Have physicists looked at Kaballah

I was thinking along the line of the other dimensions.

I vaguely remember having a chat with a Jewish convert and mathematician once that felt like the Kabala had metaphoric references to the multi-universe theories but it was all just a little over my head.:shrug:
Because people adduce meaning to anything and everything - whether it's really there or not.
Because people adduce meaning to anything and everything - whether it's really there or not.

The purpose of the scientific method is to hypothesize meaning and test to see if it is indeed there or not. To scoff at something without investigating the possible merit is akin to close minded bigotry. The scientific world KNEW proteins determined the expression of life. Game over. Don't bother questioning that... Then two fellows named Watson and Crick came on the scene and they were ostracized for years for their crazy ideas about DNA. Guess how that ended up turning out.

Be skeptical. But be open minded to possibilities too.
The purpose of the scientific method is to hypothesize meaning and test to see if it is indeed there or not.
And a metaphorical meaning is just that - metaphorical.
Any one can read whatever they like into metaphors.
It's the purpose of science to look at likely things - there's only so much scientists can do (and only so much funding).
Wild shots in the dark rarely pay off.
What basis would there be for assuming that kabbalists knew anything at all about something as "modern" as string theory?

To scoff at something without investigating the possible merit is akin to close minded bigotry. The scientific world KNEW proteins determined the expression of life. Game over. Don't bother questioning that... Then two fellows named Watson and Crick came on the scene and they were ostracized for years for their crazy ideas about DNA. Guess how that ended up turning out.
They were published in Nature...
What basis would there be for assuming that kabbalists knew anything at all about something as "modern" as string theory?

They believe in other dimensions and their religion is very old. String theory is very new and allows for multiple other dimensions. To use religious texts for modern physics seems odd to me too. Maybe it is all just a metaphorical shot in the dark. I'm almost positive a mathematical minded physicist would not be interested in studying this. Just like a metaphorical minded Kabbalist would not. That is the beauty of it. If they had something to learn from each other they'd never know it.
They believe in other dimensions
Which gives it credence how?

and their religion is very old.
So it's old.
How does that make it valid?

String theory is very new and allows for multiple other dimensions.
Nope, string theory more or less DEMANDS other dimensions.
All of which are too small to be accessible (around Planck length in size).

To use religious texts for modern physics seems odd to me too. Maybe it is all just a metaphorical shot in the dark. I'm almost positive a mathematical minded physicist would not be interested in studying this. Just like a metaphorical minded Kabbalist would not. That is the beauty of it. If they had something to learn from each other they'd never know it.
It smacks too much of the Bible Code... :D
I thought all these extra dimensions are just dreamed up by physicists to equate spooky math problems.