Hearing Voices....

Mosheh Thezion

Registered Senior Member
I HAD STARTED TAKING ginsing.... twice the recommended on the bottle.

it started making me have appiffanies of understanding, without actually knowing anything new... id hear music... and suddenly it would remind me...
of something, and suddenly i would understand things... all knew.

but as soon as i regonised that i have had an appifany of understanding.. it would be gone.. and i would have no idea what i understood.

pissed me off... this lasted for weeks... when i began the ginsing.

ginsing, has nueral transmitters in it..... I LOVE THAT STUFF.

but.. recently... i have added ginko biloba...

and now... i hear vioces...

hear my name called... hear vioces saying odd things...

i hear my cell phone go off..... but it didnt.

i hear things all the time.... but nothing is there.

i know it is the result of the abundance of nueral transmitters i am consuming, and the help of the blood flow caused by ginko.

anyway, it seems the ginko and ginsing, has made me start to hear things..

it only occurs when i exceed what is my normal dosage....

which is much more than i know i should take.. for a couple days.

the saturation of the excess nueral transmitters seems to make my hearing more sensitive... and things my mind would ignore as garbage is being mixed and put forth as combinations which sound like words.

thus... i hear distance words in other car stereos that i might not normally hear...

or atleast that is my hypothesis....

eitherway... if i keep the dosages at a proper level, i do not have these problems.

this is important, for it shows that indeed, excess nueral transmitters in the brain can lead to hearing vioces.... and so.. these people arent crazy..

they may just have over sensitive hearing abilties,, which fool even them.
messed up hearing from to many nueral transmitters.

and if im not mistaken, alot of these drugs used, in medicine today, work, because they block the passage of some amount of or kind of nueral transmitters, and help crazy people feel normal.

Mosheh Thezion said:
it only occurs when i exceed what is my normal dosage....

which is much more than i know i should take.. for a couple days.

the saturation of the excess nueral transmitters seems to make my hearing more sensitive... and things my mind would ignore as garbage is being mixed and put forth as combinations which sound like words.

thus... i hear distance words in other car stereos that i might not normally hear...

or atleast that is my hypothesis....

eitherway... if i keep the dosages at a proper level, i do not have these problems.

this is important, for it shows that indeed, excess nueral transmitters in the brain can lead to hearing vioces.... and so.. these people arent crazy..

they may just have over sensitive hearing abilties,, which fool even them.
messed up hearing from to many nueral transmitters.

and if im not mistaken, alot of these drugs used, in medicine today, work, because they block the passage of some amount of or kind of nueral transmitters, and help crazy people feel normal.


very interesting, you should share this observation with someone in the field, as surely it could be helpful in reverse in some way, someone lacking or with damaged neural transmitters?

this for example?

"Alzheimer’s disease
A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterised by loss of function and death of nerve cells in several areas of the brain, leading to loss of mental functions such as memory and learning. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia."
Have you found a substance that will reverse it ?
do you think it is possible to over stimulate to a point where it will become a normal patern ?
Are you insane! There's no way Ginseng increases Neural Transmitters to any level like the one you're describing, hell it doesn't even contain anything that would stimulate production of them I think. This is the most ridiculious analysis of anything I've come accross.... you must have some schizo in your psychopathology because you don't hear voices no matter how much of these 2 things you take. I could take 7 capsules and still not get anything like that result which you're describing.

On a lighter note I think it's hilarious that you are seriously believing that is the cause.

ginsing... has ginsiniods... which do become and act as nueral transmitters in the brain... that why people eat it.. for the ginsiniods... the active incredients.


and i know it is the cause.. because if i stop taking it, or reduce levels, the effect goes away... and returns when i up the dosage again.

i wouldnt say it, if i didnt feel sure of the results of using it.
i do use it in combination with ginko.. which increases blood flow to the brain and so oxygen.

as i said... i believe the effect is the result of improved preception by the brain, beyond what is needed for existance...

i.e.. alot of noises go on around us.. all the time.. and our brain just ignores them.
but at times, they may all add up to sound like familiar things,.. things which we might normally ignore and not conciously precieve...

heavy doses of ginsing and ginko, seems to increase the overalll attentiveness of my brain... im much more alert, and precieving of all things.. thats why i take it. dah.

