Hate's New Look


Valued Senior Member
Hate's New Look


It's not about hate, it's about love. Love of white people. That's the message in songs, speeches and casual conversation during a weekend retreat in Zinc, Ark., sponsored by the Christian Revival Center and the Knights Party, an offshoot of the Ku Klux Klan. There's no overt threat of violence here. No cross burnings (or "lightings," as the KKK prefers to call them). The only fire at the grassy compound, located at the end of a long, rocky road circled by turkey vultures, is a bonfire for the Knights youth corps to roast their s'mores. The kids draw pictures of white-hooded Klanspeople and sing songs about the oppressed Aryan race; rousing sermons are read from Bibles decorated with Confederate flags.

1) Is it ethical to teach children that God only loves White People?
2) What dos this say about the God they worship?
3) Is it unethical to say God doesn't love brown skinned or brown eyed people?
4) Would it be morally acceptable to suggest God would love brown skinned people, if they changed their appearance to having white skin (say by bleaching it?)

How as a society should be deal with white supremacists? Its not possible to prevent a parent from teaching their children to think like this, so, what should we do?

I was raised in a christian home and I know my parents thought black people were less. But only black people. Not hispanics, asians, etc. My Mom no longer thinks that. Its gay people that are less.
How as a society should be deal with white supremacists? Its not possible to prevent a parent from teaching their children to think like this, so, what should we do?


Nothing can be done, nor should anything be done. People are allowed to have opinions and worship whoever or whatever they choose freely. As long as they keep said opinions from being physical hate crimes, they may think and teach their children whatever nonsense they like. Hopefully their kids won't share their views by the time they reach adulthood, but if they do whatever. As long as they don't tie anyone to a back of a truck and drag them for several miles or something of the like.
As an ethics sub-forum what of this:
1) Is it ethical to teach children that God only loves White People?
As an ethics sub-forum what of this:
1) Is it ethical to teach children that God only loves White People?

I guess it is if that is what you truly believe, otherwise you'd be lying to your kids. Which I assume would also be considered unethical.
Won't work

Glaucon said:

Ban organized religion.

Anything forced underground becomes inherently more dangerous. Drugs and sex should be enough to prove the point.

Besides, it's impossible to ban organized religion. Even if a society managed to stamp out what we generally consider organized religion, the tendency to gather around myth would still persist. Yankee fans, Packer Cheeseheads, the Dog Pack; these sorts of fans often organize with a zeal very similar to religion.

Okay, a bit less superficially than sports fans: What about martial arts instruction? Should it become cold and mechanical, or is there merit in the psychospiritual aspects?
I guess it is if that is what you truly believe, otherwise you'd be lying to your kids. Which I assume would also be considered unethical.
Well, I guess that's why it's called an ethics forum.

So, you think it's "ethical" to teach children to think black skinned people are despised by God and should therefor burn in hell?

It seems to me that this is unethical from my standpoint.
We'll never make it off this rock if we worry so much about skin pigment

Michael said:

It seems to me that this is unethical from my standpoint.

That said, perhaps you might explain to her why you think it's unethical.

Not that I protest. I agree, it's hideously unethical. And my reasons are fairly simple. We are the human species. In that context there is right and wrong. Teaching children racism is wrong simply because it disrupts society and thus interferes with the human endeavor.

It's amazing to me. I am part of a species that has the power to exert influence over its evolution, and yet I really do wonder if we won't kill ourselves off instead of do anything good by that influence.
Michael! Welcome back.:)

1) Is it ethical to teach children that God only loves White People?
No it is not ethical at all. It is not ethical to teach a child to hate others because of their race, sexuality or religion.

2) What dos this say about the God they worship?
Is it the God they worship, or is it them as individuals?

They read the same Bible as other Christians do and they twist it around to justify their beliefs. It is not 'God' that is the problem here. It is them.

3) Is it unethical to say God doesn't love brown skinned or brown eyed people?
Of course not. But you need to look at it from who it is from. There is nothing in the Bible that says brown skinned or eyed people are not equal or should be hated. It is their own message that said it and they attempt to justify it with the use of religion.

4) Would it be morally acceptable to suggest God would love brown skinned people, if they changed their appearance to having white skin (say by bleaching it?)
No. How can it be moral to ask non-white people to lie about their origins or their race to please the few who are racists, or to appease the racists in society and to allow their religious justifications to stand?

How as a society should be deal with white supremacists? Its not possible to prevent a parent from teaching their children to think like this, so, what should we do?
By not forcing them underground where the hatred builds and gives them the excuse to say that they are somehow right and thus, have been driven into hiding. I think they should be allowed into public discourse so that the majority can debate and force them to actually address their hatred and show them that such beliefs are archaic and downright insane.

There has been much talk about 'white guilt' on this forum and in the public domain in particular. If you read the public comments that were attached with that article, you would see that the sentiment from whites that they should somehow be ashamed for being whites is quite strong. That's the thing. Whites, like blacks or any other race, should be proud of their race and their racial origins. The issue arises when that feeling of pride leads to feelings of racial superiority and hatred towards other races.

