Hell is the absence of God


Registered Member
derived from the Saxon helan, to cover; hence the covered or the invisible place.

To those of you who believe Hell is not a place where the unrighteous shall burn for all eternity, but rather shall be abstracted from God's presence; how do we feel God's presence now? As an unbeliever, do I still feel God? Would my life be worse off if I lived exactly like I did now with the sole exception that this undefined presence of God didn't affect my life? Would I be depressed, would my life be void of feeling, or what?

All gods are imaginary, mythological beings.

Hells are just part of theistic mythologies.


As for life-

Life is.

Accpeting that life is all we have, and that there's no prescribed purpose or "afterlife"- is amazingly depressing for some believers; when they shed their mythology and leave their cult they go through predictible and well described stages of withdrawl; sadness, embarrassment, guilt, anger, loneliness, etc.

If anyone thinks it would help, I'd dig up some old but useful "leaving the cult" links...
eineidloff said:
derived from the Saxon helan, to cover; hence the covered or the invisible place.

To those of you who believe Hell is not a place where the unrighteous shall burn for all eternity, but rather shall be abstracted from God's presence; how do we feel God's presence now? As an unbeliever, do I still feel God? Would my life be worse off if I lived exactly like I did now with the sole exception that this undefined presence of God didn't affect my life? Would I be depressed, would my life be void of feeling, or what?

YOU ARE and ALL IS Heaven itself. Everything else is Heaven's fiction, thoughts, words.

This Heaven is so Untouchable, Complete and Content that it needs a god, and his hell, like a dog needs fleas.
genep said:
YOU ARE and ALL IS Heaven itself. Everything else is Heaven's fiction, thoughts, words.

This Heaven is so Untouchable, Complete and Content that it needs a god, and his hell, like a dog needs fleas.
Interesting, though it doesn't answer my question. But how do you reason this Heaven needs a God, or for that matter, why does a dog need fleas?
Hell is more than just the absence of God. It is eternal torture. You can choose not to believe this, but don't be surprised when you end up there.