heaven/ hell confusion


Registered Member
The Equality of Heaven/ Judgement

Can somebody please clear up my confusion here.

Ok, so all people, souls come into this world equal, clean however you want to put it, with no sin. From what I understand from various religons we are put here to be tested, but I could be wrong here.

Anyway, there are two parts to my confusion.

A) If God knows everything that has ever happend and everything that is going to happen, why does he need to test us in the first place?

B) From the second we are born everyone becomes unequal. I mean the handicaped child of a drug addict, the child of a vicar and a child living in a country where they are never going to hear about all the different religons, all have different chances of becoming a good person, not sinning or belonging to the 'right' religon. How can this be fair? People proclaim that it is the belief in God that is important, not belonging to a specific reilgon, but how can this be right either. I mean the child of a devout Christian and the child of an atheist have different chances of believing in god.

And what about these prophet people, I mean they have 'seen' (I use this hyperthetically) God, and so are able to believe with a little more certainty that those being asked to believe in the word of a book not even writen by God!

I guess the root of my problem is, if there is a heaven or a hell, and entrance to heaven is NOT preordained (ie God doesn't know everything) then who goes where? It seems to me that the worth of someone's deeds is A) relative, and B) near immeasurable due to the million and one variables in a persons life.

I just wondered what various people from various religons feel about this?

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First, along with heaven and hell there is pugatory where sinners receive temporary punishment.

A) If God knows everything that has ever happend and everything that is going to happen, why does he need to test us in the first place?
Not every theist or Christian believes this.

B) From the second we are born everyone becomes unequal. I mean the handicaped child of a drug addict, the child of a vicar and a child living in a country where they are never going to hear about all the different religons, all have different chances of becoming a good person, not sinning or belonging to the 'right' religon.
I have full confidence that God is able to judge fairly based upon circumstance.

It seems to me that the worth of someone's deeds is A) relative, and B) near immeasurable due to the million and one variables in a persons life.
Yes, the drive behind a good deed is not relative, but the end result may not be. For example, Jesus gave the story of a women who gave only two coins to the sinagogue. Yet because she gave everything, what she did was more worthy than that of the Pharisees.
A) If God knows everything that has ever happend and everything that is going to happen, why does he need to test us in the first place?
Because he's an asshole.

But going on the premise that "God" or godhead is a human construct, he is inevitebly anthropomorphized, yes? The teller imagines himself on his god's throne, omnipotent and untouchable with the scheme of Mother Earth perfecty planned out.

Then he looks down to his landscape and sees nothing happening- the world goes on without the slightest presence of his magical beings manifesiting themselves, but he does not deny their existence, he cannot; its his sense of a spiritual self provoking his storytelling. Its this 'spiritual self' that I find mythical, but that is besides the point.

Now, imagining himself omnipontent in the face of the evidence around him saying otherwise, he needs something for the job descrption since the whole scheme of Mother Earth already panned out leaves little to do, something to keep busy. Some kind of homework.

Behold! To test men, yes, that is the task of Olympus and Jaweh. That is why God has created evil, that is the essence, the very trial of existence.

This, says the storyteller, explains away the fucking absurdity. Zorastranism emphasizes Man instead (barring the split between primary and material existence bullshit)....it emphasizes Man, as we all should.