Has hemp been conspired against by big business?

Has the hemp plant been demonized by BigBusiness?

  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Perhaps?????

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Dennis Tate

I've read a number of articles over the years that indicate that the hemp plant was demonized in order to prevent it from competing with other major industries such as conventional forestry.
is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel.

I've heard some really good things about CBD gummies that indicate that it is exceptionally good for reducing inflammation which is connected to a high percentage of our most common illnesses.

82 Real Life Amazing Hemp Products To Try Today
How much do you know about hemp products? Today, dozens of different hemp products can be bought online or in stores.

Once upon a time, hemp was a commonplace plant that grew in almost every part of the United States. Hemp was used in fabric and textiles, rope and sails, food, medicine, and much more. Then decades of prohibition followed when hemp was banned along with its close cousin, “marijuana.”

Hemp was legalized again in 2018, and the plant is returning to the United States in a big way. Currently, most of the hemp grown here is being used to make CBD oil, the super popular supplement. However, we’re also seeing many new hemp products appear, from hemp t-shirts to hemp cutlery.

To show the true potential of hemp, we’ve created an extensive, all-encompassing list of hemp products that exists today. Although some of these applications may not yet be fully commercialized, most of these items can be purchased online through various boutique brands. Others can probably be found in a store near you. Many hemp advocates are fighting to offer customers high quality, eco-friendly hemp products that are superior to its conventional counterparts.
I've read a number of articles over the years that indicate that the hemp plant was demonized in order to prevent it from competing with other major industries such as conventional forestry.


cotton owners are slaver traders & racists

hemp was made illegal in the usa by racist institutions to criminalize opposition to slavery
allowing cotton farmers to maintain control of the market

its not very complicated

thats why the racist church groups all demonize recreational drugs

it has indoctrinated several generations

how do you tell all those grown adults they are wrong ?
how do you change the entire financial system to allow free market access for all and fair competition ?

cant without market reform
and market reform doesn't happen in the usa

next question

cotton owners are slaver traders & racists

hemp was made illegal in the usa by racist institutions to criminalize opposition to slavery
allowing cotton farmers to maintain control of the market

its not very complicated

thats why the racist church groups all demonize recreational drugs

it has indoctrinated several generations

how do you tell all those grown adults they are wrong ?
how do you change the entire financial system to allow free market access for all and fair competition ?

cant without market reform
and market reform doesn't happen in the usa

next question

Very interesting........ that certainly is logical.
Very interesting........ that certainly is logical.

and imagine the shift in power of politicians if citizens were allowed to grow their own herb patch out the back of their house to use for medicinal purposes that rivaled pill sales of pain killers in the usa.

in that age
the idea of science, technology power & money was to collect it as quickly as possible by denying it to as many people as possible

modern western business greed economics(pure capitalism) is designed this way

pure capitalism is like a new born baby
it cant exist without a socialist support network feeding it & taking care of it.

this stuff is how the usa system was built.

a lot of people in the usa still believe in(pro) slavery

thats a big gap between houses when your looking at your neighbor through the sights of your machine gun(2nd amendment rights to bare arms against the evil menace of paranoia normalising in power & leadership models)

so all the faith trust and money gets given to the church instead of the economic civil political system
and imagine the shift in power of politicians if citizens were allowed to grow their own herb patch out the back of their house to use for medicinal purposes that rivaled pill sales of pain killers in the usa.

in that age
the idea of science, technology power & money was to collect it as quickly as possible by denying it to as many people as possible

modern western business greed economics(pure capitalism) is designed this way

pure capitalism is like a new born baby
it cant exist without a socialist support network feeding it & taking care of it.

this stuff is how the usa system was built.

a lot of people in the usa still believe in(pro) slavery

thats a big gap between houses when your looking at your neighbor through the sights of your machine gun(2nd amendment rights to bare arms against the evil menace of paranoia normalising in power & leadership models)

so all the faith trust and money gets given to the church instead of the economic civil political system

Right now here in Nova Scotia, Canada virtually anybody is allowed to grow four plants so that they can produce their own CBD oil themselves.
Yes and no ... Big operations compete with other big operations. Small personal operations are sometimes frowned upon based on disagreement with smoke inhalation, which is a product if the tobacco wars present day.

Mj is a largely legal commodity with a lot of supporters, as well as a lot of resistors. Hemp is more tuned for it's industrial uses, but cbd has great potential. The issue is with tobacco and smoke inhalation vs. The ineffectiveness of cbd ingestion/absorbtion by other methods.

Smoking hemp is a better delivery method and more accurate, but again ... The war on tobacco has moved into the war on hemp and mj. Smoke inhalation is the reason for the resistance against .... Apparently.

.... Apparently.
Smoking hemp is a better delivery method and more accurate, but again ... The war on tobacco has moved into the war on hemp and mj. Smoke inhalation is the reason for the resistance against .... Apparently.
This is not correct.
Hemp is distinct from Marijuana mainly in THC content. That is why Hemp is never smoked . It has no psychoactive properties.

