Heaven Test


Registered Senior Member

Here are my results:

I thought the question about "lustful thoughts" was interesting - I mean, it doesn't qualify it at all, so it presumably assumes I'm already in a sexual/married relationship? :confused: Or does it simply mean that any kind of sexual feeling bars you from heaven? How is procreation supposed to happen, in that case?

There's obviously no weighting. I mean, if I was God, I think it would be more important that I have no respect or love for Him, neither do I continually put Him first in anything in my life. Meanwhile, I don't covet, or steal, or cheat. Surely the fact that I simply have no regard for God would put me a little lower than 85-90% entry qualification? Not to stereotype, but I guess that most Christians place a lot of importance in accepting and loving God (and authority), and regard lying and lusting and coveting as only venal sins that "everybody does" and for which they feel showing proper remorse for is sufficient.

I'm aware that I will probably look quite sanctimonious with my answers, but it's true, I really don't covet, borrow (steal) things, or get angry "without cause" and hate people. That's not a moral decision, just a philosophical view of life.
*You scored in the 65-85% range. Obviously you are a nice person to be around and generally try to live a good life. However, anyone who thinks that their good works will get them into Heaven is severely misguided for the Bible says that 'Cursed is everyone who does no CONTINUE to do EVERYTHING written in the God's law.' Do you continue to do everything written in God's law? Too hard you reckon? Then read on...

I'm not sweating. There's no such place as heaven or hell, and there's no emperical evidence of any freaking god. :eek:

I did it only to answer the worst way, and it still gave me some higher grades than expected. So I do believe theres something very very wrong with this BS test.
