52?; before my time but am familiar enough with it. As for why these "Aliens" haven't invaded outright, one can speculate that if there are more than one "race" of "Aliens" perhaps they are still drawing the lines on the world map i.e. the "Grays" can have the US, the "Reptilians" can have the Southern Hemisphere countries, etc. etc. These things do take time, I suggest patience.

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited February 20, 2000).]