What’s the difference? Hemp vs Marijuana
Is marijuana the same as hemp? That’s a question our team hears regularly from guests and patients. The simple answer: no, it isn’t—however, hemp and marijuana both come from the same plant species, called Cannabis sativa
Hemp and marijuana are two varieties of the same basic plant: Cannabis sativa: they look different, grow differently, and have different uses and benefits.

Hemp, also called industrial hemp, is legal to grow in the U.S., but only a few states have operating industrial hemp growing programs that fit USDA guidelines.

Both hemp and cannabis can produce CBD products, but hemp has very low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), less than 0.3%.
Marijuana is the term generally used to refer to cannabis that contains higher levels of THC, which produces a psychoactive effect.

Hemp, aka industrial hemp, is grown and used to produce textiles, nutritional supplements like hemp oil, biofuels, and even plastics.
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Hemp may well be the most beneficial plant on earth.

It became a victim of the "Reefer hysteria" and was outlawed along with marijuana, even as it has no psychoactive properties.

Interesting fact is that George Washington grew hemp for its utility in all kinds of products other than medicinal.
It is said that Hemp has 1500 industrial uses from rope to clothing to building blocks for homes.

But its real value lies in the fact that it is a voracious CO2 scrubber.
Over time, 1 acre of Hemp will sequester the same amount of CO2 as 20 acres of trees. Moreover, it is an extremely climate and
soil tolerant plant that will grow in poor soil with a minimum of maintenance or irrigation.

And best of all, Hemp makes an excellent substitute for oil for all kinds of industrial uses.


Globally, industrial hemp was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago.
In Virginia, it has a long and storied history. Hemp fiber was so important to our young nation that colonial farmers were often mandated to grow it. The Declaration of Independence is said to have been drafted on hemp paper, and our nation’s victory in the American Revolution can in many ways be attributed to the patriots’ use of hemp in making their ships’ sails, rope, riggings and more. George Washington grew it, and Thomas Jefferson bred improved hemp varieties. Abraham Lincoln also used hemp seed oil to fuel his household lamps. During World War II, the USDA developed a “Hemp for Victory” film to encourage everyone to grow the crop to support the war effort. The fibers were used for parachutes, rope, shoes, clothes and more.
But during the midpart of the last century, strict legislation was passed that made it illegal to grow this versatile crop in the U.S., largely due to its relationship to its high-THC relative, marijuana. As a result, cultivars that once thrived across the country have been lost or remained unimproved, and no significant work has been done on production techniques and variety developments. Previous processing facilities collapsed and market availability that once drove production and supply has ceased to exist.
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Yeah but how are the carbon-sequestering properties of hemp facilitated by microtubules?
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Yeah but how are the carbon-sequestering properties of hemp facilitated by microtubules?
Good question. I don't know. I don't even know if there is any connection between microtubules and carbon at all, although I suspect that the hemp fibers contain many microtubules. MTs occur in all Eukaryotic cells. No reason why they should not be in hemp cells doing something..

But this is about Hemp.

The Role of Industrial Hemp in Carbon Farming
We submit that industrial hemp be seriously considered as a crop that can contribute significantly to the Australian Government’s aim to reduce global atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Industrial hemp has been scientifically proven to absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink.
In addition, the CO2 is permanently bonded within the fiber that is used for anything from textiles, to paper and as a building material. It is currently being used by BMW in Germany to replace plastics in car construction. It is therefore additional to what would otherwise be grown or sourced from oil. It can be constantly replanted and as such meets permanence criteria as defined by the Kyoto Protocol.
Industrial hemp is not marijuana. Industrial hemp is the name of the soft fiber from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It is distinguished from the psychoactive varieties by having low (less that 0.05) levels of the chemical THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). It has been developed to grow long fibers and in dense plantations thereby increasing the biomass. See below:-
A brief history of hemp
Hemp has been in cultivation for thousands of years, most notably for ropes for naval vessels and for paper. In the mid 1930’s there was the invention of nylon and the spread of plastics, and a general trend away from all things natural. At the same time use of marijuana as a recreational drug increased and hemp was included in the ban on cultivation of any plant of the Cannabis family. This view spread globally with political pressure from the US and since that time there has been a stigma attached to hemp cultivation.
Governments around the world have realised that this valuable crop is not a threat and have encouraged widespread planting of hemp as a means of absorbing CO2 and have issued carbon credits to farmers growing the crop.
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This is not correct.
Hemp is distinct from Marijuana mainly in THC content. That is why Hemp is never smoked . It has no psychoactive properties.

What’s the difference? Hemp vs Marijuana


I smoke it, but you are correct. It has no phychotropic properties. It doesn't get you inside the bubble, but it does help with anxiety, it also helps with other things. The best, most effective delivery is via smoke inhalation. The edibles and oils, unless broken down are mostly useless. It's about absorbtion ability. Cbd molecules are larger than THC molecules, which is why I smoke instead of use vapes or edibles. They are able to break them down though. The question is who is and who isn't using this method for the vapes and edibles.