joe, just look at Cap and Trade, Obamas center piece legislation, if that is passed in the Senate, and is signed by Obama, guess what, the government will come into your home, and set your thermostat, control how much electricity you can use, how much water that you will be allowed, what you can drive, even when and if you can have a BBQ grill, they will tell you how big of a home you can have, and how much land you can occupy, yes joe, tell me about the loss of freedoms.......
The health bill is no different, even though it doesn't appear in the bill tell me how the Government System is going to operate? bureaucracies, government bureaucracies, government boards that will decide just how much and what type coverage that will be allowed for you.
England is a prime example, your life is worth $45,000 dollars a year, when you are no longer contributing to society, if you cost the government more than $45,000 a year for health care NICE will cut off treatment, and send you home to die.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE),9171,1899873-2,00.html
NICE uses a metric called "quality-adjusted life year," or Qaly, which grades a person's health-related quality of life from 0 to 1. Say a new drug for a previously untreatable condition comes on the market and the drug is proven to improve a patient's quality of life from .5 to .7 on the scale. A patient on the drug can expect to live an average of 15 years following the treatment. Taking the new drug thus earns patients the equivalent of three quality-adjusted life years (15 years multiplied by the .2 gain in quality of life). If the treatments costs $15,000, then the cost per quality-adjusted life year is $5,000.
Taking its lead from Britain's Department of Transport — which has a cost-
per-life-saved threshold for new road schemes of about $2.2 million per life, or around $45,000 per life year gained — NICE rarely approves a drug that costs more than $45,000 per Qaly (the fictitious drug would easily pass).