Heaven or Hell?


Registered Senior Member
who actually wants to go to heaven anyway? i don't want to live forever where there is no danger to life, it would be boring. also, you all must know the cliche "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" (sorry if i'm not quoting whoever wrote it), but that would surely apply to hell, if you're going to experience the same level of pain for eternity wouldn't you get used to it? i think so. i also think if god is the tightly wound retard the the bible portrays him as being, it's no wonder satan left.
You actually hit on a point though before you kind of "entirely lost it"...with your statements about God.

"You have to stand in the hall of critics to hang in the hall of fame."

We as christians endure with gladness the trial of our faith by those in unbelief in God and the redicule of mockers, and even our own desires, crucifing the flesh daily bringing it into subjection to the Spirit of God as our Lord Jesus did also, because we count it honor and glory to be associated with the Lord God who created heavens and earth, in whom is all goodness and honor and glory....

Yes what doesn't kill you does make you stronger, but remember this also........
Satan doesn't "reign" in hell, this fiction was started by a novelist named John Milton in a book he wrote called "Paradise Lost"......
This concept was complete ficton when satan says "I'd rather reign in hell, than serve in heaven".....

He is destroyed just like all the rest after God is done with Him.
But for now he serves as a powerfull adversary, and is as a tool in the hand of God.

What he actually said was "I will assend up, and be like the most high, to sit as God in the temple of God and be worshiped" by all the peoples of the earth....."To have a more beautifull kingdom than that of Michael's"...He dwells in beauty, sin is beautifull..to deceive by as a woman, But the beauty of Godliness is in the character of the Lord.

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but don't you agree? heaven would be very boring. also, i'm not up with your "english". you seem to incorporate a whole lot of minor sentences into one sentence including quotes, it makes for a un-understandable read- no offense, not trying to start rakkies.
but don't you agree? heaven would be very boring.
I see your point, but I would not think not having to fear death or the betrayal of your own self, sucumbing to "the flesh" and it's fallen nature......as boring, sorry.

"Heaven is my throne, and the Earth is my footstool" God said
Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven is in you".....
It's not "up" there somewhere........we have a body there like unto his glorious body, and there is nothing there to defile.....Only perfect love an enter there.
Oh it's so sublime It can't be put it into words, just let me say you don't want to miss it...don't let someone tell you otherwise.
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so you want to go to hell? so you want to be tortured forever in the lake of fire? you wouldnt get used to it. satan was thrown down from heaven, becasue of his disobediance agaisnt god as with some of his fellow angels. satan isnt in hell, satan is flying around tempting us.
I find the whole heaven/hell concept very fairy-taleish.

To think a person deserves eternal bliss or eternal damnation is far fetched. What determines how a person will turn out? Genes and enviornment, some people were given good genes along with an enviornment conducive to becoming a well-rounded adult. Others were not that lucky. Why is that a personal fault?

If i believed in a supreme being I would think that everyone went to heaven, this is the most compassionate view. Why think someone who did not have a substantial say in his ultimate turnout would be burning and tourted in eternal hell.

Instead examine this- we are highly social creatures that develop concepts similiar to the heaven/hell concept because of the way we interact and the need to preserve order.

I believe when we die, we cease to exist. Conciousness is a earthly concept that is a result of various mental processes in the brain. If the brain dies then so does conciousness. To think there is another plain of conciousness is extreme wishful thinking. I theorize that it is a defense mechanism to protect one from the pain associated with the thoughts of losing a loved one. Also it is very hard for some people to accept the concept of death. To think one will never experience anything is quite frightining, so it would be beneficial to self deceive in order to not come to the grim realizations that come with the idea of human existance.
to everyone:

so where is he now..?

i was speaking metaphorically, but perhaps honolulu, its nice this time of year, i don't actually believe in satan, he would also get bored don't you think, trying to tempt souls into oblivion forever= boring

I see your point, but I would not think not having to fear death or the betrayal of your own self, sucumbing to "the flesh" and it's fallen nature......as boring, sorry

fair enough, but the way we live our lives best is through pushing ourselves, living life on the edge and all that, in heaven there is no edge, it would be like living in a mental institute- the safety of the situtation would be boring and unberable very quickly

so you want to go to hell? so you want to be tortured forever in the lake of fire? you wouldnt get used to it. satan was thrown down from heaven, becasue of his disobediance agaisnt god as with some of his fellow angels. satan isnt in hell, satan is flying around tempting us.

