Helen Wambach Ph. D. and Dr. Chet Snow... what did they prove?

What do you think Helen Wambach Ph. D. proved by her research?

  • Nothing

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • She proved that the human brain has some pretty amazing capabilities

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She proved that humans can be given messages while we are hypnotized

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She may have verified the Buddhist concept of "Hungry Ghosts."

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She proved that human memory is greater than we thought in the past

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She may well have proved that there is something to the idea of reincarnation in some form

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters

Dennis Tate

Or did they prove anything at all?

I read two of Helen Wambach Ph. D.'s books in the early 1990's and her research shifted my view on the topic of reincarnation.

Because I take her research seriously it is now very difficult for me to fit in in any large denomination of Christianity.

Dr. Helen Wambach (Ph.D.) was one of the earliest scientific researchers into past lives and reincaration. She was the author of Reliving Past Livesand Life Before Life (both published in 1978 by Bantam paperback books). The updatedReliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosiswas published in 1984. Mass Dreams of the Future was published by Chet Snow in 1993 after her death was based on her research.

Initially motivated by a desire to debunk reincarnation, beginning in the mid-1960s, Helen Wambach conducted a 10-year survey of past-life recalls under hypnosis among 1,088 subjects. She asked very specific questions about the time periods in which people lived and the clothing, footwear, utensils, money, housing, etc. which they used or came in contact with. Wambach concluded found peoples' recollections to be amazingly accurate and wrote that ''fantasy and genetic memory could not account for the patterns that emerged in the results. With the exception of 11 subjects, all descriptions of clothing, footwear, and utensils were consistent with historical records.''

Victor Zammit describes Wambach's research thus:

By doing a scientific analysis on the past lives reported by her 10,000 plus volunteers she came up with some startling evidence in favor of reincarnation:

• 50.6 % of the past lives reported were male and 49.4 % were female — this is exactly in accordance with biological fact.

• The number of people reporting upper class or comfortable lives was in exactly the same proportion to the estimates of historians of the class distribution of the period.

• The recall by subjects of clothing, footwear, type of food and utensils used was better than that in popular history books. She found over and over again that her subjects knew better than most historians — when she went to obscure experts her subjects were invariably correct.

Her conclusion was:

'I don't believe in reincarnation — I know it!' (Wambach 1978).

Dr. Helen Wambach's third study and the book based on that study was done in collaboration with Dr. Chet Snow.

Even if you find this information offensive......
you may find it to be somewhat comforting... because she and Dr. Chet Snow saw that
humanity would not be destroyed in a nuclear war.

In Mass Dreams of the Future, Dr. Chet Snow has accomplished the nearly-impossible feat of making the incredible sound credible. If you are concerned about the global problems facing mankind today: ecological conditions, political unrest, a society riddled with crime while physical and mental illness cripple millions, you will find this book challenging, fascinating reading, as well as philosophically satisfying. The “gloom and doom” criers over the past few centuries, including some New Age psychics with their perennial predictions of disaster are all compared and given due recognition. Nonetheless, this 350-page book, published by McGraw-Hill, goes beyond popular doomsayers to present positive alternative views of what the Age of Aquarius may bring, even if it isn’t portrayed as “pie in the sky” or Heaven on earth.
Or did they prove anything at all?

I read two of Helen Wambach Ph. D.'s books in the early 1990's and her research shifted my view on the topic of reincarnation.

Because I take her research seriously it is now very difficult for me to fit in .

I don't think humanity would be destroyed in a nuclear war. It's possible but not likely.
Dr. Helen Wambach's third study and the book based on that study was done in collaboration with Dr. Chet Snow.

Even if you find this information offensive......
you may find it to be somewhat comforting... because she and Dr. Chet Snow saw that
humanity would not be destroyed in a nuclear war.

A reviewer on Amazon:

I read this book and viewed it as a work of fiction. To view it any other way is a crock. According to the book, we are now living in a survivalist wet-dream of a post-apocalyptic ice-age world in a state of total anarchy and social breakdown. Look around you. Didn't happen. The "dreams" are nothing more than the subconscious of the "dreamers" indulging in fantasy role-playing, with touches of Jack London's "The Scarlet Plague" and George R. Stewart's "Earth Abides."

Don't just give this book a pass--go long and give it a forward pass into the nearest trashbin.
In 3000 AD it will still be in a landfill. It's so bad bacteria won't touch it
A reviewer on Amazon:

I read this book and viewed it as a work of fiction. To view it any other way is a crock. According to the book, we are now living in a survivalist wet-dream of a post-apocalyptic ice-age world in a state of total anarchy and social breakdown. Look around you. Didn't happen. The "dreams" are nothing more than the subconscious of the "dreamers" indulging in fantasy role-playing, with touches of Jack London's "The Scarlet Plague" and George R. Stewart's "Earth Abides."

