Head Positions & Thyroid Secretion


Registered Senior Member

Differant people may keep their head positions differantly occasionally & habitually for long, while walking, looking, using computers, in cinema halls, in kitchens or otherwise. I want to know that:-

Can differant head positions kept for long, effect secretions from thyroid glands?
How it can be related to working on computers for long as head position may be tilted upword or downword? Can it effect thyroid secretion? Do we see some this type effect in modren world students/youngsters?
Are our children are not presenting some initial symptoms of thyroid's secretion defects? The position of head remains static for long time due to prolonged concentration.
Science is not JUST about observations. In order to deduce things well u must also factor in a bit of common sense: Why would a static head cause thyroid problems? Also u must think of existing theories: What evolutionary advantage might this have?
John sorry to make you bit hyper. May be not true scientific but this excercise somewhat mentions this aspect:

5) Sit in easy pose. Begin rolling the neck clockwise in a circular motion, bringing the right ear toward the right shoulder the back of the head toward the back of the neck, the left ear toward the left shoulder and the chin toward the chest. The shoulders remain relaxed and motionless and the neck should be allowed to gently stretch as the head circles around. Continue for 1 - 2 minutes, then reverse the direction and continue for 1 - 2 minutes more. Bring the head to a central position and relax.
This exercise and the two exercises following it cornbine to open circulation to the brain and to stimulate the higher glands including the pituitary parathyroid, thyroid and pineal glands which work together to give harmony to the entire body.
That paragraph is based on a theory that increased circulation increases thyroid hormones in the blood. This is not true.
I have a thyroid condition, my thyroid constantly produces to little hormone. I am not taking any meds now, as my hormone levels are somewhat below, but still manageable, and the meds make me sick.

I am not an expert, certainly not. But I can say that as far as the thyroid function is concerned, a lot has to do with stress and unhealthy ways of living (like not eating right, not exercising enough).

The doctors usually say that they don't know of any direct connections between stress and unhealthy living -- and thyroid malfunctions: but my, I just know what makes me ill. I know certain psychological states that are *the* recipe for a tyroid complication.
If you are negativistic, experience challenges as stress, and have a genetic predisposition for a thyroid malfunction: yes, it will show.
Then if putting pressure on thyroid gland or relieving pressue will effect secretion or not?
Then if putting pressure on thyroid gland or relieving pressue will effect secretion or not?

I suppose if I'd grab my throat in the thryoid area, that would effect the thyroid. But it would also make breathing hard, if not impossible. And not being able to breathe is someting that ... simply forces you to remove that obstruction.
May be making you hyper to act with extra force. Isn't thyroid secretion related to extra force or over-activity?? :)
Kumar, I don't know what kind of children you have been in contact with, but the children that I know, simply don't keep their heads still for that long.

Also, as you can see from this diagram, the thyroid gland is at the front of the windpipe, and in order for it to be compressed, the person would have to tilt his head quite far forward, very forcefully, with his chin harshly tucked into his chest, and keep it that way. And I have never seen a child sitting with his chin tucked into his chest for more than a few seconds, it's quite an uncomfortable position, for one thing, you can't breathe with your chin tucked in like that, and certainly no child sits like that to do schoolwork or computer games or watch TV, or indeed, anything else.

So your theory that compression of the thyroid through position is without scientific or practical support.
Iris, I am just checking it, although today's children cab be effected by so many modern lifestyles. What about change in blood circulation or any pressure on nerves or vessels?