Health Funding (Cancer research, therapy & medication)


Registered Senior Member
Is it disproportionate between genders ?

Do women get more Health funding and reasearch into cancer than men ?
Iris said:
There's a discussion of that issue as it pertains to federal grants here.

Thanks Iris.
I was attempting to consider it from a genral perspective mostly.
i do not live in the usa.
was attempting to apply the question for all countrys.

obviousely if the usa is controlled by republicans then most funding will be based on republican idiology which is not to support free health care for the poor soo...
the entire premis is one of user pays health for profit.
i was trying to lean away from the obviouse universal difference between the 2 basic types of people.
more soo wanting actual data and those who have known the data to give personal interpretations of any they may be aware of.
Women have been conditioned to respond to fear sales and marketing.
women are an easy target for marketing drugs that have no evidence of actual effectivenes or safety.

because of the reproductive function of women it means they are going to have
a possible higher rate of issues if they reproduce.

thus one must factor the actual increased health issue against the reduced health issue in the male counter part,
like trying to claim women should be funded for testicular research or men for some other relating counter part (theres soo many to choose from).

if one adds up all the money spent on research and trials and drug testing,
there will be no doubt that there should in my estimate be around 60% total funding going directly to womens issues and 40% going directly to mens issues.

i should imagine also, that because women are an easy sales target they will also receive the majority of the venture research because THAT IS WHERE THE MARKET IS.

drugs are not made to cure people
drugs are made to fill a market position(the profit motive).
with no market position for a drug sale (or to be sold) there will be no dr
ripleofdeath said:
Women have been conditioned to respond to fear sales and marketing.
women are an easy target for marketing drugs that have no evidence of actual effectivenes or safety.

because of the reproductive function of women it means they are going to have
a possible higher rate of issues if they reproduce.

thus one must factor the actual increased health issue against the reduced health issue in the male counter part,
like trying to claim women should be funded for testicular research or men for some other relating counter part (theres soo many to choose from).

if one adds up all the money spent on research and trials and drug testing,
there will be no doubt that there should in my estimate be around 60% total funding going directly to womens issues and 40% going directly to mens issues.

i should imagine also, that because women are an easy sales target they will also receive the majority of the venture research because THAT IS WHERE THE MARKET IS.

drugs are not made to cure people
drugs are made to fill a market position(the profit motive).
with no market position for a drug sale (or to be sold) there will be no dr

Cure yourself.