POINT IS... to much... and my perceptions become altered..

and sometimes... i think i hear things... things that didnt happen, but sounded like they did...

Be carefull with anything that increases blood presure.
More soo anything that directs blood to the brain in any incrased amounts.
obviousely a stroke or some other blood issues could be terminal and or cripling.

There is some similar effect from speed.
i would be quite interested to know if you have used speed before and if so what differences you think there is between them.

with speed it seems there is a clear personal effect where if the mind/soul/person is corrupted in base morals then they tend to go into
religous hallucinations with demons and soo forth.

scratching of skin until it bleeds and various other things relating to over stimulation of nerves in genral.

I have used speed before in varying forms but have never used Ginsing
I have used more methamphedimines that i can even describe....

i did speed almost daily... for almost 10 years... if you dont believe me, i can show you 7000 pages in hand written notes as evidense... seriously.
finnally.. one day... theory came to my mind, and my OCD condition ended.
as did my endless habit of doing speed, and staying up for 3 days at a time.

In day one.. i could do 4 days worth of work.... on day two, i could do 3 or so...
on day three.. everything falls apart... and vegetation sets in.
thats why i set a 3 day limit, since my intent was to use speed to accelorate my studies.....

after i wrote my book, i had no need for speed... and i stopped doing it, and i wont do it again.

ginsing, is not like speed... it reduces fatigue, and adds a sense of clarity to the mind, but thats all... no amp'd energy levels.

speed, is very dangerous... and im lucky i survived, but now i have field theory.

if your looking to get high... ginsing wont do it.
i recommend coffee... its just like speed... but only last a few hours.

(IN DEFENSE OF speed, i would say... deviant behavior only results when people who do speed... are bored, and have nothing to do... for 2 days.
studing is the best, since speed makes the most boring book, seem fascinating.
painting and cleaning is also a good way to pass the time...
but basically... a person needs a hobby... something to do.

drugs, should be used to benefit our lives, and intended actions... not to just get high... cause then... people end up doing things they regret.)

i have used speed quite extensively also, but no where near the amount you have.
i was prescribed it for many years, and have also used the refined variety.
i have also experimented with other drugs.

i avoid drugs completely now except for the very odd prescription for something when natural remedies have failed to work.

i am interested in ginsing from what you have discribed as a bit of a personal trial,
is there any basic measure of purity and form that you find is superior ?
i find that the most natural form is the best form... hence i only used freeze dried leaf.... as it is not very processed.

it does not have any high effect...

however.. when used with a common product called 'Emergen-C".. then iT is much like speed... but alone.. it is not.

ginsing, is one of my new best friends.. all my life, i have been a lazy tired piece of shit... and ginsing has greatly improved my existance..

only because it reduces my normal fatigue levels, and lets me be comfortable with work or normal activity without wanting to rest and sleep.

which has always been a problem for me.

(note: smoking marijuana, decreases most of the benefits of ginsing, so i have stopped smoking it. i dont need help being tired.. i need help being awake.)

thats why i take ginsing... i dont need to get high, i just need energy, so i can be strong and active rather than lazy....

thats why i have noticed the effect on my brain.. since i take alot.

I'd cut back on the ginsing and ginko, or better yet stop them. You are describing symptoms of Schizophrenia. If these supplements are actually screwing with your neurotransmitters and inducing halucinations, stop taking them. Halucinations are not the result of increased perceptions, but of decreased and disturbed brain function.

Basic knowledge about brain chemistry and its link to schizophrenia is expanding rapidly. Neurotransmitters, substances that allow communication between nerve cells, have long been thought to be involved in the development of schizophrenia. It is likely, although not yet certain, that the disorder is associated with some imbalance of the complex, interrelated chemical systems of the brain, perhaps involving the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate. This area of research is promising. http://www.schizophrenia.com/family/sz.overview.htm
To quote the united negro college fund, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Don't fuck with your brain. It might come in handy sometime.

