Hell Freezes Over - Fox News Apologizes for Blatant Lies


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums.
Valued Senior Member

On Saturday night, hell became a little too nippy for Satan after Fox News profusely apologized for telling blatant lies about Muslims on the air.

Fox host Jeanine Pirro apologized to the UK city of Birmingham for false claims made by terrorism “expert” Steve Emerson. Emerson asserted that there are cities that are 100 percent Muslim and that police are so frightened to go into them that the areas have been declared “no-go zones.” He also claimed that there are Muslim religious police who run around the country beating people who aren’t living by Islam.

Pirro correctly pointed out that Birmingham is actually only 20 percent Muslim, and admitted the “expert” and the network were wrong to say such bald-faced lies.

Then a more formal apology was delivered by Julie Banderas, because apparently the conservative propaganda machine had to find someone with a lesser profile than Bill O’Reilly or Megyn Kelly to admit Fox News screwed up.

Anyway, here’s what Banderas said.

“Over the course of this last week we have made some regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe – particularly with regard to England and France. This applies especially to discussions of so-called ‘No Go Zones’ areas where non-Muslims allegedly aren’t allowed in and police supposedly won’t go.

To be clear, there is no formal designation of these zones in either country… and no credible information to support the assertion that there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion. There are certainly areas of high crime in Europe as there are in the United States and other countries – where police and visitors enter with caution. We deeply regret the errors and apologize to any and all who may have taken offense including the people of France and England.”

In addition to these two apologies, Fox & Friends host Anna Kooiman and Fox anchor Eric Shawn also issued on air apologies for misinformation presented as truth by the network.

However, this day of apologies didn’t stop yet another so-called terrorism “expert” from making similar claims on Fox during an interview with Neil Cavuto on Friday. Wayne Simmons also perpetuated the debunked myth that there are “no-go zones” across Europe that are under the total control of Muslims. He also repeated a claim often made by right-wing Islamophobes that there are 19 Muslim paramilitary facilities in the United States training extremists to strike American targets.

Perhaps Fox News should also apologize for that ridiculous claim, as well as the multiple lies the network has propagated over the years in an effort to drum up hatred of liberals and President Obama. Or an apology to Dish Network for falsely accusing them of censorship? Or an apology for all the Ebola lies? Of course, Fox hosts would probably have to spend days, if not weeks, apologizing on the air for every nugget of misinformation it has spread in America since 1996 when it first poisoned the airwaves. Such a formal apology for this never-ending slander is long overdue, but I suspect that hell would not only permanently freeze over if this did occur, every conservative head in the nation would also explode simultaneously.

Woah... I'm just... amazed. Make Shit Up Media actually apologized for making shit up...!
I wouldn't get too excited. Fox is doing what it has always done. It's pretending to be a news service. And news services apologize when they make mistakes. This apology enhances their credibility with the ditto head crowd. Notice the apology is not American conservatism or the Republican Party.
I wouldn't get too excited. Fox is doing what it has always done. It's pretending to be a news service. And news services apologize when they make mistakes. This apology enhances their credibility with the ditto head crowd. Notice the apology is not American conservatism or the Republican Party.

Every media source exaggerates, spins , lies and deceives people to whatever agenda they are discussing.
Fox is just like the web wherein any jackass with an agenda can spew any "sensational" nonsense that comes to mind.
Every media source exaggerates, spins , lies and deceives people to whatever agenda they are discussing.
Where is the evidence for that opinion? Fox is the American version of The Russian Times. It is scripted weaponized information. Everything Fox does is centered around promulgating Republican ideology and giving it a false aura of credibility. Fox's apology and admission was just another attempt to enhance its credibility and propagate Republican beliefs and influence. When Fox apologizes for all the misinformation that it sends out everyday, that is the day I will be truly shocked. Fox is unique, it is a partisan propaganda machine posing as a news service. And that is why Fox News viewers have been consistently found to be the least well informed, even when compared to people who watch no news at all! Now that is bad. But of course Fox News never apologizes for those things, and they never will.

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counter point to:

may have been a tad radical dadio.
Ok, and what is the "counter" or are you just trolling? The documentary, "Cosmos" and Neil deGrasse Tyson have nothing to do with Fox News. Fox News and 21st Century Fox, aren't even the same company nor are they owned by the same parent. The last time I can find Tyson appearing on Fox News was 25 years ago. Tyson hasn't endorsed Fox News. In fact, Fox News hosts have taken pot shots at Tyson over the years.

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Fox News and 21st Century Fox, aren't even the same company nor are they owned by the same parent.

