heh....go figure.

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Registered Senior Member
DEFINITION W.makrii mitochondrial CYTB and tRNA genes.
ORGANISM Mitochondrion Williopsis saturnus var. mrakii
1 cccgagggga agattttatt tttgagaaga ttaatttatg aaaggtaata taaattgaaa
61 atatcttaat ctgagtagaa taataattta tatttttaaa ggaaaattga tcatcggcaa
121 gataagttat ttactaaata atagaatatt atttctgagg agttcgaatc tcctattttc
181 cgtaatatat atatcatata gtataattat taggaaagtt ataatatagg caataaatag
241 taaatcatat ttttggagta aacattaata tatttattta ttaattaact ccaattaaat
301 aaattatcct tataatattt agaatttata ttcttagtta aatattaata caaaatataa
361 gcttattaat tatataatat atgatatatt ttaacagata aaagccaacc ggtgaggcgc
421 tttctttggg agaaagagtt agttagttcg attctagctt atctgatata acaactggtt
481 atttaagtta atatcattat tttttaatct ttattaataa attaatatta aacataaata
541 ttcataatat atattttttt tttaatataa tttaattctt cagaaaaata aatttaaaca
601 atacaatact gaaggatagt ttaattttaa cttaactaat ccattaattg tattatatat
661 gtataaagga atatgaataa tatcttccgg ctaaattaaa tagtatttaa tttaactgaa
721 ataccatata cacctgtttt agctttatta actttactta attgactaat agcatgatga
781 ttaggtatat aatttaattt atattttttg ttaatattaa tatcaaaatt taagtattta
841 gtagtattat tattattttt atatactaat aaaccactat tttttctata taatttatta
901 gataaagaac caaataataa tttttcttta atagaacgag atacacctgc ttttttaata
961 tttttacctt taaataatat acttaaaccg attaaatatt tatttactaa taactcatta
1021 gtaattttat taatatcaaa tgatttataa atgtctttaa tatttaaaga attatttgaa
1081 attatattat tatatttaat attattatta ttaataatat ttgttatata gttattttta
1141 atacttaatg aattattcat aggaatatta tctcttaata atttactata agttttacca
1201 gctaatcctc ctttatattt atctaaatca taactaatac ttgaattaaa aataacatta
1261 tcattataat tatattttat tttattaggt ataattataa cttttttatt atataatcca
1321 cttaaataag ttgcaatatt aaataattca ttattatgat ttttataatt aaaacatcct
1381 aaaatattat taatatcttt aattaaagat ccataatata aagtatgttt attattaatt
1441 attttcatat ttgtatcatt ataattgaaa ttaatataaa ctgtattaat tgtatgttta
1501 aatttcggtc tattaataaa aattcttctt cctatttgag atccttgtaa atatgaagga
1561 ttattaatac ccatttcttt aataacaaat aattttacta ataatttact tactaattta
1621 tctagtaata aagtattaat tacttcattc ttattaaatt tatataattg attatttcaa
1681 ctattcatca tatttgaatt ttgtaatttt gtacctttat tattatattc
!! what would /could we do with this? you ask??? whoa......weellllllllll.....well, well...

well, you could build your very own yeast for fun and profit with this genetic code...yes, indeedy. (that's what the code is for, btw.., weird, huh?) :D :D
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
!! what would /could we do with this? you ask??? whoa......weellllllllll.....well, well...

well, you could build your very own yeast for fun and profit with this genetic code...yes, indeedy. (that's what the code is for, btw.., weird, huh?) :D :D

Is this the "complete" code?

That thing's got fucking impressive compression if so.

And I mean... something totally unknown to us.
This is not the complete code. As you can plainly read, it is the tRNA genes of a mitochondrion.

The smallest genome is 580,000 base pairs long:


This is about 145 kilobytes of information (assuming 2 bits per base pair, since there are 4 possible bases). Obviously, viral genomes are smaller, but they are not capable of self-reproduction.
This is not the complete code

***no, kidding?? and, no, it's the rRNA. not the tRNA. but, anyways...you really think i'm gonna post the whole transcription/encoding here???? i'll have you know that is my secret recipe for making my very tasty home-made bread. when i say i make everything from scratch...i mean it! :D ...INCLUDING the yeast. hee hee
Originally posted by Porfiry
This is not the complete code. As you can plainly read, it is the tRNA genes of a mitochondrion.

The smallest genome is 580,000 base pairs long:


This is about 145 kilobytes of information (assuming 2 bits per base pair, since there are 4 possible bases). Obviously, viral genomes are smaller, but they are not capable of self-reproduction.

Even so, a very impressive compression scheme.
I thought you were making reference to the movie Gattaca. Ahhh....I see the correlation now....
reply to pumpkin

merely FYI,

the sequence you posted is the cytochrome B gene from the mitochondrial genome, which is flanked by tRNA genes t-thr and t-pro and a 12s ribosomal gene
Even so, a very impressive compression scheme.

What are you talking about?? There is no compression in gene sequences. Nucleotide triplets are translated directly to amino acid sequences which curl up to form proteins. It's a pretty direct encoding.
lions and tigers and teritary structures..

amino acids and teritiary structures and proteins..oh, my. :D

...talk about tertiary structure....whoa....:eek: :D
reply to pumpkin???

what the heck you talkling about??!!!??

what strain??!!

the sequence clearly states "W.makrii mitochondrial CYTB and tRNA genes."

What is on the 12S rRNA gene????

You have no idea what you're talking about.

The best thing to do here is listen and learn and ask questions.
:eek: relax, dude.....it was a joke...i was just yanking your chain a bit with the 12S rRNA thing...that's a gene from a frog of some sorts...jeeze. i just wanted you to come back and post...and, you didn't...so, i kept on yanking yer chain....

and, lo and behold you came back!!!! yay!!! :D
...and, just for the record...i'd better know what i'm talking about ...i tutor biology and micro-biology - yeah, i majored in it in college. but, i'm sure you are much more knowledgeable with its parameters than i could ever hope to be. :eek: :D :bugeye: ;) :D
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