If the symptoms persist, see a doctor.
THE real point of the thread, is to mention that large doses of ginsing, ,with its many ginsiniods, does greatly effect the performance of the mind..
in low doses it is very beneficial for an old man such as my self.

but in higher doses there is a suttle acuteness which takes place at times.
driving on the freeway... with no stereo.. music was almost as clear to me in my mind singing as it would be on the radio.. songs i knew well.
the working capacity and clarity of function seems greatly improved.

and apparently.. in large doses... to much.

alot of other things act as nueral transmitters.. b- vitamins and many others.

is it any wonder that mankind may of often given birth to people who hear things, because a slight over abundance of nureal transmitters...

suggesting alot of things, i could say... but wont.

Gerrrr, how much pot are you smoking? when i smoke alot of pot i hear voices but they are actually saying for me to do somtheing, and thats one reason i dont smoke pot any more.
dagr8n8 said:
Gerrrr, how much pot are you smoking? when i smoke alot of pot i hear voices but they are actually saying for me to do somtheing, and thats one reason i dont smoke pot any more.
Guess what:
An example of this theory with regard to schizophrenia is a recent research study that indicated that people who had multiple copies of a version of the COMT gene and who smoked marijuana had a 1,000% increase in their risk of developing schizophrenia. (source: Biol Psychiatry. 2005 May). This research may partly explain the increased risk of developing schizophrenia for people who smoke cannabis / marijuana. http://www.schizophrenia.com/hypo.php
I have taken ginseng many times, and have taken it in China at a much stronger purer source than in the states, but it has never given me any of the effects that you are describing.

I take numerous medications for chronic pain because I am partially paralysed. I need to take codiene but I try to limit it because it causes a ringing in my ears (tenitus) and it can also cause you to go deaf. I'm sure that a ringing in your ears can psychologically be very easily misinterpreted for hearing voices.

I think ginseng is very good for your health, mind and well-being. If you continuosly have this problem, I'd be happy to find out more about it. You could tell me the exact type (company name, dosage, and brand) of ginseng that you are taking and I could see if I reduplicate the same experience. As far as I know, and from what I have taken in the past, there is no known harmful limit of ginseng and no known psychotic-like effects that you are describing. Its good for you!
I use a costco, brand Trunature, called triple energy... 3 kinds of ginsing. one of which is Eleuthero... concentrated extract.

love it..... it great stuff... but if i take to much.. there is the described side effect.. to me atleast.

it used to cause epifanyies of understandings.. but that went away.

What would you call the experience of remebering the sound of your cell phone ringing so distinctively it feels like you heard something, but you know you didn't hear anything. It is kind of like hearing music you were listening to a minute ago - a resonance of sorts, but by no means are you actually thinking you are hearing anything.
Is that what "hearing things" is like or do you actually hear things as if they were there?
I have always wondered about this as I have auditory "ghost images" or whatever but have never actually heard anything.
Sometimes you can be in the shower and the resonance of the water going down the drain, at the frequency the room echoes in, sounds like the phone ringing, but it is just an auditory illusion.
Is this what most people mean when they say they are "hearing things"?
Maybe some people are talking about this experience and others are talking about actual hallucinations...

I always wondered what people meant when they say "god said" - do they hear a voice, or are they really just saying "I felt", or "I was talking to myself inside my head and I said something quite sensible tand the thought surprised me"?

edit- when you have epiphanies you should write them down with as much backstory as you can. Often you have an extraordinary thought and write the skeleton of it down, only to have it become meaningless because the context has been removed.

EDIT - I would say it more like halfway between imagining music you were listenging to and actually hearing something, not really as indistinct as imagining, not as distinct as actually hearing something.
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the ginsing, with the ginko.... does make music in my head seem as clear as when i am listenning it it on the radio...

but the epifhanies of understanding.... arent.

id listen to music... and it would remind me of something.... and that would seem to cause a memory cascade.. which triggered a kind of new understanding of the thought i was having....

but as soon as it apeared... it disapeared... and i could never recall what the fuck i just suposively learned...

i was having epifhanies.. without any new knowledge or ideas.

luckily.. that effect went away.