Don't just give this book a pass--go long and give it a forward pass into the nearest trashbin.
In 3000 AD it will still be in a landfill. It's so bad bacteria won't touch it

Thank you for elaborating on this one particular way to view their research.......

I think otherwise but I am biased due to my taking near death experience accounts so seriously and I was really impressed by several near death experiencers who seemed to back up the Dr. Wambach and Dr. Chet Snow research in a manner that is far above my Security Clearance Level regarding whatever is going on in higher invisible dimensions of space and time assuming that intelligence is not limited to only four dimensional space - time?!
Fuck me in a post apocalyptic video game.

One part of the Helen Wambach Ph. D. research that kind of scared the crap out of me is when the less than forty percent of her 1088 volunteers in her first study who were men..........

..... saw past lives as women........

and described what it was like to have a baby!!!!!

When the women volunteers described being a man in a past life......
and being a soldier and killing people.......
that didn't bother me so much!!!?
I don't think humanity would be destroyed in a nuclear war. It's possible but not likely.

I totally agree with you......
I am convinced that humanity is not going to be destroyed in a nuclear war.......

Near death experiencer Howard Storm was shown that very clearly and given what I considered to be a logical explanation as to why that even Richard Dawkins Ph.D. might not casually attempt to dogmatically rule out as a possibility.
One part of the Helen Wambach Ph. D. research that kind of scared the crap out of me is when the less than forty percent of her 1088 volunteers in her first study who were men..........

..... saw past lives as women........

and described what it was like to have a baby!!!!!

When the women volunteers described being a man in a past life......
and being a soldier and killing people.......
that didn't bother me so much!!!?

Would you be opposed to drugs that could affect your mental state?
Would you be opposed to drugs that could affect your mental state?

If somebody had serious suicidal tendencies......
and if their psychiatrist felt that a ketamine trip might significantly decrease their suicidal tendencies... .then there is no way that I would try to say that their psychiatrist is incorrect to make that judgment call...... that is not my business!
If somebody had serious suicidal tendencies......
and if their psychiatrist felt that a ketamine trip might significantly decrease their suicidal tendencies... .then there is no way that I would try to say that their psychiatrist is incorrect to make that judgment call...... that is not my business!
Suicide, is a big question...
Suicide, is a big question...

In his book Transformed By The Light Dr. Melvin Morse referred to a study done on
patients who had recently attempted suicide.

One group was simply given near death experience accounts to read.

Zero people in that group attempted suicide again during the duration of the study so Dr. Melvin Morse felt that
NDE accounts have therapeutic value in treating suicidal tendencies.

I ran into a psychologist a few years ago on Facebook who felt that this was true but.......
that it was important that some of the scary NDE accounts should be read as well because if only the super positive ones were
studied then somebody with suicidal tendencies might become even more determined to end their lives.
I totally agree with you......
I am convinced that humanity is not going to be destroyed in a nuclear war.......

Near death experiencer Howard Storm was shown that very clearly and given what I considered to be a logical explanation as to why that even Richard Dawkins Ph.D. might not casually attempt to dogmatically rule out as a possibility.

It's got nothing to do with near death experience. You can look at the radius beyond which you would survive the initial strike, figure those who stay inside for 2 days avoid the short-term radiation consequences and many people would survive.

The biggest concern would be the chaos from the water and food supply and the social disorder. Humanity itself would survive however.
as/re reincarnation:
In the near or distant past:
I was censured on another forum
After delivering my spiel of god being female
I posted that if there was reincarnation, that I wanted to be reincarnated as GOD's dildo
and............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................the end was coming fast
I've ran into the idea of the seven spirits of G-d being = to the fourteen Elohim of Genesis chapter one. The idea was that the seven spirits of G-d are twins..... one male and one female and something like a clone or cell or DNA strand from one of the fourteen Elohim goes into every human being at conception.
Helen Wambach Ph.D's second book was quite surprising to me....
She had already regressed 1088 volunteers four millennia in time so for her second book she
concentrated on the time between a death in a past life... and when the person reincarnated.

She found that her subjects when hypnotized and taken to the day of their deaths do describe
the typical near death experience of floating outside their bodies and reviewing their lives with
some sort of being or beings composed of light.

What was really surprising was that in the between life state after a period of recuperation we
begin to plan the next incarnation. She was shown that parents were chosen and not for the reasons
why we might tend to guess but instead..... we often plan to take on quite difficult and challenging situations
due to their ability to produce more valuable long term results over many lifetimes.