Health matters.

Omega 3 is in fish and greens like spinach and broccoli (but not all greens). No need for a supplement if you eat right. Omega 6 is bad.
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
Omega 3 is in fish and greens like spinach and broccoli (but not all greens). No need for a supplement if you eat right. Omega 6 is bad.
Omega6 is bad? WTF? Where do you get your information from?
The irnony of it all is that oxygen is bad; you take it in and the beast stabs you in the back.

Which is what happens. For every mole of oxygen in your body are quantities more of free radicals boring holes through your blood cells. At this moment, you're quietly rusting. Every breath, every wiff, every yawn is but a step closer to suicide.

and so the song goes: :::: clears throat ::::

"Every move you maaaaake, every breath you taaaake, every single day anyime you breathe I'll be kiiiiill-iiiiiiiiiing yoooooou"
"Lack of omega-6 fatty acids, however, is extremely rare in diets of those living in certain Western countries, particularly the United States, as well as Israel. In fact, North American and Israeli diets tend to have too much omega-6, particularly in relation to omega-3 fatty acids."

Omega 6 is HIGHLY unnecessary to have as a supplement over here (US), as there is a certain ratio necessary between the two. Getting omega 6 supplements would therefore hinder you.


wouldn't that be homicide instead of suicide?

No doll, you're the one breathing and while doing so killing your beautiful body.

Weiser Dub:

O6 fats are drived from Linoleic Acid, which is converted by the body into Gamma-Linoleic Acid (GLA). Eventually GLA is converted to Prostglandins. The specific Prostglandins derived from O6 fats are known as
series 1 Prostglandins which amongst many other functions keep the blood thin, relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure, maintain water balance within the body, decrease inflammation and pain, improve nerve function, improve immune function, and help insulin function more efficiently.
I'm not sure where you heard that O6 are bad but I think you may be misinformed.;)
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
Omega 3 is in fish and greens like spinach and broccoli (but not all greens). No need for a supplement if you eat right.

yes but we can't always get everything we need every day. i'm probably the healthiest eater i know but even i keep a bottle of flax oil for days i haven't eaten any other fats. i'm a vegetarian/semi-vegan so i take a B complex suppliment even though i probably don't need it.
there's this food which is being advertised called 'sandhya spirulina', and it's supposed to be the most powerful food on earth. sick people, or people who've just had operations,or have have genetic diseases take it, and apparentley it's effective. i've never tried it though.
Omega 6's aren't bad per se. The problem is that the typical western diet get much more omega 6's than omega 3s. Since the two molecules compete what ends up is a deficiency of omega 3s. As long as there's a 1:1 ratio or greater in the favor of omega 3's over 6's there is no problem, but tip the balance in favor of the omega 6s and problems occur.
I know of people that are in their 90's who never took a pill of any kind their whole lives. Why would these pills help us live longer if we are genetically encoded to only last a certain period of time. I for one think these suppliments don't help anyone but those who reap the profits from them. IMO
these days, most people consume so many oxidants from their usually unsatisfactory diet that it makes taking vit supplements and anti oxidants a necessity.

I know there is a huge industry behind this whole 'healthy living' phenomenon, but, apart from making high profits, could this whole industry be a sham? I find it highly unlikely.