Have you ever had a lucid dream?

Shifty Russian

International Man of Mystery
Registered Senior Member
Hey everyone,

Have any of you ever had a lucid dream...
Or have any tips for trying to get yourself into a state of lucid dreaming?

I've had some lucid dreams in the past... The best way I found to lucid dream is by putting your alarm for when you have had about 6-7 hours sleep (as this is when you should be in a state of REM). Turn the alarm off... and then go back to sleep.

http://www.lucidity.com/ might provide some extra relevant information.

- Shifty Russian
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However, I'm not sure this belongs under parapsych. From what I've heard lucid dreaming is now scientifically accepted and has even been advanced as a non-paranormal explanation for OBEs.
ive had many lucid dreams, i dont know if its due to my many years of taiji/meditation practise, and the way my life is very spiritually based for someone living in a city, i cannot choose to lucid dream, it just happens and i realise im dreaming, i think meditation and learning your own mind is the key to control of dreams personally, but its just an assumption based on experience,

Ya, I have to agree with empty to some degree.
Years ago when I was into meditation quite seriously, I had much more frequent lucid dreams.
SO awesome!
I admit, many of them turned to sex (totaly awesome)but some of them were just plain cool.
You just kind of realize your dreaming while your dreaming but you dont wake up.
There was one time when I began to lucid dream and I realized I was dreaming, and at that moment I realized I could do anything, in this particular dream I adopted a reckless and somewhat rebellious take on the matter and I remember I just started pissing all over this stereo system in some house. (I know,.. wierd) but quite fun and expressive!
But as the dream progressed, cops came into the picture and were begining to aprehend me, and it was at this moment that for one split second I very intensely entertained the thought that maybe I WASN'T dreaming!
And to top it off I couldn't wake up right away!
Talk about a serious lapse in my sanity for a moment....yikes.
Anyways, after my panic peaked, I was able to wake up.
Oh yeah, another time I asked a question and I got an awnser.
But I forgot it.
Go figure.
moementum7 said:
Ya, I have to agree with empty to some degree.
Years ago when I was into meditation quite seriously, I had much more frequent lucid dreams.
SO awesome!
I admit, many of them turned to sex (totaly awesome)but some of them were just plain cool.
You just kind of realize your dreaming while your dreaming but you dont wake up.
There was one time when I began to lucid dream and I realized I was dreaming, and at that moment I realized I could do anything, in this particular dream I adopted a reckless and somewhat rebellious take on the matter and I remember I just started pissing all over this stereo system in some house. (I know,.. wierd) but quite fun and expressive!
But as the dream progressed, cops came into the picture and were begining to aprehend me, and it was at this moment that for one split second I very intensely entertained the thought that maybe I WASN'T dreaming!
And to top it off I couldn't wake up right away!
Talk about a serious lapse in my sanity for a moment....yikes.
Anyways, after my panic peaked, I was able to wake up.

yeah thats how it happens for me aswell, i forgot to mention 1 thing though, you reminded me of it near the end of your post, sometimes when i wake up from a lucid dream i dont have control of my body and i just have to lay there looking trapped in my body for about 20-30 seconds usually, i cant speak either not even blink, all i can do is lay there and exist as conciousness (im fully aware of everything in this state just cant move, but i can move my Qi around i tried it once while in this static state and i could feel my Qi more than when i have complete control of my body, (might be scary for some people, first time i couldent move i was scared i admit)

Lucid dreaming sucks, I avoid such a thing, lucid dreams ruin the dream experience, the unexpectedness and the message of the unconsciousness.
If I want it controlled, I can daydream.
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This subject just keeps popping up doesn't it?

I have lucid dreams sometimes, the best or should I say the most frequent, seem to occur during my afternoon naps.
Lucid dreams are like the ultimate gaming experience, stress release, and general fun-time imaginable. I used to have them all the time, but for a while (about 6 years) I stopped having conscious dreams (those I could react to and remember) at all. Then, just over this past week, I have had a dream every night, so I'm looking forward to lucidity soon.
I'm not spiritual at all, I don't meditate, and I think you eastern worshippers are full of shit, and dream lucidly fairly consistently.

I typically have a lucid dream like 4 times a week.
The worst lucid dreams the are the ones that seem endless. I once had a lucid dream where I kept waking up approximately 20 times before waking up for real.
How do you know that you aren't dreaming while you are reading this? *spooky music*
emptyforceofchi. is right meditation is one of the keys, i to meditate and have done for many years i have also had lucid dreams.
i heard you can have lucid dreams if you often ask yourself "is this a dream?" while you're awake, so it becomes a kind of habit so you also ask that question when dreaming. lucid dreams are so cool... they seem so real.
I would echo Zephyr's comment: this thread does not belong in parapsychology.
Kyle mentioned dreams in which one attempts to wake up, believes one has done so, only to realise the dream is still ongoing. I have had these quite often. A common feature to all, is a real difficulty in moving and very restricted vision - rather like tunnel vision. I am curious as to whether others have experienced these aspects. I would expect so, as they appear to manifestations of sleep paralysis.