Have more sex, it just might save your life


Science Dork
Registered Senior Member
From CNN.....

"On average, the men overall had four to seven ejaculations a month. No increased risk of prostate cancer was seen in men who reported more frequent ejaculations, and there appeared to be a decreased risk in men with the highest reported levels.

The two highest activity levels -- 13 to 20 ejaculations a month, and at least 21 a month -- were linked with decreased cancer risks of 14 percent and 33 percent respectively.

One theory is that frequent ejaculations help flush out cancer-causing chemicals or reduce the development of calcifications that have been linked with prostate cancer.

But relatively few men in the study reported heavy sexual activity, so more research is needed to establish whether there is, in fact, a link, said Dr. Michael Leitzmann, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute who led the study."

full text: http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/04/07/cancer.ejaculations.ap/index.html

Now you all have a legitimate medical reason to beat your dick like it owes you money.
Even if frequent ejaculation doesn't lessen the risk of cancer, a man might as well enjoy himself while he still has his sexual health...

I'm afraid I don't know the word "skit," Princess. Please enlighten me.
skit - segment on sketch comedy show like Saturday Night Live, Chappelle's Show or Mad TV. It's like televised short satire.

And I haven't read about any studies about women and the benefit or detriment of sex other than the obvious (getting pregnant).
I recall reading something about how orgasms during a menstrual period can reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Perhaps the ladies can look it up.
Note. An orgasm does not equal sex. ;)

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
"On average, the men overall had four to seven ejaculations a month."

Four to seven was the average? Ffs give the old bastards some viagra.
Yeah, the statistics shocked me. 4-7?? Either I'm perverted, or these guys are impotent.
I remember a study on fruit flies shows that if male fruit flies' mating rate was reduced, they could actually live longer.
Or what about the Seinfeld, where George's intelligence increased during a prolonged bout of celibacy. Sure, you're more healthy, but wouldn't you rather have a heightened intelligence?
I don't think that pornography is healthy at all. Men who view pornography on a regular basis look at women as sex objects and lust after any semi-attractive woman they see.

I don't watch pornography, I personally think it's a bad idea and disgusting. Sex should be between two people, when your married, do you want to be thinking about someone else while you and your wife are making love? If you do, you should stop and consider how unfair that is to your actual wife.
Don't give me that BS that we can't help it, it's our instinct, etc, because like I said earlier, I don't masturbate or watch pornography and have a totally healthy love life and am able to turn my lust and sexual desire on or off around women, depending on the situation.

Don't you people plan on raising a child someday for crying out loud?? How can you justify turn your brains into some XXX peepshow??
Who said anything about pornography?

Too bad there are no studies out there that claim women benefit from having sex. Other than the benefit of having an orgasm I guess, but I don't think that does anything to increase or decrease health...