Has this board changed your opinions?

How has what you've read on this board affected your religious beliefs?

  • Reading stuff here has made me think about my beliefs.

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • I have changed my beliefs since coming here.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • My beliefs have been strengthened since coming here.

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • I now have some doubts about some things I used to believe.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Nothing written here could ever affect my beliefs.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • I have learned stuff here about other beliefs that I didn't know before.

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • My beliefs are right, and everybody who thinks differently is just wrong.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • I have more respect for theists than I used to have.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • I have more respect for atheists than I used to have.

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters

Dystran Hart

Registered Senior Member
I was interested to see if anyone had changed their views at all as a direct response of being part of this board, or any other board for that matter.

Maybe an atheist is to some extent finding faith?

Perhaps a Christian is having doubts and turing to science for an answer?

or, could that agnostic have made a mistake, and is now thinking that there are more answers out there than they had originally thought.

Or maybe your thoughts have become stronger?

Either way: was it a minor change of opinion? or a whole new path of thought? And what was it that changed your mind, or didnt change your mind whatever the case may be?

Personally I am new here so I will tell you in a few weeks! bit of a cop out I know ^_^
I pretty much agree with Ilikesalt there. I have learned many new interesting things (none that have stuck around in my brain BTW). I don't believe in anything so strongly that anything or nothing would change my opinion if that belief was argued nor am i so indifferent to everything around me that i really wouldn't care what people said. It depends on the topic and the opinions following the topic. I will add that many of my misinformations about science have been cleared up through the physics and astronmy forums.;)
I've learned a surprising amount from sciforums:)
I definately haven't been swayed from atheist to christian, sorry I spent the first half of my life with the people surrounding me trying to convince me the bible was right, but at the age of 10 I saw the documentary series the "trials of life" and I loved it, I made my christian mother bye the book for me and while reading it I started questioning religion, anyone who read it would, not because it says "don't believe in religion because...", all it does is tell you whats going on around the world, animals lifestyles and so on, but when you learn about these things you naturally see how greatly the bible contradicts the planet. Of course when the bible was written they didn't know these things, understandable, but a "god" should have.
Over the years I've learnt more and the more I learn the less likely a "god" becomes, until now I can confidently say the bible's god DEFINATELY does NOT exist.
Needless to say, a few people quoting the bible in these forums isn't going to sway me.
The more convincing posts have come from the atheists and I would have predicted that anyway.

So I guess I could say this board has "strengthened my beliefs" a little if thats possible. They were pretty strong to begin with.
I have strenghtened my possition as a member of the Atheist Black Brigads /and if there is a f**** one god, then a member of the Black Anti-God Brigads/

Sciforums has given me much evidence that even if there was aone "true" god, he'd be a total bitch and what's more likely and according to my theory - he would be insane

and if there are many- cool dudes, not interested in earth (what is logical)
Hard core christian fundementalist to Athiest...

How does that happen...? oh well it did!
I will admit that I had some uncertainties when I joined at the beginning of 2000, but I have now read so many arguments here and have taken time to study and read significant quantities of other literataure to support my own arguments that really I now have no doubt about my own non-religious perspective.

So I am very thankful for the exitence of this board that has allowed me to focus and clarify my thinking.
As mentioned earlier, i've only been here a short while, but I do read other forums. I feel that my agnostic opinion has strengthened, probably after taking in such huge varied number of opinions from other board posters.

I also feel that I have learnt a lot about others thoughts. In real life, sometimes I find that the only time such personal deep opinions are exchanged in debate is when with a very close friend. Hell i've known work colleagues for years and not had a chance to discuss such deep personal opinions. Here however on the boards we get to see others opinons in all their glory - and I find that refreshing.
as much as i enjoy talking about religion this forum is a tad slanted towards the atheist camp.

if i agree with most people here it's not really going to challenge my beleifs and whatnot. what we need is more religious people who can carry a decent conversation. that would be more interesting.
Ender said:
Hard core christian fundementalist to Athiest...

How does that happen...? oh well it did!

As a direct result of the posts on this board?
These forums have been very helpful for defining and refining my thoughts. It's been a great soundboard for ideas - seeing them out in the world, sinking or swimming. I guess you could say it has distilled my position... I definitely haven't seen or read anything here that made me doubt my faith.

It's way too easy to find whatever you need to "support your position" (just look at how many 'beliefs have been strengthened' iin the poll, do you think it's a coincidence?) - in a way it's like watching rocks roll downhill. I have seen tentative agnostics find the support they needed to become full-blown atheists (or as close as they felt comfortable with), I have seen doubters find reason to doubt, and believers find reason to believe. Some people can learn just from a question while others want answers that satisfy them before learning anything.

In the end the forums are what you make of them.
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