

Registered Senior Member
Right in the bible it says that god forgives all sins, so if all sins are forgiven then that means all these child killers and perverts will get forgiven and go to heaven, well i dont know about you people but i dont want to sit in heaven next to a pervert or killer, i would sooner go the other way and kick old satans ass.
Originally posted by BLASTOFF
Right in the bible it says that god forgives all sins, so if all sins are forgiven then that means all these child killers and perverts will get forgiven and go to heaven, well i dont know about you people but i dont want to sit in heaven next to a pervert or killer, i would sooner go the other way and kick old satans ass.

Let me rephrase your words, god may forgive all sins EXCEPT associating other gods to him. Don't worry blastoff, most killers and perverts have chosen satin or themselves as god and not god and thus will not be in heaven. But I said most...because maybe few of those killers and perverts who acted in a humanly nonunderstable way, if they believed ini god, then maybe he can offer them something else beside what me and you can offer them.

Do you know how the different metals with different atomic numbers and weights separate in the periodic table???? God may also separate souls accordingly.
So if I am a total saint, devote my life to helping people and spreading love and teaching good, but I don't believe in god, I go to hell?
So god values faith over good?
Originally posted by moonman
So if I am a total saint, devote my life to helping people and spreading love and teaching good, but I don't believe in god, I go to hell?
So god values faith over good?

Spreading love and teaching good are rosy nice terms but are not defined. What you may think on the surface is spreading love and doing good, might be deemed evil by universal order. You're not the definer of good and evil, only Saddam and Bin Laden may do that. Read Socrates Apology. The wisest man to ever exist have spent his whole life trying to define righteosness.

Without faith, nothing exist.
Originally posted by moonman
And why should I have more faith in Christ than The hindu Gods or Buddha's Teachings?

Your faith should be given totally to you creatpr. Who is not human and above all descriptions. Christ, Buhda, ect tried tro teach humanity that concept....so please make them proud.
I'm glad you put it that way.
Most religious preachers usualy try to point out that their religion is the only religion(except the Hindus) and that it is a sin to believe in another religion than theirs. I'm glad beacuse you have equalled other religions such as Buddhism and Christianity.
Originally posted by moonman
I'm glad you put it that way.
Most religious preachers usualy try to point out that their religion is the only religion(except the Hindus) and that it is a sin to believe in another religion than theirs. I'm glad beacuse you have equalled other religions such as Buddhism and Christianity.

Religious teachers are paid entities. They are paid by society in different ways. Some get money, some get free residence and food, some get power, some get popularity, security, ect

I understand their desire to form exclusive doctrines out of a UNIversal (one) concept. It's their livelihood, and if they start for a change preaching tolerance and oneness, they'll loose their business.... I understand there position.

Without faith, nothing exist.

Complete nonsense. Man existed on this planet long before he realized the concept of faith. The downfall of human existence was when man used the concept of faith to create alternative realities.
Originally posted by (Q)

Without faith, nothing exist.


So you must be my prince charming who will help me proof the Theistic versus Atheistic ideas. Take a crack at my logic, Chris is too chicken, he tried once, but now is not responding to me anymore, although, I see him writing to people on much worthless subject.

- Life is a non existence or fantasy to the dead people.
- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.
- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.

- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.

Chris said : Life and death are mutually exclusive. One is either alive or one is dead. The transition is from life to death with no return. If someone is alive then they can experience reality. If they are dead they cannot experience anything. It follows then that it is impossible for something living to be aware of being dead in which case death is NOT reality to the living.

heflores says: I disagree, life and death are not mutually exclusive. I will show you that they're not only related by cause and effect, but are subset of one another.

Case and Effect:
- Death is a result of life, death can not happen if life didn't happen. One can not die if one did not live.
Life and death overlap and are subset of one another:
-Our skin is constantly dying and replacing.
-Our body cells are constantly dying and replacing, while we are
still alive.
- What may be percieved as a dead seed, gives life, so life must be contained within death.

Please note that cause and effect implies a very strong subsety of one another, Something can't cause another without being related to it. (I thought that's what Atheists tell Theists all the time)

Awaiting patiently your reply.

Please note that cause and effect implies a very strong subsety of one another, Something can't cause another without being related to it.

How is it possible for life to be a subset of death. How does death cause life ?

Take a crack at my logic, Chris is too chicken, he tried once, but now is not responding to me anymore, although, I see him writing to people on much worthless subject.

Cris probably realizes that your logic is based on circular reasoning or makes no sense at all. I would agree with him.
Originally posted by (Q)

How is it possible for life to be a subset of death. How does death cause life ?

