OH MY GOD, I must really be challenging you.
Have you got any specfics? Of course you don't because you never do. The truth can sometimes hurt, but trust me it is good for you!
I cited an article that refuted an article in that said Stephen Hawkins would have died if he had British socialized healthcare. The fact is Hawkins has always had British socialized healthcare and he thinks it is quite good. In fact he, Hawkins, states he would not have survived without it the British Healthcare system.
So tell me what about that is false? In the US, he might not have survived that is not clear. If he would have gone on welfare in the US his healthcare would have been funded. But probably would not have been able to pursue his education nor work because of welfare restrictions. And that is the point, a lot of people are forced into welfare because of their health and that is a sad state of affairs.
As for the rest of your post, shear fantasy land. I hope you are not doing drugs because you have some crazy delusional stuff in there.