Healing with the mind?


Registered Member
I have this weird thing where if I get a headache, I can will it away. I kinda just concentrate my mind's energy and it's gone in a matter of seconds. That's only for mild headaches though. If it's that bad I give in to popping some Ibuprofen. But the same thing goes for pretty much any mild state of pain I might be in. As long as I'm concentrating on it hard enough, I can get it to a point where I won't really feel it, depending on how strong the pain actually is, and if I concentrate long enough it stays away for a good while.

Sounds weird and probably really stupid compared to other things around here but I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this or can do it themselves, or maybe everyone can do it. Just curious.
woo, its not a magical ability or anything, but not everyone has enuf control to do it.
a headache is usually just your brains way of telling you that it is dehydrated, and what you are doing is telling your brain "yes, i know, shut up and itll be ok"