Have they closed Gitmo yet?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
If not, why?

What is the status of the prisoners?

Who is accountable for them?
I think they need to be charged and indicted before they are considered prisoners.
Of couse it's not closed, Americans have more folks to torture. To quote colin Powell:

'I'd have closed that Guantanemo prison yesterday. It's an affront to what the USA stands for.'


Strange he's say that. The world saw first hand from Abu Graib what the United States stands for.
If not, why? What is the status of the prisoners?

Yep, Gitmo is all gone. The prisoners? Oh, they just disappeared one night ...every single one of 'em. Just ...poof.... all of 'em gone and no one knows where they went.

They've theorized that the tunnel out into the ocean and swam back Muslim-land, but it's not confirmed. I'll keep you informed as soon as I hear any more of the details! :D

Baron Max
I think they need to be charged and indicted before they are considered prisoners.

Why? As far as I can see/hear, only the liberal, doo-gooder Americans give a shit about them. And who cares about liberal, doo-gooder Americans?

Baron Max
Why? As far as I can see/hear, only the liberal, doo-gooder Americans give a shit about them. And who cares about liberal, doo-gooder Americans?

Baron Max

I guess liberal, doo-gooder Americans care about liberal, doo-gooder Americans. Of which there are lots ;)
I guess liberal, doo-gooder Americans care about liberal, doo-gooder Americans. Of which there are lots

No, no there ain't lots of 'em ....but there's lots of people who pretend to be liberal doo-gooders because it's the politically correct thing to be/say these days. They don't really believe all that shit, but if they said what they really mean, then people would criticize them ....just like people criticize me here for speaking a truth that no one wants to hear.

Baron Max
No, no there ain't lots of 'em ....but there's lots of people who pretend to be liberal doo-gooders because it's the politically correct thing to be/say these days. They don't really believe all that shit, but if they said what they really mean, then people would criticize them ....just like people criticize me here for speaking a truth that no one wants to hear.

Baron Max

Ok, in practice there is no difference though.
Ok, in practice there is no difference though.

Huh? Liberal doo-gooders don't "practice" anything .....all they do is talk, talk, talk, .....and try to get others to pay more taxes for pet projects of which the liberal doo-gooders don't want to pay for themselves!

Baron Max
Huh? Liberal doo-gooders don't "practice" anything .....all they do is talk, talk, talk, .....and try to get others to pay more taxes for pet projects of which the liberal doo-gooders don't want to pay for themselves!

Baron Max

I didn't mean practice like that. I meant 'in practice' like 'in everyday life' or something, I can't find a better word for it.

If not, why?

Gitmo probably won't be closed until the administration changes. To close it before then would be to accede to common sense and moral action - not something the Bush administration is terribly good at.

What is the status of the prisoners?

Undetermined. They are classified by the government as "illegal enemy combatants". According to the government, that destroys basic legal rights guaranteed to everybody since the 11th century, such as habeus corpus - the right to be charged and tried promptly, the right to see the evidence against you, the inadmissibility of evidence obtained by torture, etc. etc.

Battles are still being waged in the courts to determine the rights and status of these prisoners, including in the US Supreme Court. Questions have been raised about the legimitacy and constitutionality of legislation passed by Congress regarding these prisoners.

Who is accountable for them?

The US military is immediately responsible for their wellbeing. They are only accountable to the US executive, it seems, unless the courts have something to say about that in this case.

In a wider moral sense, of course, all Americans are accountable, or should be. The harm the existence of Gitmo does to the reputation of the United States should be recognised and ameliorated. Some Americans know this and are speaking out for basic human rights. Others still assume that all people with dark skin are evil and have no rights.

Baron Max:

Why? As far as I can see/hear, only the liberal, doo-gooder Americans give a shit about them. And who cares about liberal, doo-gooder Americans?

It is a pity you can't see the long-term implications of erosions of the fundamental legal rights you take for granted.

When you are locked up without charge or trial, maybe you'll change your mind.
It is a pity you can't see the long-term implications of erosions of the fundamental legal rights you take for granted.

Ya' mean like the fundamental right to own guns ....which you and people like you are trying to take from me? :D

When you are locked up without charge or trial, maybe you'll change your mind.

If I'm ever locked up like that, it'll probably be because I did something very wrong ....and I would probably deserve being locked up.

Baron Max
So only guilty people are locked up. No innocent is ever sent to jail.

Well done Baron, you managed to kill off your last brain cell.
So only guilty people are locked up. No innocent is ever sent to jail.

In most, if not all, cases, those that are locked up HAVE done something wrong ....even if the liberal courts don't convict them. Many a murderer has been released through the loopholes of legal technicalities ....but he's still a murderer!

I think there have been innocent people locked up, but the percentage is very small. And I'm willing to accept that flaw for the greater good of society.

Baron Max