Have you ever Stolen an Item...

Have you Ever Stolen an Item Worth...

  • $20-$49?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $50-$74?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $75-$99?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $100-$199?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $200-299?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $300-399?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $400-499?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $750-$999+?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $1000+?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Plutarch (Mickey's Dog)
Registered Senior Member
Please note the item in question, your reason for taking it, exact value if you remember it, and all other pertinent information. Include only the most expensive item.

The poll, as always, is public.

If you have never stolen, please abstain.

Note: This is for physical theft alone. Digital theft/file sharing is not considered the same, nor is copying VHS or DVDs. Basically one must take an object or money from someone that was not yours to begin with.
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A few years ago, my friends and I used to have contests to see who could take the sum of the most money every weekend. With that said, I'm not going to say the items. It was from stores, not people.
I didn't vote because I can't multi-select from the options.
Suffice it to say, I can likely select each option, though I didn't keep records.
Everything from a pack of gum to multiple cars and pretty much everything in between (back in the good 'ole days).

I don't steal anymore, but I am well experienced.
Why do you ask?

Thanks for reminding me. I changed the topic to note "only the most expensive item".
how about an under $10 category... and why not list it in euros so that theres no confusion about the currency.
im too much of a pussy to steal :eek: :(

Theft is not demonstrative of bravery you know. Rather demonstrates fear of hard work to 'earn' your way to getting what you want. Also demonstrates lack of empathy and consideration for other people. Usually people with a 'chip' on their shoulder who think everyone and their dog owes them a living steal without remorse.
Theft is not demonstrative of bravery you know. Rather demonstrates fear of hard work to 'earn' your way to getting what you want. Also demonstrates lack of empathy and consideration for other people. Usually people with a 'chip' on their shoulder who think everyone and their dog owes them a living steal without remorse.

If he'd steal but doesn't because he's fearful of getting caught, well, that'd make him a pussy, wouldn't it?
I've never stolen anything physical that I can recall. I have various pieces of not-so-legal software on my computer, but the definition of theft is rather hazy in that area I feel... :D
I once stole a dinosaur figurine from a friend I had. I did it however because I did not know if I'd ever find one of the same kind, and he didn't really seem to like it all that much. I remember thinking if I only had it I'd never loose it, then sometime later I just gave it back (couldn't keep it, felt stupid).
File sharing doesn't count, no. I mean actual, physical theft. I'll add this to the beginning post.
Does that mean me and sderenzi were the only ones stupid enough to vote, or the only ones who ever stole anything?
So far, only you and him have voted. One_Raven was going to vote, but didn't have an option for multiple things before I clarified that multiple-things should be resolved to the item of highest value.
What about stealing things that are of indeterminate financial value? Like hearts. No, don't vomit.

Also, will this poll be forwarded to the appropriate authorities?
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I'm all ready contacting INTERPOL as we speak.

And let us limit our discussions to material things.