have any of you ever been.............


Registered Senior Member
alright, most of you will probobly think i am crazy, but i think i was contacted by aliens, i was down my street and i jsut felt them, it was like not voices in my head but feelings, and they told me a lot, like i would be able to use telekinesis, and then the next day, i stumbled opon the forum for it, and oxygen was kind enough to try and teach me, i just think this is weird, mabe it is my innner jedi speacking or something, mabe i am a skitzo, i have no idea, anyone have an explaination??? i am not scared, just courious

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Hey Dexter ya just never know email me and describe more details and we'll start dialog that way, telekinesis takes much energy and for one meditation is a large part in focusing this energy. You dont just one day learn it. My wife can do it but only when she has angry energy and she isnt grounded. Look forward to hearing from you.

Eric Cooper
I agree. Unless you were born of Jedi parents (and we all think our parents are from another planet), it takes awhile. Mental discipline is the hardest part.
Do you play guitar, Hudson? I do. It's a form of stress relief. Unfortunately, my left hand doesn't get as much opportunity for fine-point movement as the right hand, since the left is the one on the neck, pressing the chords. As a result, it gets stiff, while the right hand remains limber. This translates itself to a terrific degree of unevenness on things such as keyboards, which require a great deal of eye-hand coordination. I offset my situation by playing the piano, but my originals are still hideously illegible compared to when I do my final clean-up. If dex doesn't choose to do a clean-up on his work, who cares? It isn't like we're writing major literary works here. Unless you've left a good portion of your brain in your toybox, you should be able to read through it. In summary, enough with the ragging on his spelling already. It got old really quick.
oxygen, that is exactly waht i thought, and tried to explain to one of my friends, i play bass, so its like a guitar, and some fingers move faster than others, but i think i got the meditation thing down, i got pretty good at it last night.
and corp. i really dont like you, i am but a child in this very large world, and you jsut have to make thing harder for me by ratting on me about my typing skills, i am the fastest typer i know, my fingers just slip a lot.
and oxygen, i think i am ready for the next step.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)