Headphones Shock


Registered Senior Member
I was sitting here, with my headphones on - And all sudden it felt like a lightning first at my chest then in various part of my body.
I was listening to my favorite song of all time - I had like listened to it
a hundred thousand times or something - And when i took the headphones of, it was like - I could hear the song in my head, it was looping over and over again.
THen i put on the headphones again, and played the song - One time - And then i took them of, and everything was normal.

Psychical or Pseudo?
It could of been psychological especially with Electrotrance synth loops, however if you wanted to push what could of occured other than that cheap answer, you could postulate that you had created a paradox somehow:

A pardox where you existed in a Schrodinger Cat state where when the headphones were off, somewhere in another universe they were still on and your eardrums and braincells were gaining enough activity to spawn what would be sound.

The reason it stopped wasn't so much the movement of headphones back on, but the realisation that something out of the oridinary was occuring which brought the universes into alignment again.

I wouldn't worry too much about it if your functioning normal now, other than question if you ever tried that card thing I mentioned to Zion. (Asking as I disclaimed against "Oddities".)
either that or the shock slowed your brain so that whatn you heard was still being traslated inside your head
I don't claim to be an expert but maybe somehow the shock managed to "burn" the song temporarily into your brain (if its temporary then burn really isn't an appropriate word). but hey what do i know. :D
Stryderunknown I'm not as clued up as I would like to be but I dont think nor do I belive somewhere in another universe the headphones were still on. I belive it has somthing to do with the brain commiting the short term memory of the song to long term memory. For instance if you played the radio in the morning the last song will be going around your head for the rest of the day. Maybe the brain is trying to make something out of nothing. Like when you were younger and perhaps your mum said something very memorable like "If you look at the TV too long your eyes will go square" that will circle around the brain while the brain tries to find logic as to what your mum said. I'm sorry If this a bit hap handed but I dont belive for one second that the brain is operating in another universe thats just complete crap (thats my opinion, i'll stick to that untill i'm proven wrong. So please prove me wrong with science and not sci-fi!
Actually Multiverse theory suggests that "Dark matter" is the Electromagnetic wake of a parallel universe of objects or bodies that are for some reasoning sharing either the same space at a different time or different locations at the same time, so it wouldn't be so preposterous to suggest that headphones could be on in one universe and knocked off by an static shock in the other universe.
Well Firstly what is Electromagnetism? What generates an EM "field"? Why does the field exist? What is gravity really about?

My theory is based on these questions with and overall Hypothesised answer.

Firstly, take the What is Gravity question. People will explain that its a magnetic pull to Mass which can generate a spacial distortion as proven by photons curving around the earth. However you have to take into consideration that when an object falls, it will fall and will have fallen eventually (Causality).

Therefore you could suggest that as the object moves, it could potentially be generating a field, thats a trace of its future position. Suggestion here is that a parallel universe staggered in relationship to time (having two different timepoints occur at the same time in ratio to their position) would allow for these EM fields to create a kind of "Pull", especially since this "Pull" is where the object is destined to fall.

Of course this "Theory" explains the other three questions answers.

From this you could extrapolate that during an objects "Fall", it could have a paradox occur that changes its predestined path, in doing so you would have a universe where the object continues to fall and a universe where the object is caught.

Which gives way to the explaination of "Dark Matter".

I suppose next you'll be asking for mathematics.