I will answer your question with a question and answer. Are you saying that you are totally alive, and that there is absolutely no death in you at all as we speak. :confused: :confused:

I bet you that if we use a microscope to look just at your skin surface that we will find million of dead cells......Death is a reality that creeps on all of us, but Atheists deny that reality so much and for a good reason.:eek: :eek:

But of course, you'll give me the wrong visible answer and tell me that death is not defined until one cease to exist. So Based on my forcasted responce to you, you believe that you will really die not when you scream...Mummy..and start putting your head between your legs and kiss your As.. good bye, .but when your body totally decompose, and then you are still not dead, just transformed in matter, because based on conservation of mass..Matter may not be created or destroyed only transformed in mass??? So tell me based on your forcasted theory, Wouldn't you say that Death and Life are Subset of one another??

Are you one of those people that loves to deny the sun in midday??? Because if I'm not mistaken, you're trapped in your own circular reasoning. Me on the other hand, I have a goal that will take me safely out of the circle. My question to you, is what rope are you using to get our of your circle.????

I hate to leave, but I seriously have to go after this post, even us Theists are humans and have humanly needs to pee and bath once in a while. I'll see everyone tomorrow. ;)
Originally posted by Blackstone

saying that you skin, cells dies and replaces is wrong, "living" beeings does not rise from the dead , your dead ones vanish and the replacement come from multiplying of the still living ones, the term regeneration is said as a discribtion of the procces as whole..

I disagree..You defined death as a whole (instantanteous is a better word), and I never defined death as instantanous. I care to justify my reasoning for death not being instantantious.

First, you can never proof anything to be sudden or instantanous because that is an asymptotic infinite function that can not be described. Do you care describe instantanous for me??

Now I care to describe to you why death creeps on life. As you can see, if you can see the screen infront of you I hope....You don't grow any younger my love, you only grow older and uglier. Why do you think???? Go ask a dermatologist to what happens to your skin and what is the reason for aging. It's the loss (death) of regenerating cells. That happens during life my love. You brain shrinks too, and other things that you might not want to admit :eek: :eek: to stop working when you get older.

If I were you I would follow Chris example,, for he's truly a wise man, and zip it.
Originally posted by Blackstone
you didnt answer what i said in my post hef..

One at a time, I'm one and you're many....
I'm addicted to this crap, I must leave now. your answer is above.
First I want a happy 100 posts birthday!!!! I wish all Atheist 100 and more years of life, for poor things are done after that.

Second. Ho can an Atheist so baldly claim to believe in science, yet descredit the concept of life and death being a subset of one another??? By discredeting the concept that death and life are related, one is discredeting all physics and scientific rules. Examine this?

- Every Action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
The Thestic veiw supports this theory, because it states that life is an action that will recieve an after life reaction. Judgement is all about equal magnitude and opposite direction. For one that strived hard will rest, and one that lived in rest will stive.

Now how does the Athestic belief satisfies the most important of Newton's laws.

2- Conservation of mass and energy states that, mass or energy may not be lost or destroyed, it may only change in matter.
The Thesitic view supports this theory also, since death is not viewed as a loss of matter, but a state of transfer to another matter.
Again, how does the Atheistic believe support conservation of energy and mass??

The Thesitic view supports this theory also, since death is not viewed as a loss of matter, but a state of transfer to another matter.
Again, how does the Atheistic believe support conservation of energy and mass??

I was not talking to you or even quoting anybody. Do you represent the Atheist community or something. You must be their spokesman. .:D :D

When I say Blackstone, get me my slippers, then I'm talking to you, otherwise, zip it my friend
- Every Action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
The Thestic veiw supports this theory, because it states that life is an action that will recieve an after life reaction.

That would be the missaplication of basic physical laws to abstract concepts like judgement. That would be akin to applying newtonian physics to parliamentary legislation or yin and yang.

Conservation of mass and energy states that, mass or energy may not be lost or destroyed, it may only change in matter. The Thesitic view supports this theory also, since death is not viewed as a loss of matter, but a state of transfer to another matter.
Again, how does the Atheistic believe support conservation of energy and mass??

By only being a materialistic world which must conform to conservation of energy or else it is not a law. A thumping great,big God of infinite power on the other hand...


Take a crack at my logic, Chris is too chicken, he tried once, but now is not responding to me anymore, although, I see him writing to people on much worthless subject.
Perhaps if you didn't post the same text and start the same topic in multiple threads then you might have noticed my responses to you on this topic in the other thread.

Do not cross post. I will delete offending posts.

You are also not the only member here with something to say, and you have yet to show that anything you've said is more worthwhile than that from anyone else. Tolerance for the ideas of others is an important and worthwhile trait especially in a forum such as this if we hope to reach a reasonable degree of courtesy.

ok lets try this what religion are you? i was baptised a catholic, but after what i have seen i have now turned to buddhism, have you seen anthing that would make you change religion or just stop beleaving in religion.