I think the best way to reach and address the issue of white supremacists and supremacists of other races is to simply remind them that while they should be proud of their race, feelings of supremacy and hatred of others is wrong.

The best way to tackle white supremacism and supremacism from other races and religion is through education and public discourse. Forcing them into hiding or abusing them to the point where they take it underground is more dangerous. I would rather know who they are and listen to what they have to say, no matter how disgusting it might be, then to silence them and have them plotting in hiding. You can't ban them and they shouldn't be banned. What needs to be done is to prove to them that all are equal and that none is superior. Tackle them as individuals and as groups. If you can reach one and make them realise that while they should be proud of their race, they should never demean or demonise others because of their race with forced deportations and the like, then you have a chance.

If you read through sites like Stormfr0nt, you actually see that there are several who actually do feel pride at their race and refuse to partake in the feelings of superiority. But because they have been forced underground, those who view it as a public conspiracy against the white race is drowning them out, some advocating the purging of the US and other Western countries of all non-whites through mass deportations and others advocating race wars. That is bad. That is why it should not be forced underground but brought out into the sunlight. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
There are Jewish summer camps which fly the Israeli flag, teach their children that they are the Chosen people, sing Hebrew songs and mourn their oppression.

Is that hate?

There are atheist groups which wear the A teeshirt, discuss the delusions of theists, think the nonreligious are better than the religious and mourn their oppression.

Is that hate?
You can drag the human out of the gutter but you can't drag the gutter out of the human.

Whites are better at being white than black people.
Blacks are better than whites at being black people.
Jews make better jews than they do muslims.
Muslims make better muslims than they do jews.

And so it goes on.

Humans love to compare themselves to others and come out on top.

I mean who in their right mind wants to admit they're just like all the others bar a few twisted genes and even fewer IQ points?

Unless they are masochists who've hit rock bottom on the self esteem scale.
Anything forced underground becomes inherently more dangerous. Drugs and sex should be enough to prove the point.

Besides, it's impossible to ban organized religion.

I agree completely.
Admittedly, my comment was facetious for the most part, but to my mind, such an approach would certainly alleviate the problem to a great extent.
In any case, I think this is yet another example of how difficult it is to legislate behaviour. Moreso than anything else, I think the best possible solution lies in education; parents need to be parents.
I was raised in a christian home and I know my parents thought black people were less. But only black people. Not hispanics, asians, etc. My Mom no longer thinks that. Its gay people that are less.

so your mom may have had preconceived notion about a particular group of people. doesnt everyone OR NO lets say 70-99% of the population.
Well, I guess that's why it's called an ethics forum.

So, you think it's "ethical" to teach children to think black skinned people are despised by God and should therefor burn in hell?

It seems to me that this is unethical from my standpoint.

I guess I do. If you truly in your heart believe that people of color are despised by God. I mean if that is what you truly believed to be the truth, what would be the ethical thing to tell your kids when they inquire about your beliefs? Or you are teaching them about religion? Everyone teaches their children what they believe is true, so I find it hard to see it as unethical. I mean if you were just teaching random kids that just to be spiteful then yeah I would consider that highly unethical without a doubt.
Now, I'm all for taking pride in one's heritage or race. But if you are going to have pride, at least have your facts straight.

If only groups like the KKK really admitted that Jesus, or Christianity for that matter, did not originate with caucasion people (as they are known today), or European heritage, AT ALL! Sure, it traveled to Europe and was a major part of the region, but did not originate there. Yay for social religious marketing.

But it's not just among caucasion people. As most of us know, racism and it's involvement and interactions in relgion transcend through all all cultures and races.

Many black activists use this tactic and ideology as basis of their "faith" or beliefs, as well.

My personal view is that everyone has the right to be proud of being white, black, asian, or whatever. But NOT if their pride is based out of inconclusive and unrational logic.

"I'm proud to be white because Jesus was white and we are his people" is NOT logical.

"White people are unequal to black people because white people sin more often" again, is not logical.

Personally, I am proud to be a white German male because of the accomplishments of myself, my family/ancestors, and my culture that have benefited humanity as a whole. Not because I am any better or worse than anyone else, in any way.
I guess it is if that is what you truly believe, otherwise you'd be lying to your kids. Which I assume would also be considered unethical.
That doesn't make it ethical.

I am sure there is someone who thinks men have a right to rape women. He might score +.01 for being honest with his son about this, but the -200 for his idea doesn't go away. And his minus for potentially contributing to creating a new rapist goes up.
There are Jewish summer camps which fly the Israeli flag, teach their children that they are the Chosen people, sing Hebrew songs and mourn their oppression.

Is that hate?
the part about the Chosen people could be hate. singing Hebrew songs seems to me, for example, not hateful. Call me a madman.

The jewish religion can focus on the people also, but other religions divide the world up in similar ways, certain Christianity and Islam have stated and unstated Chosen people ideas. Not tied to race, but this really does not diminish the implicit hate.