The Fox Broadcasting Company[2] (commonly referred to as Fox or the Fox Network, and stylized as FOX),[3][4] is an Americancommercialbroadcasttelevision network that is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group division of 21st Century Fox. ...
Fox News Channel (FNC), also known as Fox News, is an Americanbasic cable and satellitenews television channel that is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group subsidiary of 21st Century Fox.

Jeez dad
get it right before you post

You do have some worthwhile things to post, you do not need exaggeration, hyperbole, nor ego/id games.
You do remember that you posted:
Everything Fox does is centered around promulgating Republican ideology

Fox, fox news, fox network, 21st century fox, are all the same company.
So, yes, according to Tyson: Fox were willing to fund the project without demanding editorial control.

Which kind of ties this back to the op, wherein fox allowed some opinionated, ill informed jackass to spew garbage.(it would seem---without editorial control)

Did you really expect anything different from any media outlet, news included?
You do remember that you posted:

Fox, fox news, fox network, 21st century fox, are all the same company.
So, yes, according to Tyson: Fox were willing to fund the project without demanding editorial control.

Which kind of ties this back to the op, wherein fox allowed some opinionated, ill informed jackass to spew garbage.(it would seem---without editorial control)

Did you really expect anything different from any media outlet, news included?
No, Fox news had NOTHING to do with "Cosmos". It is a separate company. I do remember what I posted. The real question is do you have the ability to comprehend it? I don't think you do.

When has Fox News aired Cosmos? Never, it has never aired Cosmos. It isn't what Fox News does. And unfortunately for you this is about Fox News.
Where is the evidence for that opinion? Fox is the American version of The Russian Times. It is scripted weaponized information. Everything Fox does is centered around promulgating Republican ideology and giving it a false aura of credibility. Fox's apology and admission was just another attempt to enhance its credibility and propagate Republican beliefs and influence. When Fox apologizes for all the misinformation that it sends out everyday, that is the day I will be truly shocked. Fox is unique, it is a partisan propaganda machine posing as a news service. And that is why Fox News viewers have been consistently found to be the least well informed, even when compared to people who watch no news at all! Now that is bad. But of course Fox News never apologizes for those things, and they never will.


Where do I begin. I'll cite one recent example . The Mr. Brown shooting was , at first, lied about by every Media TV news station saying that Mr. brown had his hands up and was 30 feet away from the officer when he was shot. Then the investigation showed that wasn't true at all and that Mr. Brown was actually shot at very close range when he was trying to take the officers gun from him. Now that is only one, you know there are thousands more so don't play that game with me.
Where do I begin. I'll cite one recent example . The Mr. Brown shooting was , at first, lied about by every Media TV news station saying that Mr. brown had his hands up and was 30 feet away from the officer when he was shot. Then the investigation showed that wasn't true at all and that Mr. Brown was actually shot at very close range when he was trying to take the officers gun from him. Now that is only one, you know there are thousands more so don't play that game with me.
Except the media didn't lie. It reported, accurately, reported what witnesses said. The media also accurately reported what the state said.
The documentary, "Cosmos" and Neil deGrasse Tyson have nothing to do with Fox News. Fox News and 21st Century Fox, aren't even the same company nor are they owned by the same parent.

Fox Entertainment Group (itself owned by 21st Century Fox) has as divisions both Fox News Channel and the Fox Broadcasting Company.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fox-orders-seth-macfarlanes-cosmos-219567 (August 5, 2011)
Added Fox entertainment chief Kevin Reilly, “While admittedly on the periphery of our brand, we believe this can have the same massive cultural impact that the original series delivered, and we’re going to use all of our resources – on-air and company-wide – to help bring that to fruition.”

Kevin Reilly was President or Chairman of Entertainment for Fox Broadcasting Company from 2007-2014. He's also the Chairman of the California Board of the Nature Conservancy.

So it's possible for both Fox to be permeated by an pro-Republican anti-science bias and for it to green light co-production (along with National Geographic Channel) of a pro-science-education show that challenges beliefs held by some of its conservative viewers. Big corporations aren't always "just one thing" -- sometimes neither are individual people.
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Except the media didn't lie. It reported, accurately, reported what witnesses said. The media also accurately reported what the state said.

There were many witnesses that saw what happened but all of the rest of them were not mentioned until the grand jury was done finding out what REALLY happened. You seem to forget about all of the others or were you just going to leave them out like the media did?
There were many witnesses that saw what happened but all of the rest of them were not mentioned until the grand jury was done finding out what REALLY happened. You seem to forget about all of the others or were you just going to leave them out like the media did?
I forgot nothing. Mainstream media reported the news as it became known. They reported their sources. They were honest. The grand jury material was secret and wasn't released to the media. The media didn't report what they didn't know. This isn't Fox News which just makes stuff up. When the coroner's records were released, the media prompt and accurately reported that witness testimony differed significantly with the findings of the coroner.