Have YOU been an Alien??!!!


Registered Senior Member
Some people undergoing hypnotic regression have reported being someone from another planet in an earlier life!!!
Sure, they go back a hundred years and remember being farmer Joe, then back a thousand years and remember throwing spears, but taken back 10's of thousands of years and more than a few clients have remembered being someone and not from this earth!
One such person recollects he worked as one of many engineers that constructed space-vehicles, recalling in detail - plans, schematics as well as many of the intimate workings of these craft. The subject - through more sessions requested that the doctor question him thoroughly to obtain highly detailed descriptions on aspects of the motor drives etc. The doctor told me how mind-bogglingly technical this client got as to how these craft were constructed, speaking and refering to terms he was totally unfamiliar with in the field of physics.
Before you all go ape at me, I have requested a full transcript from the doctor who recorded the sessions in full and he has agreed to supply them unedited to me for my listening pleasure. He has the sessions on tape, so they will have to be transcripted.

I bags supplying the transcript to Plato and Boris first! Heck, if they 'can' the transcript what's the use of supplying the rest of you with it??
I will do this with my own money and distribute it FREELY, I'd hate anybody to think I was doing this for money (-stab intended to those concerned!)LOL

So, Were YOU an Alien once?

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited June 24, 1999).]

I should feel quite honored but I don't quite understand what you would like to do. Are you saying you have tapes and would like to send these to America and Belgium to let me and Boris hear what 's on them ?
Aren't there any less costly ways to do this ? Like making a wav- or MP3-file of them and putting them on your homepage so people could download them ? Or maybe you can write down what you hear on them and then put it on the board. Besides, don't you know any other physician who lives a little bit closer ? Kind of cutting cost a little bit for you...

Now about hypnoses, I used to be very in to this stuff, I thought it was the way to prove things like reincarnation and previous life but I have grown a little bit more weary regarding it. Hypnoses can make things from the past much clearer, I don't doubt that but it is still a very personal look at things and most of the time pretty hard to verify. I am curious though on what this man has to say. I'm sure Boris knows a lot more about hypnosis and it's effects on the brain since this is more his field so I let him comment on this...

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,
Well, I'm flattered by both of you, really.

But I am afraid you'll be disappointed. Science knows very little about the physiology of hypnosis -- primarily because hypnosis involves pretty much the entire brain all at once. As we don't yet even have a clear understanding of how the particular parts of the brain perform their tasks, we have even less understanding of how the various parts work together -- even under normal circumstances, not to mention altered states of consciousness.

That said, let me point out the main thorn in regression. Basically, it is that study of the brain completely discounts the possibility of soul. That, of course, obviates past lives. The fact that regressed people can speak tongues, describe places they've never been to, or recite complex physics is fascinating indeed. But since as a neuroscientist I don't believe in souls, I must come up with alternative explanations.

This is purely educated guessing on my part; nothing of what I say is 'official'.

Basically, I propose that a lot more is memorized by our brain than can be easily accessed. So, for example you might have heard some physicists talking among themselves, or seen a science program on TV, or glanced at a math book briefly 10 years ago, and totally 'forgot' those experiences. However, the experiences are still nested somewhere within your memory; they are merely hard to retrieve, and are increasingly muddied with time. Hypnosis then might somehow facilitate the retrieval of that 'noisy' data with higher dependability -- perhaps by suppressing the continuous self-examination and self-censorship imposed by regular consciousness. Basically, I imagine as memory decays it begins to make less and less sense. So, when we go to memory for some past facts, the retrieved results first pass through a 'sieve' of credulity, if you will. If the memory doesn't make sense, it is simply filtered out -- and is consciously perceived as absent. Hypnosis may inhibit this mechanism, thereby allowing all sorts of odd, mixed and distorted bits and pieces to come out in strange combinations.

That said, I still would very much like a glance at the transcipts of those tapes :)

I am; therefore I think.
Costing is not a problem for me.
Great idea to place it in full on my home page, but not as a .wav file, it would be gigantic as there are several hours of the stuff!! Like the both of you I am really curious to hear the content of the sessions. I'll keep you all posted on updates.
I am sorry to intrude on this discusion but it seems to I that it could be quite possible if the "time theory of recarnation" (that from lifetime to lifetime time is constant <i.e. first life 1836-1896 second life 1897-2003>) was false and rather time was more like a 3D sinusoid it would be possible to easily be born in 1999 in one life and at the birth of christ the next. So getting to my point would it not be possible that this person could not have experienced a far off future a few lifetimes ago.
yours Zygos