Have Sightings just.... STOPPED?


Registered Senior Member
I've been recently trying to keep up with all the latest sightings of UFOs etc and things like that. I was just curious on the fact that I haven't seen any sightings reports for the past couple weeks. The last I've seen was on Dec 16th. We must have been boring to them or something!
There have been constant sightings here in the land of Oz ! One made the evening news two days ago along with video !
Would you like me to start mailing you all the reports that are logged here in Australia, BigC ? It's no problem for me :)

Maybe the people who normally put up such reports were busy running their Y2K preps on their machines. Either that or, to quote the greatest superhero ever, The Tick;
This is what we call a "lull in the action".
Thanks DAVE! I'd appreciate it if you would! I was wondering if there is such a sight that updates things in Colorado? I mean there's the Colorado MUFON Network but that hasn't been updated in a long time. Was just curious because I know some things are going on but I haven't heard of anything recently.
can you send me some of those reports??? i would apriciate it..... and if you can get any on norhtern california, that would be a great christmas present :)

thats all i got



LMAO! Does anybody know if there's anyplace in Northern California, SF Bay Area, that still runs The Tick?
Oxygen -

Comedy Central USED to run The Tick, but I haven't seen it in at least a year. I love that big blue clutz!

I didn't realize you were a No. Californian too! Hmm, all the intelligence seems to be collecting in California...me, you, Searcher... CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY!! ROFL! :D
How do we know that these discussions aren't being monitored and recorded? Hmmm... I mean, I put in my time with government work, so I may be the mole, but who else? Who IS 666, and why does he know so much about foreign affairs and the CFR? Maybe this is a trap that Dave set for us to trip into. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Black helicopters! Run! :D

Actually, I DID see a black helicopter a couple of days ago. It was an Apache gunship. It looked way cool!

PS: I'm in Silicon Valley. Where are you? (Just for our records...uh...undo that...no...scratch that...er...delete that...damned speech recognition software!)
I'm in Denver if you hadn't read my notes earlier! hehe. Things sure did quiet down around the U.S. haven't they?
say!!!bigc you seem to had some reeaaaly... close encounters of the third kind.how often do u expect to see UFO's landing?how come i dont get to see any little green men asking me for directions.could u pls.let me know how to keep myself updated with extraterestrial
sightings.where do i start looking for such info?
BigC: What part of Denver? I am in Wheat Ridge (a suburb). Lets hope the DPD get their act together! Kind of scary to tell you the truth. (for all who dont know, first it comes out that they burst into the wrong house on a drug raid and shot the guy who owned the house, and now they are hiring people who admit frequent drug use in the past 10 yrs.)
Well from what I've noticed in Denver is that I started lookin out to the West and Southwest. I live in the Arvada area just north of Wheat Ridge. It seems to me that the south west have gotten a lot of activity in the strange happenings. But recently I haven't seen any at all. Got kinda bored after not seeing anything except for a few shootin stars hear and there.