dude, you really think satan is flying round making you look at girls in a funny way or making steal? and i don't want to go to hell, hell desn't exist, you can't prove that exists nor can i disprove it but an all powerful being would not let something illogical like that exist, and i stick to my earlier assertion that if it doesn't kill you then you get used to it

I find the whole heaven/hell concept very fairy-taleish.

yes i agree
first thing hell isnt really illogical....it's where people go if they disobey god, and throw out his morals, laws etc. god tells us how to get to heaven. he gives us free will by leting us choose if we want to go to heaven or not. if you want to go to heaven, then you must first accepct chrsit and his teachings, and abide by his morals and laws.if you dont really care about going to heaven then just live how you want to.

satan was jealous when god gave authority to humans on earth to "subdue it". he wanted to be ruler. so he plotted mankinds downfall. he got even madder at humans because he got humbled even more. he hates god more than humans, but he knows he cant kill or torture god. thats why he goes around afflicting the human race with pain; its the only thing he can do against god.
If you don't accept Jesus you go to hell? Uh-oh, you had better go start telling the other two thirds of the ENTIRE fucking planet, a lot of people are going to hell otherwise.

well listen that is the works of missionaries. besides, people know of the consequences. you dont have to follow god, but it's at your own risk.
i'd just like to say screw the missionaries, the only consequences are the ones "god" must deal with in his imperfect creation of the universe (he didn't create it by the way), thankfully the world is very diverse and not a monoculture that the missionaries set out to create. also, how can anyone quote the bible if god was the author? he is omniscient (knows everything) so unless people who are quoting the bible are also omniscient they are taking things out of context and can never know the true meaning of the bible.
Originally posted by edgar
well listen that is the works of missionaries. besides, people know of the consequences. you dont have to follow god, but it's at your own risk.

Hahah missionaries.

Hey i like risks,actually i wanna meet up with satan and ask him for a job position as next antichrist and wipe dipshits like you off the face of the planet,hows that butthead?
you can quote the bible. what does that have to do with anything.......god gave us the bible for us to abide by.....
eye for an eye, get boozed and make love to thy daughters, awesome, my point was why qoute the bible if you don't know what it means? if you take something out of context, like qouting or even reading the bible, then its meaning is warped and lost, i was just saying to be able to qoute the bible you would need to be omnisicent to understand its proper meaning.
if something says " thou shalt not kill" it means your not supposed to tell. a quote from the bible is exactly saying what is in the bible. the stuff you think is true after it's your opinion.

satan was jealous when god gave authority to humans on earth to "subdue it". he wanted to be ruler. so he plotted mankinds downfall.

Do you really have this conception of some masters of the universe battling it out with swords and magic. Ok maybe thats and exageration of your belief, but its not too far off in my opinion.

Maybe God and Satan should have their very own cartoon, its the perfect good vs evil story to tell the children. Maybe santa claus can guess star. Think of the possibilities!!!!!

. he hates god more than humans, but he knows he cant kill or torture god. thats why he goes around afflicting the human race with pain; its the only thing he can do against god.

And all the while God sits in his favorite lazy boy, tears open a bag of reses pieces and watches Satan inflict pain on his creation....hmmmm.....doesnt sound very powerful does he?
god sent us alot to fight satan. the bible, scholars, saints and the most his son. god wil finally stop satan and his evil. jesus will establish his kingdom on earth, and satan will be thrown down.to the pool of fire.
Edgar,i am satan!
Do you not even recognise thy evil whence it hath spoken to thee?

No cos i know you and youre a butthead,you sit at your computer going to all the christian teeny type websites arguing the toss.

You also go to chat rooms and play out sexual fantasys and chat up girls pretending to be non religous,but really you wanna fuck em hard,hahahaa

Tough break kid,your mind is full of all these impurile thoughts and due to that huge bible belt you cant act out all that shit going on in that brain,
its all suppressed and gonna explode.

Yeah i see ya going to the porn sites,i see ya looking at the womens tits,then looking in the bible for some reassurence its ok to do what youre doing and so on.

Todays your lucky day:
im gonna give you everything YOU really want,
all ya gotta do is simply disbanden that bible belt,just burn that bible and say to your self "im free,this is what free will really is"
this is your ticket to freedom,your move!

Ill see ya in hell anyway hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!