Have you had a paranormal expierence?

When I was a young boy I had an experience with an "observor orb"

I was sleeping one night on top of a bunk-bed with my younger brother below. I, for no reason just woke up to see a light flying throught my room, a blue/fuzzy ball of light that seemed to be defined.
I tried calling for my brother but I couldnt speak, as if I had no voice box.

The light flew in and out between the walls of the small unit and proceeded to hover at about my head level, when it suddenly, opened up, it flashed at me like a camera flash and zoomed out of the bedroom through the wall !!

....the next night my brother and I slept with brooms and assorted range of weaponry in case it came back ! hehehe

I also recently have seen weird activity in the skies

My friend and I were walking down to the bus stop at night, I was looking up discussing life as usual when I saw these 2 weird lights.

they were moving together in the same direction and speed, evenly placed apart from each other

lights >>>>> 0--> 0--->

the first one, shot away from the earth, you could see its depth and distance in space as it faded

then the second one, about 2 seconds later followed the first one, and disappeared into space (you can definetly see that it shot away from earth)

I have done a bit of star gazing in my time, and I can recognise a satellite or space debris and this was nothing of the sort.

I've seen a UFO, and even reported it.
I live in the middle of no where. One cool winter day, I was walking up from my basement when I notice a orange ball in the sky. If you've ever seen a street lamp in the distance, that is what it looked like. I had a clear view of the object up in the sky from the window I was looking out of and nothing was obstucting my view. I wanted to keep my eye on it but I did not have the time. So every 5 - 9 minutes I walked by the window and glanced at it, for half an hour it sat there, without moving (as far as I know), then I looking out the window once more and poof, it was gone. I was disapointed. 15 Minutes pass, I'm walking up my basement stairs again and I see the orange ball again. Only this time it had moved far more to the left and lower to the ground (or farther away? Hard to tell with lights). I watched it for 2 minutes, as it AGAIN sat in the night sky without moving, then ran to get my coat and binoculars and headed outside. But... It was gone. I sat in the freezing cold for about half an hour before I called it quits.

Another story I have is concering "Bigfoot". But I was really young when this happened, so don't hold me to my words on this story.

My family and a few relatives went on Vacation to BC, Canada. One day we where fishing off the shore of some lake. We fished for about a hour and no one caught a thing. Suddenly one of of see something on the other side of the lake, we are all looking across the lake at what appears to be bears, rumaging in a garbage can. But something about these "bears" wasn't right. There was a big one and a small one and both seemed to stand on their legs much the way a human does. If you ever seen a homeless person going through the trash, that is exactly what it looked like these things where doing. We are all wondering what the hell these things are, so we get in our cars and head over to the other side of the lake, but alas nothing was there.

Not really a good "sighting"... seeing as how it could eaisly be bears. But I tought I'd mention it.

Anything ever happen to you that you thought was paranormal? When I was younger playing Ghost Busters with my brother outside on our acerage, I was getting really into it and having fun when suddenly one of thoes mini tornados (what ever they are called) appeared in our field and spun up some dirt and hay for a few seconds. I was scared shitless. I jumped up and ran in the house. :D

Well there you go. Aside from everything I've seen in the media and internet and other stories from poeple I know. These are mine. :D