have any of you........


Registered Senior Member
have any of u ever been abducted, it would scare the shit out of me personally, but i was just cirious (however u spell it) about your experience, and if ucan make contact with them, ask them about me, this is not a joke, although i understand that it sounds stupid its been oon my mind for quite sometime if the aliens knew who i was or stuff about me. and i'm just corious. but please just ask them if u can, and ask them if they can show me prufe proof if u can. thanx-

"prufe proof"
"was just cirious"
"i'm just corious"

you could at least be consistent! :)

sorry, that was rather mean. :(
dude, i cant spell, can u understand that??? so stop teasing me


Yes, I have been... when I was five years old... if it ever happens again (but I hope it doesn't) I'll try to get enough proof for all of us! :)

Hey, by the way, I was always taught that content (not picky spelling) was most important in the communication of ideas... I think you're doing just fine!

The spelling part will probably come later. :)
thanx truestory,
but what happend when you were abducted? wha'd they say and stuff? did they tell u anything about the end of the world, or why their doing this???

Hi Dexter,

Sorry. Nothing substantial concerning their purpose or the end of the world was revealed to me. I was physically examined and I was really scared. I fought with them, physically, until they told me that I would be brought back home. I calmed down after that. I did see another boy from my neighborhood who was taken at the same time I was. When bringing me back to my room, they tried to convince me not to tell anyone about it but, I guess they didn't realize that I had already been taught not to lie to my mother so, when she asked what was going on, I told her what had happened.

Are you sure about that "content" statement? I'm sorry, I really don't want to continue the cat fight. I was just trying to make a point. I can't stand it cause you think I'm evil cause I cuss. It's kind of the same thing about the spelling. It's just the way I talk. I equate cussing with like oh, picking your nose. No, it's not the greatest thing to do, but in the grand scheme of things????? Who really cares? I just wanted you to know that I'm a saved, walk the walk, Bible-believing Christian, who's got good intentions. And then let me tell you what they are....to spread the word of a message that I've been given by the Holy Spirit. I don't know why I was ever given this message, but I was. Aliens are demonic. They and the new age religion they will perpetuate have to do with the end times deception. They are the end times deception. Coming out here and preaching the Word is difficult. That's what I meant by saying that I've been called worse than anything you've heard me say. I honestly think that non-believers are more open to what I have to say because I don't come across as "holier than thou". That's VERY, VERY important to non-believers because that is usually what turns people off to Christianity in the first place, and I certainly do not want to do that. Is there any way I can make you understand? If you still don't think I'm a Christian, or I'm saved, or I'm nice, or my intentions are good, or I'm led by the HS, then pray about it. Ask Him. He'll tell you about me. :)

God loves you and so do I!
what makes u think that the only way to get to hevan is to have the holie spirit in your life and to live by the bible??? i agree with the bible in somethings, but others...... i dont know.... but i think that the wayt to heavan is by haveing fun, and being happy. if u want to beilieve in that stuff thats fine with me but as long as your happy, i think your gonna go their.


Yes, I'm sure about the content thing.

It doesn't matter what I think about you.

I don't think you're evil 'cause you cuss.

I don't think you're evil, period.

Praise the Lord that you are saved and that you are spreading the word!

I realize that your work is difficult.

I grew up in a home with five brothers and two sisters in close quarters. In my lifetime, I have probably used and heard curse words and bodily noises which most people don't even know exist.

Cursing "about something" is very different from cursing "at someone" or calling them names.

Cursing at people or calling them names, whether they are believers or not, is an abusive practice and has a tendency to turn people off.

I understand what you say your intentions are, I disagree with your methods.

I hope you understand that I do not associate with people who curse at me or call me names, especially after I have informed them of my wishes that they not do that when relating with me and they continue to do so.

The Lord be with you, Lori.

That's an interesting thought, but happy is kind of relative don't you think? I've found in my life that I thought I knew what would make me happy; I was sure of it. Then I got that thing, whatever it was, and I wasn't as happy as I thought I'd be, or even worse, I was sad. Didn't know why. So I asked for God's help. Now I know that I'm changing my life for the good, but I still don't feel happy all of the time. Sometimes doing the right thing is doing the hard thing. As a matter of fact, it always is. Plus there's a difference between the satisfaction of the flesh and the satisfaction of the soul. They are opposing forces. That makes it extra tough! Forgiveness is probably one of the best things to witness about God. That's one of the biggies that got me. My parents are divorced, and after that happened I was very sad and angry with them. Even after I was saved I was, maybe even more so after understanding the importance of marriage. So I was harboring all of this disappointment, and resentment, and anger. I had justified it in my mind. Resolved myself to it, and rationalized it. I had a right! Right? Still cried almost every night. Still felt like crap (better?). Then it occurred to me that I had absolutely no right to judge them, and that the right thing to do was to forgive them and love them. That was hard to do, but THEN and only then could I find peace. And I did. True happiness is hard to find. Eventually though, and hopefully, if you go through enough of these situations, you start to realize that every single thing the Bible says is true. Well, that's pretty darn convincing. Now that I'm saved, and for the first time in my life have the Holy Spirit working in me, it's mind-blowing. I know that people can't possibly believe me when I say that I get answers to my prayers, but I do. Real answers. It's not made up. It's not my imagination. It's God.

God loves you and so do I!