

Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I was wondering if anyone else gets a headache after spending some hours in front of the computer... If you do, how long does it take to happen? 7 hours? 9 hours? And does anyone get dizzy??:confused:
I have never gotten a headache...sometimes i am in front of the computer for like 5hrs or like 12 hrs but i have never gotten a headache...maybe you should get your eyes checked.....maybe because the high res of the moniter is straining your eyes. They have a screen for monitors that blocks a lot of light from the monitor....kinda like sunglasses for the screen.
The keyword here is 7 hours. 9 hours. Dude, ... Don't spend more than 2 hours a day in front of a computer... Make love to real girls in the flesh, not with your glass tube. :p

I have never gotten a headache...sometimes i am in front of the computer for like 5hrs or like 12 hrs but i have never gotten a headache...maybe you should get your eyes checked.....maybe because the high res of the moniter is straining your eyes. They have a screen for monitors that blocks a lot of light from the monitor....kinda like sunglasses for the screen.
Well... I use glasses... And I have this screen in my computer at home (not here though...). So... I don't know...:confused:


The keyword here is 7 hours. 9 hours. Dude, ... Don't spend more than 2 hours a day in front of a computer... Make love to real girls in the flesh, not with your glass tube.
"Make love with your glass tube"...? What does THAT mean...?:bugeye:

Good advice... but I like spending time playing games and visiting the forums... And the girls would be nice... but I prefer not to become attached to them...:eek:
Then i suggest you cut your computer time...it's probably because your eyes can't take the stress anymore from long exposure to monitor light. Also i would suggest you get your eyes check...if you get a headache that probably means your eyes are trying to focus but they can't because of weak vision..or something like that...that use to happen to me untill i got right perscription glasses. But a Pc cutback is a must.
oh and my optomologist suggest to sit a arm length away from the monitor to not worsen the situation.
It might also be that you are in an insufficiently lighted area. If you're cooped up in a dark room with one bright light you look at for hours on end, your eyes are bound to hurt. Brighten up your work/playspace, also, fiddle with your monitor settings, it might be too bright.
Thanks for the advices. :)
I might try to get a little bit farther away from the computer and get a girlfriend, how's that?:D:D
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Thanks for the advices. :)
I might try to get a little bit farther away from the computer and get a girlfriend, how's that?:D:D

If that helps let us know
Ifff yoour headddacche iss reaalllyy inntensse trry tyypping wityh yoiur eytes cloksed. Iut workjs fotr mre.
That's a helluva lota hours in front of a computer. I mean, what's SO interesting on there? computers can only entertain me for so long. Unless your working on a website.

To answer your question, yeah, it's pretty normal to get a headach after seven hours of radiation and staring a a bright cyclops eye. Holy, crap. Take a break, your gonna fry your brain cells!

I like :eek: